Why do I feel sorry for my abuser?


Well-Known Member
Sorry if I sound like I'm ranting but I have to let off some frustration that I'm feeling right now. I recently ended my relationship/engagement with a guy that I really did love. We met while he was training me and my friends for a job that we had been offered. He was from another state. During the time he was my superior, we have a very HR approved relationship and when training was over that was that. I really did like him, and I think I even prayed that he would come back into my life. He did months later. We started sending emails, then chatting online and then talking on the phone. We talked once for 10 hrs straight. :look: (I know). We saw each other whenever we could, flying back and forth, since we lived in different states.

All was perfect, until he met my family. My parents didn't want to meet him and didn't approve of him. When I told them that I was moving in with him and going back to school for my masters, things hit the fan. My grandfather changed his will to cut me out of everything and my parents wouldn't let me into their home. They basically disowned me. It was hard to get used to, but it was harder living with him, once I moved out of state.

I didn't have anything to my name when I moved. My family had taken everything away from me. I was just starting out after graduating from college so my family "helped" me out. Because I didn't have any clothes or anything, I had to rely on the local women's shelter to help me. I had to take public transportation and work 12 to 14 hrs a day just so I can get on my feet. I found out I was pregnant, but I guess the stress of everything made me lose it.

Even though I gave up everything to be with him, my boyfriend didn't really give up anything for me. When I left to go to the grocery store w/o telling him, he would freak out. Saying that he thought I had left him for good. He went through our phone records to see who I had been calling. He didn't want to me to speak to my family and when they called, he would call them things I would never do. He let me use his car, but under one condition...that he would be fed. There would be days that I wouldn't come home until late after working 14 hrs and he wouldn't eat all day b/c he didn't know how to "cook." This was the the straw that broke the camels back.

He came and took back his car while I was at work b/c I didn't bring him lunch one day. He told me that I could no longer use his car and I was lazy. I told him that I was fed up working so hard for nothing and if he was going to be like this I would just moved back. He got really mad and we started arguing. I then threw a bowl at the wall b/c I was so angry. He then started to push me out of the room to kick me out. I told him I wouldn't go w/o my wallet and my phone. He then started choking me and took me downstairs as he was doing this. He then pushed me out of the townhouse and locked me out. It was freezing outside, I didn't have my wallet, any shoes on, and my phone was broken b/c he broke it. I didn't know what do I was in a new state, I hardly knew anyone and now this. I called the women's shelter that had helped me. They took me in, I got a hold of my best friend and he and his boyfriend came all the way from TX to Kansas to pick me up. I had to get a police escort to get all my stuff from our place.

When my friends and I were leaving Kansas, my ex called me and said that I had damaged him and that I made a decision that effect both of us. He blames me for leaving him. As you see I was not the reason why I left, he was. He said if I didn't throw the bowl at the wall, he wouldn't have had to "restrain" me from hurting him or myself. The next day he lost his job that he loved so much. His friends tell me that they are worried that he will hurt himself.
Now 3 weeks later, I am hundreds of miles away from him, and I am still upset. Up until things got sour, he was my best friend. I don't want him back, but I just want him to be ok, as messed up as it seems. I really beat myself up over the fact that I still care deeply for someone who has hurt me both emotionally and physically. I don't feel optimistic about my future like everyone around does.

Has anyone still had feelings for someone that had hurt you? How did you get over it or do you get over it?
i had feelings like that but then when i thought about the complete disregard he had for my feelings, that went out the window.When some one puts their hands on you and only does something for you under certain "conditions" you know the persons true feelings right there. Nothing he did was out of love or care. He sounds like a sick man that needs help and i hope you never ever consider having correspondence with him again. Your family must have seen something that made them not like him. Time heals all wounds. Go on and pursue your education and get back on your feet and move on.
I pray that you will prosper
thanks for sharing your story
all I can say is PLEASE just stay strong
its not you its him hes a manipulative punk, B, loser.

Lots of Prayer has helped me and Close realtionship with God. This has helped me tremdously. There is LIGHT at the End of the TUNNEL.
You did what you needed to do for you. You can no longer be the caregiver for him or his feelings. I understand how you feel with every bone in my body, please believe that you made the right decision. Do not allow yourself to be sucked into that blackhole again. It is not your responsibilty to make him feel better about himself. Focus on you and what you need to do for you. ((((HUGS))))
Don't feel sorry for him. He is getting what he deserves. What goes around comes around. Whatever he does with his life is on him. You are away from that and don't have any ties to that mess.

Did your family take you back? Why were they so dead set against him that you were disowned? I can see now but still he must have done something before all that to make them that mad? I'm sorry for that. The only thing that I would disown my child over (if I had one) would be if they murdered someone in cold blood not just because they picked a jerk bf.
I had a hard time letting thoughts of my ex go. Overtime I just got over it. When I think back to it now, I'm confused over why I was so in love with him. Its time for you to take your life back though. It seems like you've been through a lot for someone who is not worth it. Just take it as one of life's experiences and move on with rebuilding your life.
If you were my daughter I'd go up there and kick his rear really good for putting his hands on you and throwing my baby out. I swear! Don't feel sorry for that sicko. He didn't give a diddly about doing you really bad after you chose him over your family. I'm pissed and your not my baby. Don't contact him ever again and change your number. Go on with your life.
thanks you guys. its funny I felt so much had been lifted when I started the thread and posted it. It was like I had let go. I guess I'm blessed that my family did take me back. It was hard to call up my family and tell them everything. But they showed me unconditional love and forgave me for hurting them. They told me that they did what they did b/c they saw this stranger with such control over me. They didn't think I would leave if I didn't have any money, clothes, car or a decent place to stay.

When I think about it, I was just so in love with this guy that I didn't even see what he was doing for me. I know realized that if your close friends and family don't like him, then he is not for you.
I don't think what you're feeling is unnatural.

For most people, love isn't like a light switch you can just turn on or off, no matter how much of a jerk the person is or how badly they've treated you.

It'll take some time to heal, but you did the right thing and you should be proud. You didn't lie to yourself and make excuses for him. He crossed the line and you bounced. A lot of women don't break out that quickly.
I don't think what you're feeling is unnatural.

For most people, love isn't like a light switch you can just turn on or off, no matter how much of a jerk the person is or how badly they've treated you.

It'll take some time to heal, but you did the right thing and you should be proud. You didn't lie to yourself and make excuses for him. He crossed the line and you bounced. A lot of women don't break out that quickly.
You might not be able to control that person crossing your mind but you do have control of your actions and dealing with a fool again. She needs to stay busy and over time she'll heal like you said.

OP your not the only person that made the mistake of choosing a man over your family. I did and even married the fool. My mom saw something it took me years to see. The blessing is in the lesson often times.
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you are a better woman than me. when my extended family turned their back to me (or at least did not help me out of a bad relationship), i was done with them. now they are trying to be all up in my face, wondering why i don't return calls, don't want to step foot in their house over the years, etc. :rolleyes:

i think your family was a bit harsh in turning their back to you completely when you were rock bottom to the point of you ending up at shelter.

you are a better woman than me. as for him, don't talk to him. at all. no texting, no email, no phone calls, no messages through friends, etc. he was not always in your life and he doesn't have to be either.
Envy some of us need and grow from hard lessons. What some deem as harsh is often times a necessary evil to get over and through somethings for some parents etc.
Just like you prayed for him to come back into your life, pray for the strength to move on. This man was brought back into your life for a reason. You are gaining much needed strength from this experience. I've been there before and I have moved on to a bigger and better life. I recently spoke to my ex whom I used to wish dead. He's in the military, married, with a child. I told him to be careful, and that was that. Be strong, and of good faith and courage. Place yourself in the palm of God's unchanging hands and He will direct your path.

Thank you for sharing this with us.
Thank you for being so candid with your story. I needed to hear this today. I'm tearing up over here. :(

I haven't been physically abused, but I believe I have been primed for mistreatment by men because of my father. I'm getting out of a bad situation myself - I'm being used as an emotional punching bag - and I'm now realizing that it isn't worth it and I deserve much better. And like you, I still care for this person.

I don't have any advice, but to say that you're doing the right thing, and the best thing would be to discontinue contact with him. What about YOUR feelings? What about healing YOUR hurt? Those should be your priorities right now.

And I'm about to take my own advice.
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Did you mend things with your family?

Like firecracker said, you can't control how you feel but you can choose what to do and don't even consider that man again! You know he will come back telling you he was wrong, he loves you, this time will be different.....Heck NOOOO!
Envy some of us need and grow from hard lessons. What some deem as harsh is often times a necessary evil to get over and through somethings for some parents etc.

I am all for tough love but what good is family if you cannot count on them during hard times.

It's one thing to say, if you go with him, you can't have x,y,z from me.

It is another to say, if you decide to leave him for good, know that you will always have a home to come to. The OP didn't feel that way when she got kicked out, hence, her ending up at a shelter and calling her friend (not her family) when she first needed help. That to me is not tough love. That is turning your back.
You feel sorry for him because you think you loved him.In a couple of years,when you have your king,it will just al lbe a bad dream.Im gladd you got out when you could.Some people don't have that option.
Just think,if he loved you,he would not have disrespected you or your family.He would not have you in a shelter or working 12-14hrs or stealing back his car because you didn't bring him lunch.Are you kidding?:nono:
Please dont' even talk to him anymore.I'm upset and this isn't even my story but it could have been.It could have been any woman's.
Just try and learn from your mistakes so that they aren't repeated.
I have learned from this lesson. It does seem to take all that I have not to call him and try to beat out an apology out of him. I am learning to let go and move foward. My family is now here for me. Sometimes I feel like I'm having to pick up the mess that he has made with all my friends and family. I'm getting back on my feet: I'm finishing my masters, going to be leaving in a place I want to live and driving a car that I want to drive, instead of taking my ex's advice and just settling for anything. Times have changed, I know I'm not settling for anything but the best, including men this time around.
I am all for tough love but what good is family if you cannot count on them during hard times.

It's one thing to say, if you go with him, you can't have x,y,z from me.

It is another to say, if you decide to leave him for good, know that you will always have a home to come to. The OP didn't feel that way when she got kicked out, hence, her ending up at a shelter and calling her friend (not her family) when she first needed help. That to me is not tough love. That is turning your back.

I see where you coming from, but there is another side to that too.

I felt the same way when a long time ago, my mom and I got into it and in so many words she "cut me off". But in actuality, she was trying to get me to wake up and snap out of it and see that I was hurting myself and hurting her because she loved me, and knew that as an adult, I will have to make my own decisions.

After I snapped out of it and came around, my mom was there when I ultimately needed her the most. And that is all that matters to me, so I can't say that in every situation such as this that your family is turning their back on you. Maybe sometimes, but on the other side of that your family cares so much about you, they see how far gone you are and that maybe letting you go will make you see what is really going on. Cause truth be told, grown people are going to do what they want to do, and when someone is telling you who you can't be with, especially in the case of alot of women, that is when they choose to rebel and loose themselves in whatever is going on, just to prove to everyone it will work out.

I was angry at my mother for the longest, but looking back, I see that she did what she could do not only for me, but for herself, because I am not her only child, and despite my destructive behavior, she needed that strength to take care of herself and her family.

Different people handle things differently though, depending on various factors.
Been there, done that. My advice would be even if it is hard to let go of the good times dont forgot to remember the bad times too, and Know that life can/will get better even w/o him.
Abusers always find a way to twist the blame on you somehow, ALWAYS!

The moment he left me out in the cold, that jerk would not get nothin from me that moment on

the tossed love out the door that night when he threw you out in the cold with nowhere to go!

what type of man does this? A very cold blooded one!

love urself and work on you! dont feel too sorry for him, he made his decisions that night now didnt he?
Sorry that you went through this. A relationship should always enhance your life, at the point where you would be happier on your own, you need to leave, and I thank God you did. My mum always told me, after the first hit/push/shove etc, leave otherwise it can happen for decades like it did to a few people around me.

God bless you and I hope you rely on God only for strength, lay your burdens at his feet x
Thanks for sharing your story. Believe me, time heals. Just be patient. What you are feeling is natural. You deserve better and you will get better, just not from that sucker.
Been there, done that. My advice would be even if it is hard to let go of the good times dont forgot to remember the bad times too, and Know that life can/will get better even w/o him.

For the love of God, please remember those bad times!!!, esp. when he calls you up, tells you that he misses you and asks for another chance, and/or how he can't live without you and how he needs to see you again. They may be painful, I know, but sometimes that anger can save you from more drama than you realize. At the end of the day, you are all you have. Protect yourself!
He sounds like a classic abuser, especially in the way he tried to break the bonds of your family support. smh.
You feel sorry for him because as you said, you love him. It's extremely hard to wrap one's mind around the fact that someone he/sheloved dearly could be so hurtful and then view that person as an enemy.
I'm glad you had friends to help you leave him and I hope you can bond with your family again>The problem is within HIM, not YOU.