LHCF Friends Amongst Us...

sareca said:
I think it will be even easier than that cause there's already a logo. The easiest thing would be if the same place that carries the other LHCF gear would do a key chain.

Since when did we have an LHCF store!!!

But yea, I do this all the time! If I see a Black girl with nice looking hair I always wonder. There was this lady on the train with a long ponytail, her hair was beautiful, and relaxed but so not a weave :lol: and I couldnt help but think she was on the LHCF tip.....

BTW, i think the keychain or bracelet is a great idea!
Lovelylocs said:
I think a bracelet would be nice too, but I dont want it to say LHCF or hair or anything like that one it. :sekret: That's right! I DONT WANT THE WHOLE WORLD TO KNOW THAT I AM OBSESSED W/HAIR GROWTH! :lachen: They can know that I am obsessed w/hair, but not hair growth. :look: If it says anything like that I wont wear it. :lol: I dont wanna look like a hair dweeb. :nono: I think we should make it seem more like a secret society of women who just happen to have long, healthy hair. :)

I totally agree. Preserve the mystique.
I am lovin this idea!! I frequently wonder if the girl sitting next to me under the dryer is a member! Looking forward to any additional keychain information.
Small plastic bracelet or key ring sounds good
how about just a profile w/ long hairlike a cameo type thing, that would be a good symbol.

I was in the BSS and there was a lady in front of me...Her hair looked like she was stretching...she had her hair in a ponytail and the ends was protected with a scarf wrapped around it....I would have asked her but she was on her cell phone and I did not want to be rude....lol...but she had her ends protected with a scarf wrapped around it and her hair looked like she was maybe 13 weeks post relaxed......
I am definitely. down with the key chain. I do agree it should be simple not gawdy or obvious but something only WE know so we can recognize each other. It would be fantastic. Imagine exchanging tips and advice in person oh so lovely.
Wow... I'm always thinking that someone might be a member of LHCF if they are bunning, because I'm the only person I know who buns. I know a lot of ppl who wear twistouts or braidouts, so those don't get my attention as much as buns do.

I'd love to have a keychain or something. A bracelet would be easier to see though... I always have my keys in my purse. I would love to see another member or for another member to see me... :grin:
Thanks for the enthusiam :).

If anyone has any ideas of where I can get the Keychain products from, then I would be willing to work on this.. and please send me a PM and you can post in the thread too, I just don't always see all the responses to the threads unless someone alerts me.. Cafepress does not have the keychains.
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asubeauty said:
Wow... I'm always thinking that someone might be a member of LHCF if they are bunning, because I'm the only person I know who buns. I know a lot of ppl who wear twistouts or braidouts, so those don't get my attention as much as buns do.

I'd love to have a keychain or something. A bracelet would be easier to see though... I always have my keys in my purse. I would love to see another member or for another member to see me... :grin:

Ditto,my keys are always in my purse too!
I think a bracelet or a pin would be a nice idea.We could wear a pin in the wintertime on our coats because once it's cold you won't see my arms:).
I saw a lady purchasing the Jamaican Black Castor oil and I had to ask if she was a LHCF member and she smiled and said yes.
I almost didn't ask,we exchanged hair tips and other ladies in the store wanted to know what was the big deal with the castor oil and ran to the shelf for a bottle.
I think the braclet or key chain is a good idea.
This thread is so funny because I was in a hair store today and this lady came in asking about getting bun pieces, Keracare products (which they didnt sale), and Miss Keys conditioner........She had them all written down on a piece of paper. :lol:

I followed her a little bit just to see what else she was getting, but I was afraid to ask her because I didnt want her to think I was all in her business or a darn stalker. :lachen:

:weird: I want a bracelet too:weird:
Mizani_Mrs said:
thats a great idea, i would love to have a purple lchf bracelet or key ring. I was in church one morning and a young lady with really curly long hair sat next to me and she smelled like MTG. it is so funny cause i never knew what MTG smelled like, but when i smelled her I instantly knew 'ahhhh that is what they mean by bacon grease'.... :lol: I started to ask but was too shy...

Your Aha moment!:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
I tell a male friend of mine all about my haircare regimen. So, he knows the basics. When I called him up to tell him I reached APL he knew exactly I was talking about. Apparently, he told another female friend of his that I had reached APL. I'm not exactly sure what all was said, but he called me back later and said "Thanks for making me sounds like a metrosexual." She knew what APL was too! I've been wondering if she's here ever since.:look:
I would love a pin or bracelet,whatever also. I saw this girl at the hospital a few months ago with beautiful waist length or longer hair. I wanted to ask hers soooo bad was she a member but felt kinda akward. I had a bun and I suspect she was watchin me also.lol I'm down with this. I think maybe a good idea would be for the FOTM to get pins automatically (sp) as a symbol. Thats just an opinion.:)
Yep, I think about this site everytime I see a head of hair period...if it's healthy looking I think possible member, if it looks baaad I think she needs LHCF.
sareca said:
How about something like that...
with LHCF on it.

I'm liking this idea, But instead of LHCF - we can display [certain] colors.... to keep the mystique.
frankie said:
Yep, I think about this site everytime I see a head of hair period...if it's healthy looking I think possible member, if it looks baaad I think she needs LHCF.

I am soooooo like this too.:lachen: It's crazy. Every female I see, I have the same exact thoughts.
LOL- I definitely see alot of women w/ beautiful hair (natural and relaxed) and wonder whether they are members :D.
Sometimes when I am in the BSS (my second home) I want to ask them but then I realize that it's like an unspoken rule - you can't ask....


MizaniMami said:
Have you ever saw someone and wondered if she was a member of LHCF?? Sometimes When I see black women with long (pretty) hair I think she is a LHCF member lol.

Sometimes when I see ladies in buns, I wonder if they are "bunning it." And vice versa, when I see a lady who is staring at my bun I wonder if she is thinking the same thing about me.I wish we had a LHCF bracelet or something.

But I always check to see the pony holders and if they are rubberbands I immedialty dismiss them as being on LHCF lol:lol:

So you ever see women and wonder if they are a fellow LHCF sista?? Why do you think so?
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Mods? Is it legal for us to use the letters L-H-C-F on keychains? Not the logo just the letters.
For real I think Id like the pic better. That way peopel wont be asking what does LHCF stand for? We can see the pic and KNOW without asking. Id really like the bracelet and keychain. The secret society of the LHCF sisterhood!
:lachen: I can't believe someone put up a post about this because I was thinking about the same thing the other day!

Someone on here mentioned that they live near Karen's Body Beautiful in Brooklyn. I live around their too. I may be running into that person every day :p :)
Lol- that's my second home!!!

LadyJay114 said:
:lachen: I can't believe someone put up a post about this because I was thinking about the same thing the other day!

Someone on here mentioned that they live near Karen's Body Beautiful in Brooklyn. I live around their too. I may be running into that person every day :p :)