Please do not misunderstand my opinions- If you totally disagree with everything I am about to say please take away this one point.
God should be the final authority for everything in our lives including contraception.
When I first gave my life to Christ I use to think that birth control was wrong thats because I had no understanding of it. People always say the bible says "Be fruitful and multiply" but it only says that like 2-3 times in the bible and that was when the earth was first being inhabited. So now the earth is FULLY populated, overly really, so its not a commandment to have a whole lot of children. Now they are cases where a woman was on some type of birth control and she still got pregnant. Well if thats happens, well hey Glory to God. But it is nothing wrong with a woman taking precautions. If you have a husband and a wife that only makes $32,000/year and can't afford children, I would rather them take the steps to prevent pregnancy until they are financially stable verses them bringing kids into this world they cant afford to take care of. But sometimes people have a whole lot of kids and say this will was the of God, and for some it may be. But if you have unprotected sex pregnancy will be the outcome. You should just use wisdom. Like this women on TV with these 20 kids. She almost died her last two pregnancy and just had a miscarriage. Now by no means am I trying to talk down about this woman. But her health and life is in jeproady.The bible says God maketh rich and added no sorrow to it.
So if people dont want to use birth control with their spouse, thats fine. And for the ones who do, thats fine too... no one is wrong...
How effective is the rythm method aren't married Chrisitians practising that, it's natural and healthy and just calls for a little self control ..
This is NOT an attack on you or anyone but some of your statements have made me sad . Why? I'll tell you. Your train of thought appears to line up with some of the erroneous info I hear non-believers citing. I've highlighted a few things and would like to present you with a different POV. May I?
So now the earth is FULLY populated, overly really, so its not a commandment to have a whole lot of children.
So, The God who said be fruitfull and mulitply, who also said I am God and I change not, and also said his word is eternal is now wrong and out of control of the human population in 2012
. What He didn't know 2012 was coming? He needs our help b/c our biggest and brightest humans have a certain number and certain races in mind as acceptable. We believe them even though we know they cannot be wiser than God who has not changed. Mkay
Is the earth
really overpopulated or do we have a problem with selfishness that shows up in a lot of forms? Case in point a few years ago in Myanmar when the tsunami hit as usual the crazy bible thumpin' Christians and mean ole Westerners donated money immediately to the cause. Within a very short amount of time boats and planes loaded with supplies desperately needed arrived on the shores of Myanmar. Most of them sat there and rotted/ were never used b/c the local government would not accept them. The same thing happens in countries all over the world especially on the continent of Africa. Supplies arrive>crooked or ignorant gov officials do not allow said supplies to be distributed> crooked officials only allow certain ppl access to supplies> majority of ppl die. Or you have phony charities that rob from collected donations and pocket the majority leaving little for those in need. That's a problem with morals/ integrity. Many stories of dwindling food supply sound credible on the surface until you dig deeper. When you learn of all of the red tape and interesting practices of farmers being told what to grow, how much, of food being destroyed for no reason, food being patented etc. If God is God and has somehow been managing to keep the human population in control for the past several thousand years, why does he need our help now? Wars, disease, other natural disasters, plus plain ole human stupidity will keep all of that in check. Plus, let's say all the intelligent and all the believers follow the standard boy for me, girl for you, praise the Lord now we're through rule in the interest of keeping population to a certain level, will the ignorant do the same? So, we already live in a world where the non-believers have more live births that believers. In the next generation, who is going to represent Christ? Have you seen the end results of population control? Check out what is happening in China (kidnappings, rape, etc) and Japan. It's not good. It sounded good back in the 80's when it was being implemented though. We cannot play God. His thoughts are so far above ours. We have and waste so much food here. If the food got to where it needed to go w/o all the hinderances everyone could eat and then some. Have you ever worked in a restaurant? I have. The amount of food thrown away is staggering! Plus, the very concept of restaurants is a luxury.
If you have a husband and a wife that only makes $32,000/year and can't afford children, I would rather them take the steps to prevent pregnancy until they are financially stable verses them bringing kids into this world they cant afford to take care of.
Interesting, how do you arrive at the number of financial stability? BTW, what it truly takes to meet human necessity versus what we have redefined our expectations of living to be are two entirely different things. I do not think couples should procreate like bunnies
but I do know that a lot of what we want to have is all
extra. As a result, while I would not want to live on less than a certain dollar amount a year, I could. I would have to change my thinking and be twice as smart with my money. I would have to learn not to compare my existence with that of others and the like. Others can do the same but they don't want to (selfish maybe?). I would rather a loving couple to raise kids on a less than lavish lifestyle than a couple loaded financially to have kids but be too busy to be bothered with parenting (which is often what happens). So, the kids get material goods but no substance.
Like this women on TV with these 20 kids. She almost died her last two pregnancy and just had a miscarriage. Now by no means am I trying to talk down about this woman. But her health and life is in jeproady.I'll admit, I'm not a member of the quiver full movement but I respect the Duggar's right to choose (interestingly enough it seems they meet your criteria for a family but you disapprove of the number of kids they have knowing that 1- the kids will be well taken care of in the event of either parent’s demise and 2- the kids are being taught fiscal skills that will enable them to survive w/o dependence on anyone else ). Did you know they were financially independent well before a TV camera ever started rolling? They seem to love each other. The kids seem to be well adjusted children. They appear to seek God first.
I would not want 20 kids.
I wouldn't want 1/2 that number but, they are not public assistance recipients. Their offspring will likely not inherit the lifestyle those a part of the poverty cycle will. I have not seen anything to say her life is in jeopardy either. If it is, I respect her right to choose just like someone can refuse cancer treatment or something. I will say I would much rather married, in love, Mrs. Duggar to have kids than long term public assistance (like for the past several generations w/ no end of dependency in sight) BM/ BF (yeah men too) to be out there procreating like there’s no tomorrow.