Why do you REALLY think your still SINGLE?


Well-Known Member
(just to clear up....This is strictly for those ladies who are indeed 'single & still looking. Or ladies who have been single for a lil while & have no serious SO at the time)

I've learned there's a lot of reasons why us ladies are single...and it can go deeper & further than

:yawn:'oh i'm focusing on my career right now'...'
:perplexedwell there's not enuff eligible men out there'
and :blah::blah::blah:

Sometimes it really can be us as individuals, our attitude, too independent, to b*tchy, too picky, too naggy..etc.
And Sometimes it really can be just as simple as not being approached a lot, too shy, meet too many jerks, or u just flat out don't meet many potentials in general.

[:think:I ask this b/c the last year i've been doing some serious soul searching and trying to analyze my dating habits as well as myself in general. And I'm willing to admit that I may have Faults about my persona that turned guys away from wanting to deal w/ me in a relationship. BUT, I also think i'm extremely picky at times which lowers my probability of meeting guys.]

i'm asking for you to be really, truly honest on these questions

1)How long have u been single?
2)How did ur last relationship end? (cheating, mutual, lost of interest,....)
3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? (only dating jerks, men who just got out of a relationship, trying to get a bf out of a bootycall, already involved men, players,....etc)
4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? (too naggy, picky, insecure, too much attitude, sleeping with them too soon, being too nice that they walk over u, etc....)
5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single?
You know what Poochie. I wanted to start a thread like this.
1)How long have u been single? I have been single for 5 years
2)How did ur last relationship end? (cheating, mutual, lost of interest,....) It ended due to him cheating
3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? Well one my male friends told me I am mean to guys and I act like I'm not into them. I do have A LOT of pride when it comes to men. So I do hide my feelings a lot. I rarely call a guy even if I'm interested because I dont want him to think I'm sweating him. Yes my pride is that high:ohwell: (only dating jerks, men who just got out of a relationship, trying to get a bf out of a bootycall, already involved men, players,....etc)
4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? (too naggy, picky, insecure, too much attitude, sleeping with them too soon, being too nice that they walk over u, etc....)You know what. I have been wondering about this. I know I'm not perfect people tell my I'm very nice. I'm ok looking. I do have my fauls like anyone else but I really cant think of anything significant that would completely turn a guy off. And I'm not saying that to toot my horn either. I'm really not. I actually started to ask my other friends if they see something about myself that maybe I just don't see that's pushing guys away. Or maybe it's just simply not my time yet:ohwell:

Well, I do tell guys that I dont believe in rushing into sex and have no problem waiting and I guess that can drive them off. One time I told a guy that I didn't want anything sexual and I never heard from him again.

5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single?
My last relationship was freshman year in college. I had NO interest in dating the guys at my school because EVERYBODY would be in your business, plus there wasn't anyone I was feeling like that, Did one semester of grad school right after college. left grad school and started dating guys, which happened last year 2007. I only met one that I really could see myself with but it didnt work out that way. So i guess it's a matter of focusing on school and not meeting the right one:ohwell:
My friend says I could have had a man a long time ago if I wanted one and I'm like who? Pookie around the corner? No way :nono:

Has anyone ever asked their old SO or guys they dated if there was something about you that turned them off?
1)How long have u been single? 3 months

2)How did ur last relationship end? (cheating, mutual, lost of interest,....)
It was a mutual agreement.Also,I feel like my heart wasnt in it because I am in love with someone else.:nono:

3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? (only dating jerks, men who just got out of a relationship, trying to get a bf out of a bootycall, already involved men, players,....etc)
No,my dating habits are good.If I feel like something is "off" about a dude,I bounce.

4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? (too naggy, picky, insecure, too much attitude, sleeping with them too soon, being too nice that they walk over u, etc....)
Real shyt? Im a bytch! And im not proud of that. :nono: But it is what it is.Im honestly trying to change and am getting better.A little progress is better than none. :yep:

5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single?

Im newly single,but im single by choice.
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You know what Poochie. I wanted to start a thread like this.
:spinning:...i was hoping u would answer cuz i knew u were single too

Has anyone ever asked their old SO or guys they dated if there was something about you that turned them off?
actually this is what made me do this thread. my ex told me that i was a such a complainer & a nagger. But he wasn't the first one who told me this! so it got me thinking...

....okay now i have to finish answering my own thread
1)How long have u been single? 3 years

2)How did ur last relationship end? (cheating, mutual, lost of interest,....)
He started growing very distant towards me (no pun intented..even tho it was a long distance relationship anyway lol). I called him out on it and he got annoyed to the point where we couldn't stand each other.

3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? (only dating jerks, men who just got out of a relationship, trying to get a bf out of a bootycall, already involved men, players,....etc)
honestly, I go crazy for pretty boys & athletes. the guys that walk in the room and all girls want. yea i'm that girl... Its so bad that anyone average just isn't good enuff for me. I'm really trying to get outta that cuz it really has brought me nuthing but bad luck. Not that all guys like that are bad b-friends, but when ur talking about young, good looking athletes who can get any girl they want...they will...even if ur their girl.:nono:

4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? (too naggy, picky, insecure, too much attitude, sleeping with them too soon, being too nice that they walk over u, etc....)
Im a complainer, a nagger, and I have such an independent trait to me that i think it turns guys away. I have that same pride that u have (loca)...when i'm interested I don't show it too much. And when i finally feel comfortable enuff TO SHOW it, they're gone. they got tired of waiting lol

5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single?
After all of my analyzing, I think it has more to do with me and less to do with who I attract. I've met a lot of great guys who have messed it up for themselves. But for the ones who had very little faults of their own, I think i messed it up for myself. I always tried to find something that I wasn't content about, instead of appreciating what i had
1)How long have u been single? Geez…for at least 3 years

2)How did ur last relationship end? I ended it cause he was no good and also not good enough for me. Yuck..don’t even know why I stayed that long. :rolleyes:
3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? Yes, negative thinking. If I even sense the guy is rejecting me, I will overact & push him away for good before I get hurt. I also used to attract men that were unavailable (emotionally)..I’m trying to change that w/ LOA.

4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general?
I don’t have a problem meeting men but I attract unavailable ones which I know that I’m also emotionally unavailable. I am still working on that…loving myself & acceptance of myself.:yep:

5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single? All these reasons may have to do w/ it…because the one for me has not come into my life, it’s not time yet, and poor self image.
4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? (too naggy, picky, insecure, too much attitude, sleeping with them too soon, being too nice that they walk over u, etc....)
Real shyt? Im a bytch! And im not proud of that. :nono: But it is what it is.Im honestly trying to change and am getting better.A little progress is better than none. :yep:

Thanks for being so honest about this! a lot of people don't like to admit to stuff like this. Its always good to recognize ur negative traits and try to fix it, instead of letting it fix itself.
3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? Yes, negative thinking. If I even sense the guy is rejecting me, I will overact & push him away for good before I get hurt. I also used to attract men that were unavailable (emotionally)..I’m trying to change that w/ LOA.

this is huge right here! i find myself doing this a lot!
1)How long have u been single? about 6 months
2)How did ur last relationship end? (cheating, mutual, lost of interest,....).no cheating...i just grew out of him and broke up...oh yea..he wasnt in school, had a baby mother, had a baby and i just realized...i didnt love him at all.
3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? (only dating jerks, men who just got out of a relationship, trying to get a bf out of a bootycall, already involved men, players,....etc)..yes...im attracted to good guys..but end up falling for liars who lie initially and i "pretend" to not notice it and still give them a chance...i've definetly learned....i cant stand a liar...and wont even tolerate it....im going back to being very HIGHLY selective.
4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? (too naggy, picky, insecure, too much attitude, sleeping with them too soon, being too nice that they walk over u, etc....)...im kinda needy...but i think woman are in general.I think for me i ask too many questions (which is good) and usuallu sniff the B.S which pisses them off and ends the relationship...like i said, i have no time for liars and i usually catch them in lies which leads me to CTRL +ALT+ DELETE.
5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single? I have standards, im not putting out, im cautious, im in a city where the men are either too hood, old or already married, and i believe in the lost art of courting which alot of men in this city dont...so...im solo.
1)How long have u been single? 2 and a half months

2)How did ur last relationship end?(cheating, mutual, lost of interest,....) I wanted us to grow together....he wanted to move to ATL become a producer :perplexed:nono:

3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? (only dating jerks, men who just got out of a relationship, trying to get a bf out of a bootycall, already involved men, players,....etc) First I NEED to stop dating guys who need help/have tons of emotional baggage. I know I'm a cancer and all but god damn I need to lay off the guys with mommy issues. Like seriously I am always with a guy who either HATE or OBSESSE over their mother.

4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? (too naggy, picky, insecure, too much attitude, sleeping with them too soon, being too nice that they walk over u, etc....)I am always trying to help fix someone and then later get mad because they arent giving me what I want/need because they are no where near a point in their life that they could be a good boyfriend...oh and being tooooooo nice and letting them walk right over me because of it.

5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single? Because I am determined not to but up with bull anymore and refuse to date again till I find someone worth my time. For now I am good with that :yep:

ETA: a quote from Southern Jewels thread "It Is Better To Be Alone, Than In The Wrong Company" Thats for sure....so keep your head up ladies :yep:
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1)How long have u been single? roughly 5 months

2)How did ur last relationship end? The age difference started causing issues and he wasn't where he needed to be for a man his age.:rolleyes:

3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break?
YES!! I HAD bad habits that I've worked on while single.
Falling for the wrong guys, settling for less

4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general?
I do tend to be shy in social situations, and this makes me seem unapproachable. I HAD low self esteem. I WAS needy due to that low self esteem and always needing that validation.

5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single?
I'm picky. I don't put any real effort forth in finding a mate, probably because I don't want one right now. :drunk:
1)How long have u been single? A year and a half
2)How did ur last relationship end? (cheating, mutual, lost of interest,....) It was a long distance rlp, after 6 yrs... things fizzled out for both of us, I think
3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? (only dating jerks, men who just got out of a relationship, trying to get a bf out of a bootycall, already involved men, players,....etc) Yes... not paying attention to "red flags..." Wanting to give guys a chance even though I know it won't work in the long run
4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? (too naggy, picky, insecure, too much attitude, sleeping with them too soon, being too nice that they walk over u, etc....) Definitely... I'm very independent and will not put up with any BS whatsoever. I tend to be very controlling and I over react to things that could possibly be talked out, and instead of communicating about them, I fly off the handle and am ready to say "NEXT"!!!... :look:
5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single? [/quote] Because I'm actually not sure if I genuinely WANT to be in a relationship -- somehow I seem to sabotage things with every guy I meet; not sure any more if it's them or me...:ohwell:
1)How long have u been single? a year and a half
2)How did ur last relationship end? (cheating, mutual, lost of interest,....) He broke it off.
3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? (only dating jerks, men who just got out of a relationship, trying to get a bf out of a bootycall, already involved men, players,....etc) Not being clingy or falling in love too quickly
4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? (too naggy, picky, insecure, too much attitude, sleeping with them too soon, being too nice that they walk over u, etc....) Too insecure about my looks
5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single? I'm too scared to venture into the dating world again. I'm afraid of heatbreak. I'm afraid of loving and losing again. I want a definite love interest, but wont open up anymore. Call me silly, guess heartbreak is my biggest fear in relationships.
1)How long have u been single? Always/ 5 years
2)How did ur last relationship end? (cheating, mutual, lost of interest,....) The reason I put always is that, the one person that I dated who I was the closest to, we weren't ever really together. We stopped dating because he was no good for me.
3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? (only dating jerks, men who just got out of a relationship, trying to get a bf out of a bootycall, already involved men, players,....etc) I used to. I used to pick out guys who were no good for me, players, unable to emotionally committ.
4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? (too naggy, picky, insecure, too much attitude, sleeping with them too soon, being too nice that they walk over u, etc....)I don't know if I know myself well enough to be in a relationship with someone else. I tend to be overly accomodating. Also, I don't like to be vulnerable.
5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single? In all honesty, I think that my fear of being vulnerable and completely open with a guy is keeping me from being in a relationship, and I have no idea how I'm going to get over it, because it's the same reason I was attracted to the wrong type of guys in the past.
1)How long have u been single? Almost 2 years...

2)How did ur last relationship end? I wanted/deserved better/more...

3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? I tend to be very superficial when it comes to looks...I dont know what my problem is...I havent always been like this either...Now thnking...Every recent questionable relationship decision is indirectly/directly tied to their looks...Thats sad...I also date guys I dont have a potential future with...

4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? I have that pride thing too...I also have this sense of entitlement that I deal with...I have an unconventional perspective on some things and that is hard for some men...

5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single? Whenever someone asks I usually reply high standards...I dont want to be with someone, but have a feeling of dissatisfaction...I rarely meet anyone that holds my interest long enough to start a relationship with...Too shy at times...I spend too much time inside...I need to be more social...I have a very low tolerance for B.S....
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1)How long have u been single?

About a year.

2)How did ur last relationship end?

He cheated.

3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break?

I tend to date fixer-uppers with latent emotional issues.

(4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general?

I am spoiled(working on it).

5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single?

Still not over the ex, so I compare other men to him and hope he'll come back (sad I know, and even sadder is that he's trying to come back). I'm very reserved when it comes to meeting men, I don't approach. I am also a homebody, so unless someone invents a boyfriend delivery service, I ain't meeting nobody any time soon.
1)How long have u been single? Geez…for at least 3 years
2)How did ur last relationship end? I ended it cause he was no good and also not good enough for me. Yuck..don’t even know why I stayed that long. :rolleyes:
3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? Yes, negative thinking. If I even sense the guy is rejecting me, I will overact & push him away for good before I get hurt. I also used to attract men that were unavailable (emotionally)..I’m trying to change that w/ LOA.

4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general?
I don’t have a problem meeting men but I attract unavailable ones which I know that I’m also emotionally unavailable. I am still working on that…loving myself & acceptance of myself.:yep:

5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single? All these reasons may have to do w/ it…because the one for me has not come into my life, it’s not time yet, and poor self image.

OMG this is me (kinda)...I've been single for one month.
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Ok this is what I really think:

1)How long have u been single?
one month

2)How did ur last relationship end? (cheating, mutual, lost of interest,....)
He wasn't sure about me...wtf!?! I'm not bitter.

3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? (only dating jerks, men who just got out of a relationship, trying to get a bf out of a bootycall, already involved men, players,....etc).

Very negative. Though the last two relationships I broke that habit. I was actually positive about the relationship...maybe too positive and completely ignored the signs.

I'm attracting emotionally unstable people. I jump in way to quickly without really knowing the guy. I'm very impatient and want to be in a relationship. *sigh*

4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? (too naggy, picky, insecure, too much attitude, sleeping with them too soon, being too nice that they walk over u, etc....)

I'm insecure about my looks (I've gain a lot of weight)
I'm extremely shy around people I'm interested in. Lately I think I have gone back into my shell away from everyone.
I honestly believe I won't meet anyone...oh god this is soooo sad :perplexed.

5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single?
I don't think I'm confident enough to let people in or to let myself out.

1)How long have u been single? since forever and a day
2)How did ur last relationship end?
I ended the "relationship" if thats what you want to call it..he was too possesive/intense too quick.
3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? taking my need for space to the extreme. being too distant and unavailable. Also, being attracted to 'fix me uppers"-guys with obvious problems :perplexed. Did I mention being distant already?
4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? I'm way too fickle, picky, passive-aggressive. It's crazy I always seem to meet men who want to rush into something serious before they even take the time to get to really know me. My distant energy seems to attract the extreme opposite.
5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single?
I'm terrified of commitment, though thats all I really want in life, love/marriage. I have abandonment/relationship issues stemming from childhood, that I'm aware of and really, really trying to change. I'm single because I don't allow myself to become attached.

btw..i like this thread. it's really making me think about things..
1)How long have u been single?
15 days...haven't looked back.

2)How did ur last relationship end? (cheating, mutual, lost of interest,....
I decided to find a way to end our relationship before I wasted anymore of my time, I wasn't in love, as usual. Somehow, mysteriously, my relationships don't go past 6 months. I think it's finally time for me to experience what love really is. Pretty much all of my relationships has ended with a fight where I allow the guy to believe that they are really breaking up with me. Somehow this makes it easier for me... don't ask me why. (I have commitment issues... can't you tell)

3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? (only dating jerks, men who just got out of a relationship, trying to get a bf out of a bootycall, already involved men, players,....etc).

I "Settle". I allow the man to pick me. I need to learn to push myself to make the first move (shy). I feel that if there's a man that I am attracted to and he doesn't "SEE ME" then maybe it wasn't meant to be. (something is wrong with that picture huh?)

4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? (too naggy, picky, insecure, too much attitude, sleeping with them too soon, being too nice that they walk over u, etc....)

I am an extremely independent Woman. I'm starting to believe that even though a man states that he's looking for an independent woman he really does want that behind the curtains woman from the 50's.

5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single?

I'm single right now because I'm just tired! I first need to learn to be true to myself and stop taking in pity cases where "I think I could fall in love with him type Men". I also need to learn to come out of my shell and for once choose the Man instead of the Man choosing me. Better yet..... meet someone where the feelings are mutual. Until then "I will wait"

1)How long have u been single? going on 3 years

2)How did ur last relationship end? (cheating, mutual, lost of interest,....) All the above

3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? In the past I had a habit of dating "thugs" and fine *** men who everybody and they momma wanted.

4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? Sometimes I can be a bit insecure and at times I can be a bit bossy. I've also been told I am kind of naggy :ohwell:

5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single? I feel like I am sometimes looking for a man for all the wrong reasons. And first and foremost need to love me a little more then everything else will come into place.
I think the main reason I am single is because I am a introvert and a wallflower... I don't get out a meet and mingle very much... and I haven't found a man that isn't interested in sex. Once a man finds out that I don't want to have sex until marriage, they disappear. :lol: Oh well, but I'm trying to be content with being single until God brings the right man into my life that will respect me and love me for who I am. ;)
1)How long have u been single?
Considering that i have never had a real relationship, I am going with 24 years 2)How did ur last relationship end? (cheating, mutual, lost of interest,....)
If we want to call it a relationship, It was for a variety of reasons
  1. I wasn't really attracted to him, he was nice but not physically appealing. I know we say to wait for a love that burns, but if i can;t get it off the ground, then there is no reason for me to be with this person
  2. He lacked a lot of the drive that i wanted in a man
  3. I wanted a more refined man, he was very mountain man
3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? (only dating jerks, men who just got out of a relationship, trying to get a bf out of a bootycall, already involved men, players,....etc)
I tend to pick emotionally unavailable men. that is not limited to married men. I think i pick them for a variety of reasons, but mostly because I feel that marriage is a bit of a trap. I don't want to lose what little freedom i do have to go out and do as i please when i please.

4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? (too naggy, picky, insecure, too much attitude, sleeping with them too soon, being too nice that they walk over u, etc....)

Sex too early in the relationship.(among MANY things)
While i have no issue with it, most men are to immature to handle a woman who genuinely feels that sex and love are two mutually exclusive events. Most guys want a say they want a woman who can do that, but when they happen upon one such as myself, they can't handle themselves. They feel like they cannot have anything meaningful with them, which is totally not the case at all.

I am a loner
There is no way around that. The second i am with someone, i start wondering if they are going to harp on my freedom, not want me to go out, i can't flirt with any other guys and i just don;t want to feel that way. The thought of getting married, becoming a soccer mom with 4 kids and a minivan in the suburbs is like suicide to me. I have a very selfish streak that comes with this and it would take a helluva lot of man to make me give that up.

I am too picky
It is tough to be picky and single... Lol. i want someone who is attractive, funny smart sarcastic and all of those thngs. I think if i can do it, so can he.... It only takes one little thing for me to instantly be done with you and not tell u that we are done. It is something that i have always been like. I am not like that with friends, and what will make me not speak to you will be something stupid, like the way someone chews food, and that is it... It is something that i am very bad at but it is something that i dont want to change.

5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single
You know what, with all of that said, I don/t know why i am still single.J/k

I just think that i have issues with making relationships. It is hard for me t pick the right person,hard for me to start them properly, and hard for me to keep them going. I am happy with being single. I am pleased that i can do what i want when i want and don't have to answer to someone saying "where have you been". I am content to stay single until i meet my match:grin:

1)How long have u been single? Almost three years2)How did ur last relationship end?
I decided not to extend the relationship past undergrad so I broke it off after graduation. I didnt feel like spiritually we were equally yoked and I also didnt feel that he was educationally and professionally motivated enough.

3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? No, I have always had those "awwww" relationships that everyone thinks is so cute...Im just usually not spiritually and intellectually satisfied and break it off. My exes are always really good guys which may be why most of them are married and settled down now. As for me and habits, I just started "dating" again recently...and I think spending time with guys that dont meet my original three criteria was a habit that I needed to break. Im in the process of doing that now......my time, energy, and emotions are too precious to expend on guys that truly are not potentials. Im also attracted to those super alpha male types that are rare these days....I want the full package...that is spiritual, sexy, assertive, and in love with me...LOL...that takes time to find.

4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? I share traits that alot of other posters have said about being emotionally reserved...I just feel like a guy should WORK for your heart...so I dont become expressive until later. Im also not big on flirting or giving compliments...I used to be...Im trying to work on my "game"...LOL...Im also very demanding and am quick to dismiss a guy. I dont nag...Im just like NEXT!! If I have to say it a couple times, its time to go. Im also very forthright....like I want to know upfront what is your intention...if you ask me out...I want to know WHY? LOL....Ive been celibate most of my life...that really hasnt been a problem as guys have respected that...but I would prefer a man who shares those sentiments due to his relationship with God.

5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single? Its not God's time yet. He knows the desires of my heart, and when I am ready and my husband is ready, it will happen. I am picky and refuse to settle. I get approached all the time but most dont meet my basic three criteria so I cant be bothered. Im just very rarely attracted to a guy....but when I am attracted....Im attracted deeply. It's just turned out that in those rare instances...irony of irony...those particular men didnt feel the same about me :rolleyes: My pastor says it must be a message that its not my time, so I figure when its "my time" everything will align...and bam...Ill be all doe-eyed and so will he...:grin:

As Chrisette Michelle says...."
What's mine will be just for me"
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i'm asking for you to be really, truly honest on these questions

1)How long have u been single? I have been single unofficially 5 years, officially 3 years. Somewhat.

2)How did ur last relationship end? He decided he wanted to be with someone else.

3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break?

I am taking a break. I tend to date and be attracted to men who are "potentials" always seeing the best instead of the reality. And guys who need "work".

4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general?
I think my drive and independence can be a factor. Once Im feeling them, I want all their time or majority of it :look: I can be TOO honest for most. I dont care about hurting their feelings if I feel something should be said. But I do that with everybody. And #1 factor is I take my time and Im very laid back. Im not the jealous type, I let them do them and I think for some guys they want to feel "wanted" and me showing that Im a little jealous it shows them that. If I see them talking to another girl, I dont ask their name, I dont ask what they were talking about, Im just not that type. And Im also closed off emotionally. I dont like to talk about my feelings and putting myself out there. All that can be too much for some guys or at least the ones Ive dealt with. They dont want to at all feel like theyre the woman in the relationship and with me sometimes it can be that way. I dont mind paying or calling the shots.

5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single? [/QUOTE] I am single because Im taking a break, just getting myself together and working on myself. But if the right opportunity comes along I might take it.