Well-Known Member

During your days of rocking the TWA ....did you get tired of this ol' question >>"So tell me why did you cut all your hair off again?"

I've always had hair BSL length hair....rarely longer/rarely shorter....in essence, IT NEVER MOVED:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:....

AROUND Feb. 2010 i Big Chopped....didn't plan on it, didn't transition (although it had been about 4mnths or so stretch = texlaxing). BUT AS ALWAYS....my thoughts & actions are so random: thought about it one day....chopped the next night! The only consideration i put into it was i love love love to wear braids. I always wished my hair would thicken. I would prefer wearing braids with no extensions. Along came youtuber: longhairdontcare2011 and i was like forget this iish!!! CHOPPED!

My brother came down for graduation last month...and walked right past me :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: . He was like dammmmn, i didn't recognize you....you cut all your dayum hair off. He looked so puzzled it was priceless. His wife is like ("What are you gonna do with IT???) :spinning::spinning::spinning::spinning::spinning::grin::grin::grin:

Yesterday...same brother drove down from his vacation....and was like damn...you got a afro huh?:yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn: (family thinks i'm crazy for cutting.....JUST WONDERING HOW IT WILL FIT INTO MY FUTURE LOVE LIFE:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:)

BUT THIS IS ABOUT NATURALS-->....when you first cut....what was the most annoying (REPEATED ) question you would get?

WHY DID YOU GO NATURAL? ..... POST A PIC OF YOUR TWA (if you have a then & now....please please please post a 1st chop then a "HERE I IZ' NOW"!!!! PIC:grin::grin:)

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when I bc'd nobody saw my twa b/c I went got my hair braided the next day. I was not comfortable having my hair short since the bc was unexpected.
LOL.... I use to get that question a lot.. I got people still upset at me cause I cut my hair off.. ..I went natural, cause A. I never knew what my natural Texture was.. and B. I wanted something different. A new challenge I guess you can say.. As far as pics..There is a BC pic in my album on here..annnddd a kinda sorta now, is my Sig pic.... The tip that has helped me the most... Being patient. Patience is the key for me , it has saved me from knots, tangles, and unwanted hair loss
My family is a trip! They all think I'm nuts and I know of few of them think that I like women and that is why I cut my hair and am still un-married with no kids at 29, no matter how many boyfriends they have met in the past. I got quite a few offers to match me up. I also looked a little anorexic with no hair so I got loads of free food, my sister saw a picture and mailed me like 3lbs of cookies!....it was awesome. Every present has been gift cards to get more food or actual food, I still have and Omaha steaks thing that should end soon. I got the "oh honey are you sick?" alot!! It was annoying but funny because I have always been the same size the only thing that changed was the hair. I went natural to get away from the chemicals because I thought that was the only way to have healthy long hair. I have learned from this board that all kinds of hair can be healthy if its taken care of. I may not stay natural but I have learned a lot about my hair. I also learned that I was using chemicals like a moron! My best tip is co-washing my hair loves moisture.
Look at my sig below for pics

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Got that question ALL the time. I don't know what's up with people lol. Even though my hair was thin and dead, they still prefer it because it's "long." Like, what? So people were on me all the time "oh my god, where's your hair?!" "why'd you cut all your hair?!" Like I really have to justify why I cut MY hair to other people.
My family is a trip! They all think I'm nuts and I know of few of them think that I like women and that is why I cut my hair and am still un-married with no kids at 29, no matter how many boyfriends they have met in the past. I got quite a few offers to match me up. I also looked a little anorexic with no hair so I got loads of free food, my sister saw a picture and mailed me like 3lbs of cookies!....it was awesome. Every present has been gift cards to get more food or actual food, I still have and Omaha steaks thing that should end soon. I got the "oh honey are you sick?" alot!! It was annoying but funny because I have always been the same size the only thing that changed was the hair.
Look at my sig below for pics


roflmao!!:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: wow they are the best!!! all i get are weird remarks & blank stares
Got that question ALL the time. I don't know what's up with people lol. Even though my hair was thin and dead, they still prefer it because it's "long." Like, what? So people were on me all the time "oh my god, where's your hair?!" "why'd you cut all your hair?!" Like I really have to justify why I cut MY hair to other people.

:grin::grin::grin::grin::grin: MAYBE THEY THINK YOU DIDN'T NOTICE!!! OR SIMPLY THAT YOU FORGOT WHERE YOU PUT IT?? hmmmmmm, maybe

when I bc'd nobody saw my twa b/c I went got my hair braided the next day. I was not comfortable having my hair short since the bc was unexpected.

girl i went and got a old afro pic to wear in my hair (whenever i go out with my family) simply b/c they act like i should be singing old negro spirituals all day:grin::grin::grin::grin: (very serious)
This is interesting b/c when I BCd, from (APL to abt 0.25 inch) my b/f asked me if I was planning to leave him :lachen:

WHY? b/c one of his female friends told him that women only do those sorts of drastic things when they are going through some major "issue" in their life (she usually cuts her hair after a breakup ... I haddnt even noticed before she said this :perplexed)

apart from that I got a million and one WHY DID U DO THAT?!?!?!, like the only reason for going natural is if something was wrong with your hair :ohwell:

first pic is when i was almost APL, second - the day after my BC and third pic was yesterday on my detagled hair (6 months worth of growth)

my reggie is pretty simple
MT and as of 1 week ago, MN
protective styling ... twists, canerows
moisture moisture moisture !!!!


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Yes!! all the time, the first time I shaved my head my husband was ok with that, but the 3rd time, he was like "Is it something you ain't telling me"? I was like WTF? But yeah I always got it, even though I am no longer natural as of may 2010, I would get,"Why Are You Still Cutting Your Hair Off?
This is interesting b/c when I BCd, from (APL to abt 0.25 inch) my b/f asked me if I was planning to leave him :lachen:

WHY? b/c one of his female friends told him that women only do those sorts of drastic things when they are going through some major "issue" in their life (she usually cuts her hair after a breakup ... I haddnt even noticed before she said this :perplexed)

apart from that I got a million and one WHY DID U DO THAT?!?!?!, like the only reason for going natural is if something was wrong with your hair :ohwell:

Ok, I mean can't we go natural because we want to LOL!!:grin:
"Are you going to put a texturizer in it?"
I absolutely hate that question! :nono:
As if my kinkiness is just too much for them to handle!
To be honest, my BC was not intended the way it happened. I started with a long-term relaxer stretch of 1 year, then as I watched the chewed off no-lye relaxed ends compared to my healthy new growth hair become more and visible, I made a compulsive decision to take the relaxed ends all off. I never thought that I'd ever do this but I did. I'm rocking my lil 'fro for a while.
My family is a trip! They all think I'm nuts and I know of few of them think that I like women and that is why I cut my hair and am still un-married with no kids at 29, no matter how many boyfriends they have met in the past. I got quite a few offers to match me up. I also looked a little anorexic with no hair so I got loads of free food, my sister saw a picture and mailed me like 3lbs of cookies!....it was awesome. Every present has been gift cards to get more food or actual food, I still have and Omaha steaks thing that should end soon. I got the "oh honey are you sick?" alot!! It was annoying but funny because I have always been the same size the only thing that changed was the hair. I went natural to get away from the chemicals because I thought that was the only way to have healthy long hair. I have learned from this board that all kinds of hair can be healthy if its taken care of. I may not stay natural but I have learned a lot about my hair. I also learned that I was using chemicals like a moron! My best tip is co-washing my hair loves moisture.
Look at my sig below for pics

arosieworld that post was all jokes

I concur, very funny :lol: :giggle:.
My Sister a life long natural and Nappturality member was like cool now everyone I know is a natural including her friends, my mom as well. My man always wanted me to d natural but did not anticipate it so soon. He is excited his mom and his sis who is my Bff are naturals. Now the BFF even though she is natural I don't know. She wanted me to wait. She is natural but keeps it braided or in kinky twists all the time. Funny thing when we met I was a natural. Hopefully my big chop will inspire her to wear her natural hair out now. I'm excited about my journey
I havent big chopped I am transitioning and cutting a little at a time Im at about 12 mos post now. But I have been asked quite a few times "Why are you going natural?" (with a stank faced expression) even more puzzling was when an older lady I work with answered her own question and said oh cause you got good hair. Why cant I just want to experience my own natural hair and since when are you only allowed to go natural if you have what small minded people would consider "good" hair.
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I shaved my head bald from almost APL relaxed hair. I was asked if I was depressed, had cancer, etc. My hair is now a TWA. Most of the people making comments need to do something with their scalawag styles.
The most repeated questions were "How did you get you hair curly? Is that a straw set? Did you use little rollers to get your hair like that?"

The reason I went natural was my hair never went straight with relaxers; I always "texlax". I had a tendency to wear my hair curly because my hair did not like being straight. At the time when I started transitioning, I was delivering newspapers during the summer and I thought to myself why bother just go natural. When I BC, only my mother and sister knew right away I was natural, other people not so much.

My #1 tip is protein, moisture, protein, moisture. Not all naturals need a lot of protein, I believe most do not but some like myself needs quite a bit of protein. Knowing your hair texture such as knowing if your hair is fine or coarse is important.
Most people dont even think that my hair is going to grow back.. My friend was like "what if it dont grow back" I told her but it has to why wouldnt it? and she was just like "okay"(in a "if u say so" type of way)

I told my sister that I was growing it out and she was just like " yeah thats what they all say"

My friend's brother on facebook saw a picture where my hair had grown a little and he was like "oh so its growing, well thats good its growing"
I mean what the heck does it supose to do?????? :ohwell:

I made a comment to my husband about my hair had grown some and he looked with suprised and was like "really? its growing?"

I guess so many people are used to their hair staying at one length that they just dont believe in growing hair any more. LOL. I guess new growth to them is just their "perm wearing off" :rolleyes:
The most repeated questions were "How did you get you hair curly? Is that a straw set? Did you use little rollers to get your hair like that?"

The reason I went natural was my hair never went straight with relaxers; I always "texlax". I had a tendency to wear my hair curly because my hair did not like being straight. At the time when I started transitioning, I was delivering newspapers during the summer and I thought to myself why bother just go natural. When I BC, only my mother and sister knew right away I was natural, other people not so much.

My #1 tip is protein, moisture, protein, moisture. Not all naturals need a lot of protein, I believe most do not but some like myself needs quite a bit of protein. Knowing your hair texture such as knowing if your hair is fine or coarse is important.

The most repeated questions were "How did you get you hair curly? Is that a straw set? Did you use little rollers to get your hair like that?"

The reason I went natural was my hair never went straight with relaxers; I always "texlax". I had a tendency to wear my hair curly because my hair did not like being straight. At the time when I started transitioning, I was delivering newspapers during the summer and I thought to myself why bother just go natural. When I BC, only my mother and sister knew right away I was natural, other people not so much.

My #1 tip is protein, moisture, protein, moisture. Not all naturals need a lot of protein, I believe most do not but some like myself needs quite a bit of protein. Knowing your hair texture such as knowing if your hair is fine or coarse is important.

his is me all day! curls would never go away.....NOW! WHERE ARE THE DAYUUM CURLS?:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: I HONESTLY HAVE ABOUT 4 DIFF TEXTURES GOING ON<---the front& back looks more like wet skunk hair
When I BC'd I worked with children in an afterschool program (and still do) - let me tell you that kids are always the worst critics - so I would answer the question like "So I could have beautiful hair likes yours," to the little girls with natural hair. Or the generic answer, "Cause I wanted my hair curly," or "I don't want perms anymore."
Most people dont even think that my hair is going to grow back.. My friend was like "what if it dont grow back" I told her but it has to why wouldnt it? and she was just like "okay"(in a "if u say so" type of way)

I told my sister that I was growing it out and she was just like " yeah thats what they all say"

My friend's brother on facebook saw a picture where my hair had grown a little and he was like "oh so its growing, well thats good its growing"
I mean what the heck does it supose to do?????? :ohwell:

I made a comment to my husband about my hair had grown some and he looked with suprised and was like "really? its growing?"

I guess so many people are used to their hair staying at one length that they just dont believe in growing hair any more. LOL. I guess new growth to them is just their "perm wearing off" :rolleyes:

at the bolded ... I was also warned by a coworker that if I used the wrong type of sissors to cut my hair it wuddnt grow back. She said it in a tone like "Poor thing she done chop off her hair with the wrong sissors now she gonna be bald forevre" LOLOLOL I didnt even answer her, 'cause its not like we be friends like that anyways :rolleyes:

now everytime she sees me her eyes pulp out .... when she commented on the growth of my hair I said "guess i used the right sissors huh"

shes never said anything to me abt my hair since :lachen:
My aunt asked me if my twists were extensions, pulling them to probably "make sure...":rolleyes: Dunno why, just because it's not relaxed doesn't mean it's going to remain stagnant. :/ Honestly, I don't know why people act that if you BC, your hair will automatically remain SHORT FOREVER and not grow.:wallbash:

I got the "Why you cut all that pretty hair off?" questions from FEW people, all old southerners. Like two, honestly, one being a woman who really admired my relaxed hair and always commented how my hair and I were so pretty. Nothing negative about my bc (since I tend to wear natural hair well, I've been told) or should I say at least to my face. I actually had a very positive response or nothing said at all.

Today in church, I wore a twist out (took my twists down) for the first time and had oohs and ahhs and hands all in my head. A woman told me every time she sees me, I inspire her to go natural (thing is, she's relaxer free but wears braids/wigs) but she doesn't have "soft hair like mine" so she can't.:nono: I get that often. "I would go natural but I don't have hair like that." or "you have that growing hair, mine won't grow like that"

My friend has very short hair...she'd rather put relaxer in it and wear it slicked and gelled back than go natural (which she WANTS to do) and wear it out because short straight hair is better than short natural hair, in her words.

Beside the women who have locks in my church, no one else is a "wear your hair out" natural like I am. :/ My mum wears wigs even and her hair is so thick and long! I know people are watching my hair progress so if it inspires folks, I'm VERY happy for that!

My big chop. LMAO, could my band be any tighter, I was SQUEEZING it to show some length :lachen:

Then I started trying styles...

And my hair as of 5/23/10

It DOES GROW! :lachen:

My 1 year BC anniversary is NEXT MONTH!!!
My aunt asked me if my twists were extensions, pulling them to probably "make sure...":rolleyes: Dunno why, just because it's not relaxed doesn't mean it's going to remain stagnant. :/ Honestly, I don't know why people act that if you BC, your hair will automatically remain SHORT FOREVER and not grow.:wallbash:

I got the "Why you cut all that pretty hair off?" questions from FEW people, all old southerners. Like two, honestly, one being a woman who really admired my relaxed hair and always commented how my hair and I were so pretty. Nothing negative about my bc (since I tend to wear natural hair well, I've been told) or should I say at least to my face. I actually had a very positive response or nothing said at all.

Today in church, I wore a twist out (took my twists down) for the first time and had oohs and ahhs and hands all in my head. A woman told me every time she sees me, I inspire her to go natural (thing is, she's relaxer free but wears braids/wigs) but she doesn't have "soft hair like mine" so she can't.:nono: I get that often. "I would go natural but I don't have hair like that." or "you have that growing hair, mine won't grow like that"

My friend has very short hair...she'd rather put relaxer in it and wear it slicked and gelled back than go natural (which she WANTS to do) and wear it out because short straight hair is better than short natural hair, in her words.

Beside the women who have locks in my church, no one else is a "wear your hair out" natural like I am. :/ My mum wears wigs even and her hair is so thick and long! I know people are watching my hair progress so if it inspires folks, I'm VERY happy for that!

My big chop. LMAO, could my band be any tighter, I was SQUEEZING it to show some length :lachen:

Then I started trying styles...

And my hair as of 5/23/10

It DOES GROW! :lachen:

My 1 year BC anniversary is NEXT MONTH!!!

gosh durn!!!! u have retained ALOT OF GROWTH! very beautiful :blush::blush:
thank you soooooo much for sharing