why does everybody hate LHCF??

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Well-Known Member
I was on another hair site that i lurk on time to time. they were featuring a magazine that listed the top five hair care sites and LHCF wasnt on there at all! i looked three times!! i couldnt believe it! but of course the site i saw it on was on there even though they dont have nearly as many members as LHCF or different topics! then earlier i did a search and saw blogs talking about this sight saying stuff like, "LHCF girls are catty and mean" another one said, "we are dilusional to think we can get more than one inch in a month with are "growth aids", and the way we measure hair is wishful thinking" another person said "its a popularity contest and if ur not well known you wont get your questions answered."

at first i was offended, but even in highschool i loved being the most hated :rolleyes:
what are your thoughts on this??
Well the forum does have its cliques, and sometimes the popularity comment seems true. But that's why there are various boards. This might no be the forum for you.
I read this in a magazine too, I was thinking heyyyy LHCF is the best!? People will always complain, some people like BHM better but I could never get into that site lol.
Black Beauty Magazine? The sites that were "deemed" as "top" five hair sites were:


All those are lil bitty hair sites that kinda of can't be compared to LHCF is you ask me. And their sites have members/founders on this site, so LHCF is still included. And "top" is always an objective word. I could make my own list and say that the top members on LHCF are ThePerfectScore, Qualitee, GlibGurl, GoddessMaker, and duh Myself but who is to say that that is an accurate description of the best? It's just an opinion and everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

No biggie. It's thousands af subscribers that still love LHCF.
Eh, some of those folks may have had a bad experience on LHCF forum and walked away before they could have a better one. I won't disagree about the catty or mean part but I don't think that's every user or even anything close to the majority. The majority of folks on here are very helpful and kind, I don't think it has much to do with popularity (or I hope not, lol) but I do know I've asked like 3 or 4 questions that just never went answered despite multiple bumpings - but that likely has more to do with folks just not knowing the answer which isn't a big deal. I have had more than that amount answered in one way shape or form and the ladies really stepped up to make me understand the protein/moisture balance.

I just don't think it's a big deal. I don't take any special pride in other forums or sites 'hating', just water off a duck's back. I'm not concerned with their sites so no worries they're not concerned with mine. Whether they hate, like, or love it LHCF is doing exactly what it was meant for and women are benefiting from the information and helpfulness that exudes from the site everyday.

So basically...who cares, lol. Sums it up I think.
I think people who are that personally invested in hair boards that they go and blast them publically need to really get a life.
When I told my cousin (who is a part of another forum focusing on natural hair) that I was a part of LHCF, she rolled her eyes and said, "oh lawd. Girl, you need to get off there and join *blank.*"
So I guess there is some sort of resentment but I don't really understand why. I have had a great experience here. There have been a few responses I have read that seemed uncalled for/attitude-y and I have seen how some threads can get out of hand, but I feel like any place chock full of women can get catty. I definitely think there are popular members and some threads have not gotten as much attention as I feel they should, but it is what it is. I don't think it's worth people getting all upset about it. Love it or leave it.
Black Beauty Magazine? The sites that were "deemed" as "top" five hair sites were:


All those are lil bitty hair sites that kinda of can't be compared to LHCF is you ask me. And their sites have members/founders on this site, so LHCF is still included. And "top" is always an objective word. I could make my own list and say that the top members on LHCF are ThePerfectScore, Qualitee, GlibGurl, GoddessMaker, and duh Myself but who is to say that that is an accurate description of the best? It's just an opinion and everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

No biggie. It's thousands af subscribers that still love LHCF.

Definitely not comparable. I'm a member of both hairlista and curly nikki but neither of those sites have as much activity or good information. Unless you include the owners blogs then yeah I guess but if the blogs are what count then KISS needs to be on that list as well! But anywho! LHCF rocks and its where I spend most of my time! I can't even get with BHM I hate their layout.

ETA: Just visited the new BHM layout and it isnt bad at all...LHCF is still my 1st love. Without it, I would've never found KISS, (which lead me to hairlista) and started my HHJ!
:rolleyes:what are your thoughts on this??

Lawd, Lawd, LHCF is the business and that's that. Now, let me go Bigen my haiya to def (sans the front and center part I keep out sos my silver hair can show), fry me a pork chop :lick:, watch hulu, prepare for my 2-day assembly this weekend ("You Are No Part of the World") and come back and tell yaw'll 'bout it. :yep:
When I told my cousin (who is a part of another forum focusing on natural hair) that I was a part of LHCF, she rolled her eyes and said, "oh lawd. Girl, you need to get off there and join *blank.*"
So I guess there is some sort of resentment but I don't really understand why. I have had a great experience here. There have been a few responses I have read that seemed uncalled for/attitude-y and I have seen how some threads can get out of hand, but I feel like any place chock full of women can get catty. I definitely think there are popular members and some threads have not gotten as much attention as I feel they should, but it is what it is. I don't think it's worth people getting all upset about it. Love it or leave it.

Co-sign! I've never been a board that had complete harmony. something always came up. except for curlynikki-her blog is sooo positive but, it's a blog not a forum. there's one on the list that shocked me though. i will not say the name lol but i was on there once and women were getting massacred just because they wanted to flat-iron their hair for a week. or if they decided to go back to relaxers and then regretted their decision, people would bash them instead of offering support. needless to say, i never went back. i found this forum and stuck with it:) i'm sure that there is a popularity contest only because people are more likely to answer someone's question if they've seen that person on here before and i'm sure that people sometimes get tired of answering the same questions over and over
Co-sign! I've never been a board that had complete harmony. something always came up. except for curlynikki-her blog is sooo positive but, it's a blog not a forum. there's one on the list that shocked me though. i will not say the name lol but i was on there once and women were getting massacred just because they wanted to flat-iron their hair for a week. or if they decided to go back to relaxers and then regretted their decision, people would bash them instead of offering support. needless to say, i never went back. i found this forum and stuck with it:) i'm sure that there is a popularity contest only because people are more likely to answer someone's question if they've seen that person on here before and i'm sure that people sometimes get tired of answering the same questions over and over

Exactly. And I know first hand all about the drama and psychos making up characters on one of those sites! I'd take catty over crazies any day lol
A lot of the stuff they say about LHCF isn't untrue and most of the drama I think happens OUTSIDE of the hair topics. I mean... there are some really ignorant ppl on here just like any other board. I just think the fact that there are so many people on here makes it look worse than it really is.

I don't mind net drama tho and I don't mind arguing. I hate it when I get banned tho.
What were their reasons? Maybe it's because this site isn't totally free and those sites are? Idk.
Although the things I heard about this site when I first went natural made me avoid it like the plague :look:, it's like my second home now :grin:. I would have kept curlynikki and NP on the list for sure but lhcf would have made the list without a doubt. There's just such a range of information here! You notice that 3 of the sites cater strictly to naturals or transitioners? I think the fact that LHCF doesn't may have gotten it bumped :perplexed. But, then again, I don't feel that it caters to relaxed ladies either, so now that I think about it, I'm even more confused to why it didn't make the list :spinning:.
They just really need to go get a hobby. I personally love lhcf :D the good, bad, and the ugly. The only time I was mad @ lhc is when I couldn't log on because the site was down lmao.
I kind of understand why forums wouldn't be on there. You have thousands of users who give their hair "tips" when about half or more than half are totally wrong or give improper hair tips. (I'm speaking of all forums in general) . Not to say that a blogger or Youtuber gives correct info either...but one person giving advice versus 10,000 people and 5,000 giving bad advice...its the lesser of the two evils. ( I never listen to everything any "hair site" says- I research first)

LHCF is super popular but several people have a problem with the site. I had an issue with the name for the longest and I do have issues with the several "grow your hair one foot in a month" threads, but I just don't read or respond to them... Everyone is going to like and dislike something about sites/forums.

As far as cliques and popularity-- I had no idea there was an online popularity?! if it doesn't carry over into real life then I dont see why people think that is an issue. lol But if they think LHCF has drama...go over to BHM! They are brutal over there but I get sucked in everytime reading everything. I still love BHM too.
But back to the subject, I don't think LHCF was included because its a forum. LHCF clearly has more hair "information" then the sites listed....not even sure how 2 or 3 of them got on there but ummm...
So who came up with that list again? Clearly whoever wrote the article is homies or cousins of some of those listed.... :-) Not even trying to be mean. Just stating facts. I would've expected like AOL Black Voices or Essence Hair blog or something more official.
Well I feel like this about LHCF...
There's plenty of people Who don't like me But there's ten times more
Who love me and I love myself Sometimes, it gets tough, It gets tough But I can't give up, Can't give up Just take a deep breath, Close my eyes Feel the love and Give a smile
...and yes I did quote Destiny's Child.... :lachen:
Your subject line is a bit of an exaggeration - a very long stretch. Not EVERYBODY hates LHCF.

yeah i know...................................... lets not prove them right on this particular thread AT LEAST everybody. lets keep this thread to the topic at hand i dont want it locked. lets keep the unnecessary comments to a minimum, thanks!!
There are some who used to be among us, but either they walked away or have their right to be on here revoked.:nono: I will tell you that even though LHCF has had some drama, it is the best site I've ever been a part of. It does not restrict what you do to your hair, nor does the info found here found so quick. I've asked questions on various hair sites, none answer more quickly than here. :yep: I laugh because even though they have disdain for this site, they always have some knowledge of what is learned here. They pay attention to the products and methods used here even though they say that they don't mess with us or we're this or that.:rolleyes:
Everything is not for everyone.

This site has 100 000+ members who obviously liked the site well enough to join... *shrug*
I think it's straight up bull*$^&. At least the part about not getting questions answered if you aren't well known. I've only been here a tad over a year and didn't even think to do an official intro at the time, I asked so many questions and received so much advice from ladies. Even 1 who sent me a product to sample free of charge and I've done the same for others. Now granted some of us can get pmssy or occassionally down right mean BUT this is LIFE mean people are EVERYWHERE especially if they can "hide" behind a screen. If 1000+ women get together somewhere sparks will fly but I honestly feel we have more bonds linking than bridges breaking. As for the other things like measuring and what not I chuck it up to... This board and the ladies of it HAVE to be doing something right for people to "hate" us. Wouldn't you agree?
Quite honestly?
Because some of our members are messy and/or possibly cray-cray. *kanyeshrug*
And their behavior often overshadows many of the nicer and more normal people, until everyone on LHCF is characterized by a select group of people's actions.
It sucks, but it is what it is.
Now I read some pretty bizarre comments on this board before... but really? Comparing LHCF to Jesus?

I mean... people hated Hitler too...

I don't think Whip was comparing LHCF with Jesus. Y'all need to lighten up a bit. I deciphered her post to mean that being hated doesn't necessarily mean something is wrong with you. In other words, haters are gonna hate even when there's no good reason to hate.

I am pretty sure Whip understands the Almighty status of Jesus and would not confuse Him with LHCF. :lol:

ETA As far as the topic goes, er why does sh** happen? It just does. And life goes on.

Some things are not worth wasting time and energy on. It's not as if you can ever know the answer or do anything about it. It could be as simple as, "because they can". Now what?
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