Why He Won't Marry You from Essence


Well-Known Member
I've been posting stuff about marriage lately at MJJForum because of my disappointments. Yesterday, I posted this which is from Essence Magazine. Then this black guy got mad. It's the same black guy who got mad at that white lady on the race thread.

Why He Won't Marry You, Men Speak from the Heart...
Ben Jones
By all the measures that have come to matter, Ben Jones is a prize. Standing six feet, three inches tall, with a smooth shaved head, he is dark-chocolate handsome, college-educated and well on his way to becoming a millionaire as a vice-president at Conway Del Genio & Co., LLC, a New York City boutique investment-banking firm that specializes in middle-market and acquisitions and restructuring troubled companies. At 31, he owns an apartment in the city and a house in the country, and he drives a luxury car that is as sleek as he is. He spends about three days of every week traveling for his job, leaving time for personal relationships limited. Still, when he is home, Jones often enjoys female companionship. He admits to sometimes dating more than one woman at a time if he's not in a committed relationship. These days, however, most of the women Jones dates don't want to play. They want to get married. "I'm fine with that," he says, "because I'm at the point where I'd like to settle down, too. But I haven't found what I'm looking for."

Of course, Jones is a lot less pressed to figure out what he's looking for than the women of his age group. For one thing, men's biological clocks aren't prone to winding down. For another, Jones makes enough money to hire a housekeeper. He has an assistant at work and plenty of women, if that's what he wants. And, he says, "I can cook better than most of the women I know. I can clean just as well, and I don't need someone to supplement me financially or help raise my standard of living," In other words, Ben Jones doesn't need a wife for all the old traditional reasons Black men used to need wives. "Maybe that's a bad thing," he concedes, "because there's no overwhelming need to get married other than for love. I've been in love--but never enough to get married."

The luxury of waiting to marry is the one thing women don't feel they have. Like their male colleagues, they've probably spent their twenties rising in a career, which means by the time they hit their thirties, the alarm is sound loudly on their biological clocks. If they're going to marry and have families, this is the time to do it. And typically they want to marry one of those good-catch brothers who can match, or even surpass, their own achievements-- the very guy who's in no hurry to settle down.

Jones is well aware that, as a man, when it comes to choosing a mate, his age hardly matters. "A woman's pool of marriage partners starts to shrink as she gets older," he observes. "But a man's pool only gets larger. Right now I could marry anyone--women from age 26 to a couple of years older than I am--and the pool will just grow as I get older."

Then this lady from Europe posted this to me:
"Not all men are selfish and have an 'i'm alright jack/i don't need no-one' attitude.

I admit decent men who know how to love, honor and cherish a woman are getting fewer and further between, but hey, if I can find one here in the UK - sure thing u'll get one over there Sshanique. (I know of one decent man right here on the board - but I ain't sayin who - cuz if his head gets any bigger its gonna crash right thru my comp screen)."

Then that black guy got mad and posted this:
"I am so sick of that garbage. There aren't fewer men out there who are good enough for women. There isn't something in the water making men less qualified to be get married. Could the problem lie with the fairer sex? Could it be ladies that maybe you need to stop b*tching about the smaller pool of men and concentrate on the available men out there? Are all you women perfect and the men getting dumber by the minute? Nope, the men await and when you spend less time derided them, they may actually stay away from the white girls."

Then I said that some of us black women are checking out white men, too.

Then he said this:
"Strangely enough, this particular post wasn't directed at you, but you brought something interesting to light. There seems to be a double standard when it comes to mixed dating. If a black man dates a white girl, he is ignoring his black women and dating the enemy. If a balck woman dated the white man, its because there aren't enough black man out there. I love double standards...
By the way, since some of you get anal, I am not saying anybody in particular said this. This is what I hear.
Go ahead and find yourself a perfectly good white boy..."

I don't understand why he's so mad.
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

I read that articles. It sucks because it is just giving you a couple of guys opinions.. they could be downlow gays for all we know!
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

I actually agree with the poster (though not his tone). Not about the interracial double standard (because I think the double standard actually runs in the opposite direction - it's black MEN that have the double standard on that issue - not black women) but I def. agree that when it comes to marriage black women past 25 get a little....overly serious? about the marriage thing.

Precisely why I'm trying to be ok being alone and let nature and destiny take it's course - whatever that might mean for me.

I want Ben Jones to get off his own diznick though.
Forgive the disguised French. I don't even LOOK at men like him most often. Because MANY think they are all that and a bag of chips.

Give me a bus driver who knows I'M a prize anyday.
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

I think he's mad (about the article) because its just one of those things that men and women don't see eye to eye on. Reading the article and then the response reminded me of the very first episode of Sex and the City (I just got the first 4 seasons on DVD).
See, Carrie is writing an article about all the wonderful30 something single women and how few 30 something single men there are in New York. They did this really cool thing where they interview some guys about her theory and then interview the women's responses.
The guys say that the men are still there, but the women don't want to talk to you unless you look like Mel Gibson and have a huge bank account. Then he says why don't they just marry an ugly guy or a poor or a bald guy or a fat guy?
Then they interview Miranda and she says I've been out with those guys, the fat, bald, poor ones and they are just as self centered as all the rest of them.

So, I think the poster got mad because he couldn't see where the article was coming from. The best thing to do in this situation is find the humor in it.
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

I agree with everything that Ben jones said. It's the truth. I also don't think that he was being conceited or whatever. He was just stating that he is an independent man and he won't get married until he finds a woman that he loves enough to do so. That should be the ultimate goal for everyone instead of marrying because you had a kid/s, for a place to live, because he/she has money, she/he's the best you can do, he asked, you're getting old, for a car and blah blah blah. Men can marry 20 somethings when they are in their 80's and 90's ..how many 70, 80, 90 year old women have you seen with 20 somethings? A mans options expand while a woman's diminishes with age<sans the few exceptions>. Women always complain that they want a nice good guy but when one comes along "he's too nice " blah blah blah. < I, too have been guilty of this> I think we need to make up our minds want we want and stop passing up potentially "good" guys because of trivial things "he doesn't dress right" he has payless shoes, etc..
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense


You're a trip --LOL


I agree. Mr. Ben would probably turn me off. The man that wants me needs to feel like I'm the catch, not that he's the catch. Otherwise, he can just catch himself
(Did I say that?)
And as far as him talking about all the things he can do himself (cook, housekeeper, etc.) and thus doesn't need a wife. There's one thing he can't duplicate
--but if the women he associates with keep opening their legs, then of course he'll feel like he doesn't need a wife. He's getting all the benefit with none of the committment.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

I actually agree with the poster (though not his tone). Not about the interracial double standard (because I think the double standard actually runs in the opposite direction - it's black MEN that have the double standard on that issue - not black women) but I def. agree that when it comes to marriage black women past 25 get a little....overly serious? about the marriage thing.

Precisely why I'm trying to be ok being alone and let nature and destiny take it's course - whatever that might mean for me.

I want Ben Jones to get off his own diznick though.
Forgive the disguised French. I don't even LOOK at men like him most often. Because MANY think they are all that and a bag of chips.

Give me a bus driver who knows I'M a prize anyday.

[/ QUOTE ]

I totally agree with what you had to say.
You are so sweet and smart, I can't believe your soulmate is not out there! There are many vivacious, intelligent, charismatic women who are still single but who want a meaningful relationship with a good man and I am mystified as to why the good single men out there aren't stepping up to the plate. I think that, just as importantly, you, Tracy, are *very* respectful to other women and not catty at all. Guys who've talked to me about being single find women who fawn over men but are really catty to other women are a big turn off. Who knew they were watching? But I have to agree with them, I wonder about some of the cattiness I've observed IRL and online and how, if people can be so petty with strangers, what it must be like to have to interact with them on a more frequent basis.
It makes me very grateful for the positive men and women in my life. I do believe attitude and the quality of one's relationships (romantic or platonic) are directly connected.

For all the ladies on the board, here is a poem I found encouraging during my single days:

Inspiration for Women

Just because no one has been fortunate enough to realize what a gold mine you are,
doesn't mean you should shine any less.

Just because no one has been smart enough to figure out that you can't be topped,
doesn't stop you from being the best.

Just because no one has come along to share your life,
doesn't mean that day isn't coming.

Just because no one has made this race worthwhile,
doesn't give you permission to stop running.

Just because no one has realized how much of a woman you are,
doesn't mean they can affect your femininity.

Just because no one has come to take the loneliness away,
doesn't mean you have to settle for a lower quality.

Just because no one has shown up who can love you on your level,
doesn't mean you have to sink to theirs.

Just because you deserve the very best there is,
doesn't mean that life is always fair.

Just because God is still preparing your king,
doesn't mean that you're not already a queen.

Just because your situation doesn't seem to be progressing right now,
doesn't mean you need to change a thing.

Keep shining,
Keep running,
Keep hoping,
Keep praying,
Keep being exactly what you are already: complete.

-author unknown
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense


Gurl - you're gonna STOP makin' me cry....

That was a beautiful poem. Gives me hope - most definitely. You create faith where there is none. How lucky am I to have such a diligent and omnipresent cheerleader. At every insecure turn I take - there you are. (I read your post to me on the Beyonce thread and the brastrap thread)

I don't know why God saw fit to have you be such a wonderful support network to me for so long, but I only hope that I can return the favor and one day, and meet such a wonderful, inspirational, and unfailing friend in person.

I must see your face one day - hail, sleet, snow, sub-zero temperatures and all that.

Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

Otherwise, he can just catch himself (Did I say that?)

[/ QUOTE ]

You said it girl. And PREACH ON!

I think Mr. Ben forgets too, about a little thing called DYING ALONE. I don't care how well he can cook or clean his house, one day, when he's dealing with a weak bladder and has no teeth, I'd like to see if his housekeeper is going to blend and feed to him all the foix gras he making for himself and change those dirty diapers!

I don't object to him marrying for love. But I know these men. I go to school with them. I've working for them. They're pricks.
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense


You're a trip --LOL


I agree. Mr. Ben would probably turn me off. The man that wants me needs to feel like I'm the catch, not that he's the catch. Otherwise, he can just catch himself
(Did I say that?)
And as far as him talking about all the things he can do himself (cook, housekeeper, etc.) and thus doesn't need a wife. There's one thing he can't duplicate
--but if the women he associates with keep opening their legs, then of course he'll feel like he doesn't need a wife. He's getting all the benefit with none of the committment.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it

[/ QUOTE ]

I skimmed over that article in Essence recently and quickly ( mid paragraph )became bored with the diatribe of yet another " tall , dark educated and can have My chioce of women musings.." of yet another article about What men Want ~~ etc....etc...

Sounds like some men are searching more for a maid with benefits ~~Any-who I'm moody this day and will not launch into my real thoughts on this issue. But will share this article by Judy Syfers on wifedom ~
Return to Classical Feminist Writings Archive Page

Why I Want a Wife by Judy Syfers (1971)

(Editors Note: This classic piece of feminist humor appeared in the premier issue of Ms. Magazine and was widely circulated in the women's movement.)

I belong to that classification of people known as wives. I am A Wife.
And, not altogether incidentally, I am a mother. Not too long ago a male friend of mine appeared on the scene fresh from a recent divorce. He had one child, who is, of course, with his ex-wife. He is looking for another wife. As I thought about him while I was ironing one evening, it suddenly occurred to me that I too, would like to have a wife. Why do I want a wife?
I would like to go back to school so that I can become economically independent, support myself, and if need be, support those dependent upon me. I want a wife who will work and send me to school. And while I am going to school I want a wife to take care of my children. I want a wife a wife to keep track of the children's doctor and dentist appointments. And to keep track of mine, too. I want a wife to make sure my children eat properly and are kept clean. I want a wife who will wash the children's clothes and keep them mended. I want a wife who is a good nurturing attendant to my children, who arranges for their schooling, makes sure that they have an adequate social life with their peers, takes them to the park, the zoo, etc. I want a wife who takes care of the children when they are sick, a wife who arranges to be around when the children need special care, because, of course, I cannot miss classes at school. My wife must arrange to lose time at work and not lose the job. It may mean a small cut in my wife's income from time to time, but I guess I can tolerate that. Needless to say, my wife will arrange and pay for the care of the children while my wife is working.
I want a wife who will take care of my physical needs. I want a wife who will keep my house clean. A wife who will pick up after my children, a wife who will pick up after me. I want a wife who will keep my clothes clean, ironed, mended, replaced when need be, and who will see to it that my personal things are kept in their proper place so that I can find what I need the minute I need it. I want a wife who cooks the meals, a wife who is a good cook. I want a wife who will plan the menus, do the necessary grocery shopping, prepare the meals,serve them pleasantly, and then do the cleaning up while I do my studying. I want a wife who will care for me when I am sick and sympathize with my pain and loss of time from school. I want a wife to go along when our family takes a vacation so that someone can continue care for me and my when I need a rest and change of scene. I want a wife who will not bother me with rambling complaints about a wife's duties. But I want a wife who will listen to me when I feel the need to explain a rather difficult point I have come across in my course of studies. And I want a wife who will type my papers for me when I have written them.
I want a wife who will take care of the details of my social life. When my wife and I are invited out by my friends, I want a wife who take care of the baby-sitting arrangements. When I meet people at school that I like and want to entertain, I want a wife who will have the house clean, will prepare a special meal, serve it to me and my friends, and not interrupt when I talk about things that interest me and my friends. I want a wife who will have arranged that the children are fed and ready for bed before my guests arrive so that the children do not bother us. I want a wife who takes care of the needs of my quests so that they feel comfortable, who makes sure that they have an ashtray, that they are passed the hors d'oeuvres, that they are offered a second helping of the food, that their wine glasses are replenished when necessary, that their coffee is served to them as they like it. And I want a wife who knows that sometimes I need a night out by myself.
I want a wife who is sensitive to my sexual needs, a wife who makes love passionately and eagerly when I feel like it, a wife who makes sure that I am satisfied. And, of course, I want a wife who will not demand sexual attention when I am not in the mood for it. I want a wife who assumes the complete responsibility for birth control, because I do not want more children. I want a wife who will remain sexually faithful to me so that I do not have to clutter up my intellectual life with jealousies. And I want a wife who understands that my sexual needs may entail more than strict adherence to monogamy. I must, after all, be able to relate to people as fully as possible.
If, by chance, I find another person more suitable as a wife than the wife I already have, I want the liberty to replace my present wife with another one. Naturally, I will expect a fresh, new life; my wife will take the children and be solely responsible for them so that I am left free.
When I am through with school and have a job, I want my wife to quit working and remain at home so that my wife can more fully and completely take care of a wife's duties.
My God, who wouldn't want a wife?
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense


Stellar post.
I wish somebody would mail this to Ben. Or at least Essence.
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense


I am glad you liked the poem.
I hope others will be able to draw inspiration from it as well - I know I did!

OT - Yes, I agree we should definitely meet in person some day. I'm trying to come up with a convincing reason (for my hubby
) to go visit New York! Besides having the opportunity to meet some of the lovely LHCF ladies, there is...shopping! for hair products!
(I think my inner PJ would OD!


I liked that article (from Ms. magazine?) about the wives too - very amusing.
The author forgot one point though: when you get a wife, make sure she's pretty - she'll get fewer speeding tickets.
(swiped from a Doonsbury strip from the 70s)
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense


I really liked that article. There are tons of men out ther who need to read it. I wish guys would learn how to look at things from a woman's point of view.
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

I read the article and I found it very interesting. I generally think, that women should not rush these men, they are not worth their salt. They are selfish and they won't make good husband material at all. There are plenty of decent, hardworking men would are absolutely wonderful. I honesty believe we have to be more open, plus we must be secure in our request for a man, plus we have to try to improve our own self esteem. These men should be left severly alone, nothing lasts for ever and they will be loosers. I hope and pray more black women can be more open to love and they will find wonderful men and they have to have great faith and believe it will happen.
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

I actually agree with the poster (though not his tone). Not about the interracial double standard (because I think the double standard actually runs in the opposite direction - it's black MEN that have the double standard on that issue - not black women) but I def. agree that when it comes to marriage black women past 25 get a little....overly serious? about the marriage thing.

Precisely why I'm trying to be ok being alone and let nature and destiny take it's course - whatever that might mean for me.

I want Ben Jones to get off his own diznick though.
Forgive the disguised French. I don't even LOOK at men like him most often. Because MANY think they are all that and a bag of chips.

Give me a bus driver who knows I'M a prize anyday.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yea, men like Ben usually think they are too good for ANYBODY!
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

I agree with everything that Ben jones said. It's the truth. I also don't think that he was being conceited or whatever. He was just stating that he is an independent man and he won't get married until he finds a woman that he loves enough to do so. That should be the ultimate goal for everyone instead of marrying because you had a kid/s, for a place to live, because he/she has money, she/he's the best you can do, he asked, you're getting old, for a car and blah blah blah. Men can marry 20 somethings when they are in their 80's and 90's ..how many 70, 80, 90 year old women have you seen with 20 somethings? A mans options expand while a woman's diminishes with age<sans the few exceptions>. Women always complain that they want a nice good guy but when one comes along "he's too nice " blah blah blah. < I, too have been guilty of this> I think we need to make up our minds want we want and stop passing up potentially "good" guys because of trivial things "he doesn't dress right" he has payless shoes, etc..

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think there's anything wrong with searching for someone with compatibility either.

If I don't wear Payless shoes, in all probability, I'm not going to be interested in a guy that does.

If I'm driving a Benz, I'm probably not interested in a guy in a Yugo. Get it?

As far as Ben goes, Ben needs a woman that is his equal. He won't have to worry about her being a gold digger because she has her own, and she won't have to worry about him using her to clean his house, cook his food, because he can afford a chef and a maid.

It's all about compatibility and as much as people love to talk about being in love, that's fine and dandy, but love has never taken care of living expenses.
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense


You're a trip --LOL


I agree. Mr. Ben would probably turn me off. The man that wants me needs to feel like I'm the catch, not that he's the catch. Otherwise, he can just catch himself
(Did I say that?)
And as far as him talking about all the things he can do himself (cook, housekeeper, etc.) and thus doesn't need a wife. There's one thing he can't duplicate
--but if the women he associates with keep opening their legs, then of course he'll feel like he doesn't need a wife. He's getting all the benefit with none of the committment.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it

[/ QUOTE ]

Exactly. He can hire a woman to clean and cook and even screw, but the way women's legs fly open like a White Flower Day Sale at Macy's, he won't ever have to worry about paying no b**ch for sex.

It's far too easy to get women to cook, clean and screw and you don't have to do anything but ASK!
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

Otherwise, he can just catch himself (Did I say that?)

[/ QUOTE ]

You said it girl. And PREACH ON!

I think Mr. Ben forgets too, about a little thing called DYING ALONE. I don't care how well he can cook or clean his house, one day, when he's dealing with a weak bladder and has no teeth, I'd like to see if his housekeeper is going to blend and feed to him all the foix gras he making for himself and change those dirty diapers!

I don't object to him marrying for love. But I know these men. I go to school with them. I've working for them. They're pricks.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow! You got that right! I guess all the money he has can go to a personal attendant to clean up after him.
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense


Stellar post.
I wish somebody would mail this to Ben. Or at least Essence.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ben just needs to meet someone who doesn't care about his flashy car, his 6 figure income and his shiny bald head.

Women need to stop acting as if these freaks are gods. Most of them don't even have a personality, they are so self-absorbed and thinks the world and everything in it revolves around them!
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

I still can't see why everyone is coming down on Mr Ben...he said he doesn't need a wife but he never said he didn't want one. He said that there is no need for him to marry other than for love. Now if a woman had said the same things. She doesn't need a husband because she is on the verge of making millions. She can change her own tires and hire someone to come in and make house repairs or she can fix them herself. She can hire a bodyguard to make her feel safe when she is threatened, she doesn't have any kids , and doesn't feel the urgency of her biological clock ticking away. She could have any man she wants and she dates often etc so there is no reason for her to marry other than the fact that she loves a man enough to do so. We would all be applauding her independence and the fact that she doesn't need a husband to take care of her....I think that it's a double standard. there is a difference between needing and wanting a mate. I'm sure that many of us don't need husbands or wives but we probably would like to have one someday. That's the point that I got from Ben.
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense


You're a trip --LOL


I agree. Mr. Ben would probably turn me off. The man that wants me needs to feel like I'm the catch, not that he's the catch. Otherwise, he can just catch himself
(Did I say that?)
And as far as him talking about all the things he can do himself (cook, housekeeper, etc.) and thus doesn't need a wife. There's one thing he can't duplicate
--but if the women he associates with keep opening their legs, then of course he'll feel like he doesn't need a wife. He's getting all the benefit with none of the committment.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it

[/ QUOTE ]

Exactly. He can hire a woman to clean and cook and even screw, but the way women's legs fly open like a White Flower Day Sale at Macy's, he won't ever have to worry about paying no b**ch for sex.

It's far too easy to get women to cook, clean and screw and you don't have to do anything but ASK!

[/ QUOTE ]
What does this mean? Excuse me for being naive.
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

I still can't see why everyone is coming down on Mr Ben...he said he doesn't need a wife but he never said he didn't want one. He said that there is no need for him to marry other than for love. Now if a woman had said the same things. She doesn't need a husband because she is on the verge of making millions. She can change her own tires and hire someone to come in and make house repairs or she can fix them herself. She can hire a bodyguard to make her feel safe when she is threatened, she doesn't have any kids , and doesn't feel the urgency of her biological clock ticking away. She could have any man she wants and she dates often etc so there is no reason for her to marry other than the fact that she loves a man enough to do so. We would all be applauding her independence and the fact that she doesn't need a husband to take care of her....I think that it's a double standard. there is a difference between needing and wanting a mate. I'm sure that many of us don't need husbands or wives but we probably would like to have one someday. That's the point that I got from Ben.

[/ QUOTE ]

I guess because men like Ben have no probably screwing women and I'm of the opinion if a woman is good enough to screw, she's good enough to marry.

And usually, most women would like to marry a man they are screwing on a regular basis at some point, but I'm sure with men like Ben, the minute the woman wants to move the relationship from the bedroom to the church, he ducks out when her back is turned.

Onto the next one!
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

What about the women who have no problems screwing Ben and aren't interested in marrying him. Women are just as ruthless as men. screwing any and everybody. I had a friend like that...She had what I would consider to be a good man and she really dogged him out. < lol hope she isn't reading this board lol> She slept around and could care less if he knew. He really liked her too but she was just using him and believe it or not she was the one who let him go and not the other way around. I know a few females like that and yes men who behave that way may out number the women or it could be that we just may not hear about it as often as we do men. Some women have no qualms about sleeping with men to get material things and some may not even be looking for marriage in return and some men have no qualms about sleeping with women just to get off. To me it's the same thing tit for tat... not justifiable for either sex.
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense


You made some excellent points

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks Supergirl
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

What about the women who have no problems screwing Ben and aren't interested in marrying him. Women are just as ruthless as men. screwing any and everybody. I had a friend like that...She had what I would consider to be a good man and she really dogged him out. < lol hope she isn't reading this board lol> She slept around and could care less if he knew. He really liked her too but she was just using him and believe it or not she was the one who let him go and not the other way around. I know a few females like that and yes men who behave that way may out number the women or it could be that we just may not hear about it as often as we do men. Some women have no qualms about sleeping with men to get material things and some may not even be looking for marriage in return and some men have no qualms about sleeping with women just to get off. To me it's the same thing tit for tat... not justifiable for either sex.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yep! Can't disagree...
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

Vev, well put. I read that article over the weekend and the few men that were quoted made me sick. The article, IMO, wasn't balanced. What about the guys out there who do know the value of a good woman and want to know where those women are. Thank GOD not all SBM are like JOnes!

Tracy, girl you've got me smiling. You're very smart and strong. I don't know what's wrong w/ the brothers who bump into you. But keep plowing through.. you're being a source of inspiration for me. One month into a breakup and I'm still going strong. Bless you...
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

Hmmm.. I don't see Ben's point as valid. If I recall (I don't have the article in front of me) He said he was "in love" before but NOT ENOUGH TO MARRY. I frowned when I read that. It sounds like a Freudian slip to me... how much in love does one have to be to marry? He's just not ready; he enjoys the single life and doesn't want to be tied down..If he were actively seeking a wife, he'd find one. And you have to wonder about the kind/quality of women these playas are dating/seeing. Playas tend to see the WRONG women for a reason...

Any man who has accomplished his goals and really want to marry, will make it a point to attract/see the right kind of women. So, the article, is false: those brothers aren't having a hard time finding a suitable mate. They're still playing the field, that's the problem...
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

Hmmm.. I don't see Ben's point as valid. If I recall (I don't have the article in front of me) He said he was "in love" before but NOT ENOUGH TO MARRY. I frowned when I read that. It sounds like a Freudian slip to me... how much in love does one have to be to marry? He's just not ready; he enjoys the single life and doesn't want to be tied down..If he were actively seeking a wife, he'd find one. And you have to wonder about the kind/quality of women these playas are dating/seeing. Playas tend to see the WRONG women for a reason...

Any man who has accomplished his goals and really want to marry, will make it a point to attract/see the right kind of women. So, the article, is false: those brothers aren't having a hard time finding a suitable mate. They're still playing the field, that's the problem...

[/ QUOTE ]

That's why I believe attitude and the quality of relationships are directly linked.