Why did YOUR parents get married?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Even though my parents have been together for nearly 40 years, I only recently asked my mom why they got married. And do you know what she said?

"Well, your uncle got married, so then your dad decided he had to get married."

:look: :lol: :lachen:

Glad it worked out. LOL!

What about your folks?
My parents have been married for 30 years. They got married because they loved each other and all that mushy stuff...also they were in their late thirties so I guess they figured, we ain't gettin' no younger *cue Jagged Edge "Let's Get Married" song.

They knew each other for 11 months before they jumped the broom...which would be an eye brow raiser these days. But it worked for them!
Lol, my parent's have been married 29 yrs. They had been dating for three years and decided to try marriage out for a year. If it worked cool, but if not just cut there losses. Well, I was conceived within that year, so they worked a little bit harder to make things work. Oh yeah, they are happily married.
These stories are so interesting. My parents knew each other from CHILDHOOD . . . my dad would walk my mom home from school and they even went to the prom together.

They broke up for a while as adults . . . during which time my went out and found himself an "identical twin" of my mom :lol: Then they found each other again . . . .
i think my parent's story is very romantic... in some ways. my parents were very poor, i mean no phone in the house poor. they were highschool sweethearts and had gotten into an argument. during the argument my dad goes, "we should just get married!!!" and my mom goes "fine." lol. a few weeks later they head to the church and get married, no big wedding no fancy dress. in fact my dad wore sergio valente jeans that one of his aunts bought for him. my mom's engagement ring was a piece of string. they were in love as far as i can tell. about a year later they had me. my dad went to law school and started do very well. about thirteen years after they married, on valentines day he got her a real engagement ring with a big diamond and a wedding band. they have now been married for 26 years in july. my mom always says she does not regret not having a big wedding because they were able to use whatever money they had to begin their future.
i love their story.
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just the other day i asked my dad if he could have a do over what would it be and he said he would've had more kids... i think thats sweet.
I really never asked. I can tell they had similar values and morals. That was very obvious based on the way they both agreed on things. But i think they married for the normal general reasons most people do. And they are still happily married
My parents were high school sweet hearts. My father ended up going into the service before he went to college, and he left the state. When he got out of service he proposed and sent for my mom and said he missed her and would take care of her (so sweet!), but my Grandmother was not having that living together nonsense. So they got married asap at the courthouse before my mother was allowed to leave with my father. They will be married 43 years in September. :)
They were teens with kids! As soon as they were legally able to marry, they did! That was 23 years ago...

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Because they love each other.

*They have been married for 35 years and won't shut the hell up talking to each other. They talk about any and everything from politics to Boondocks*
My parents were married 15 years.

They got married because my dad was ready (35 I think), my mom could cook, and it was love mixed with practical need for a wife and husband.
My Mom was pregnant had given birth to my Brother and my Father was joining the military. They have been divorced longer than they were married.
Same here. Everyone including me thought they had eloped 4 yrs before.
I figured out because of my sibling's birthday and their date of marriage.

Last year all of us were talking about marriages and family and just having a good time, we were picking with my mom about her shotgun wedding and I said, "Ewww mommy you nasty." BTW my mom will be 76 in a few weeks. She just laughed.
I figured out because of my sibling's birthday and their date of marriage.

Last year all of us were talking about marriages and family and just having a good time, we were picking with my mom about her shotgun wedding and I said, "Ewww mommy you nasty." BTW my mom will be 76 in a few weeks. She just laughed.

When my parents divorced all talk of their marriage stopped. I was only 6-7?at the time and I still don't know their anniversary.

I'm 90% sure my inlays wedding was shotgun too. They married in September and my BIL was born in January at 6lbs :lachen:. I guess it doesnt matter since they are still married 35 year later.
Cuz they loved each other lol. They were 32 and 34. They dated for 3 years ( if I remember the story correctly ). I would have loved to see their wedding tape...but my mom taped Young and the Restless over it when i was lil :lol: oh well.

They've been married 22 yrs. My dad is so much more romantic than my mom lol. He just wants to do all of everything for her and is all sweet and stuff. While my moms just like ehhh lets just go to the movies :lol: (and they never invite me anywhere with them EVER! sigh lol)

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My parents never married, they were very young when I was born and they aren't even on speaking terms. I was raised by my grandparents however, and they were married around 35 years before my grandfather passed.

People in my family are kind of...stoic? Idk if thats the word I'm looking for, but basically no big sappy love story, soul mate thing, etc. They are from the deep south and the country (the real country, not Atlanta or some other large southern city). She says she got married bc "thats just what you did back then" and bc she couldn't afford to go to school and be a nurse like she always wanted to be, so she just went ahead and got married. Said my grandfather was tall, dark, and handsome and had a car and a good factory job. If she had not met him, her next move was going to be to move to NYC like some of the other relatives. And that he liked she was lightskinned (I know, I know, again, they are from the old deep south), with a nice shape, smart, and a good homemaker.
It was a cultural expectation then as it is now in our culture. My grandmother was also pretty impressed by my dad, so I think kind of nudged my mum towards him a bit.

Having been born and raised in a country where marriage is still seen as important but its value is continually challenged and the overall motives for marriage are different, it's quite a contrast between how its viewed in Nigeria.
I think it was a combination of teenage love, pregnancy and my dad joining the military. They are now divorced.
My parents were high school sweet hearts. My father ended up going into the service before he went to college, and he left the state. When he got out of service he proposed and sent for my mom and said he missed her and would take care of her (so sweet!), but my Grandmother was not having that living together nonsense. So they got married asap at the courthouse before my mother was allowed to leave with my father. They will be married 43 years in September. :)

Are you my sister? My parents have the EXACT same story, word for word.
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such heartwarming stories....
I don't even think my mom could tell you why she and my dad got married...

Cause they had two kids
cause they had been together for a while....
I don't know....

They were married for 25 years and have been divorced for almost 12...
I do know they went to prom together in 71 I was born in 73 I think they were divorced by 74 they went to elementary school and for the month of July I have a sister we are the same age. I often wonder if my parents horrible love life have any bearing on the fact that I am unmarried.
My parents planned their lives. They were in a relationship for 7 years before tying the knot. This gave them enough time to court and for my father to be able to secure a house and become financially stable enough to support a family. My grandfather (his dad) was not lenient when it came to the latter. He was very old school when it came to his sons providing for their family:look:. Oh and my mom spent her 20s travelling, finding her career path and living out her youth to the fullest.

I came a year and a couple of months after their marriage.
they didnt.

my mother and father never married and they've been apart for almost as long as ive been alive.

my mother and stepfather have been together since i was 2, but didnt get officially married until i was 14. (i'm 27 now).
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