Well-Known Member
Damn, if I would have known that you all would tear down my friend for his opinion I wouldnt have asked him to respond. You ladies are hard on men. calm down. I know my friend and he is a really good guy, he's not just saying that and if you read deeper you can tell from the tone of his post that he isnt a hard shell type of guy, meaning that he is good at expressing himself. I can understand the pressures of men wanting to be in a certain place before they marry, there is alot of pressure on them to be a provider and alot of them take that very seriously.....some dont.
Maybe I feel this way because I'm not pressed to marry.
He can only speak for HIMSELF not the whole male species, and how the hell can you get mad when somebody speaks on THEIR personal experience and thoughts. SMH. selfish? Now he chasing flashy chicks? Chile boo. When a man shares a part of himself, he gets dissected and what he says gets thrown away and then he is TOLD what he really meant and WHY it happened that way. smh, thats a nasty trait alot of women possess and need to put in check.
I know lots of professional women who chase paper, please, it may not be in the form of a drug dealer (although I've known some of those as well) but its a paper chase none the less and I cant tell you how many times my friends have passed up good guys for the guys who have the edge and then got crapped on by said guys. So I guess it works both ways. Stop thinking that your limited experience is the only experience there is out there, so what if you and your friends never met a drug dealer, good for you, but dont discredit someone elses story or experiences. I'm a little lightweight offended and was hoping that this wouldnt turn into a male bash session but thats just to much to ask on a forum full of women. I'm sure I wont do that again.
Maybe I didn't read between the lines of the other posts but they didn't sound like they were directed towards your friend. More like his line of reasoning, theory, etc. Not attacking him personally.