Why can't people just give you what you ask for!?


New Member
On Thursday, I went to Georgiana's, a Dominican salon to get my hair done. Naturally, it begins to snow before I even make it to the door, so I planned on getting a wash and set, blow and wrap.

I should have known better than to go there because the last time I was there, the stylist were telling off this woman who was nearly in tears because she wanted to relax her daughter's hair (and the girl was all of about four years old). After the lady left, I slid up to the counter and asked how much a wash and set was. "$25.00" was the answer. I pivot on my heels and leave.

This salon is usually deserted, but I wanted to give them a try.

I walk in on Thursday, true to form, there's no one else in there but the employees. I peek at the sign-in sheet and notice a list of names, a few of which had be marked over with yellow highlighter. There were about 6-7 names after that and I wondered where the people where as I was the only customer in the salon.

I was unsure of whether I should bother writing my name on the list, so I grabbed the pen and turned to the stylist nearest me and say "I want a wash and set, please."

"Not a relaxer, mami?" she says

And then we stare at each other for what seemed like ten minutes but was probably more like 5 seconds.

Boadicea: No, just the wash and set.
Stylist: No, mami, you need a perm.
B: (struggling not to correct her and say that a perm curls your hair and a relaxer straightens it) No, I just want a wash and set.
S: When was your last relaxer?
B: December
S: Deciembre??
B: ......................yes
S: But you need a perm
B: No, I don't
S: Yes...you do

And it went like that twice more and then I just turned so abrubtly that her last sentence went from "Yes, yo-wait, mami! Come back!" I walked straight out of the salon, through both locked doors (:confused: ) and went to Reaction.

Why can't people just give you what you freakin' ask for? If I wanted a relaxer, I would have said so. It's only been just over two months since my last touch up. Way too early for me. Plus my Phyto just came in the mail the same day.

Why would you risk losing customers by essentially telling the patrons they're too stupid to know what they want when they walk in?
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No wonder the place was empty. No one brave enough to stick around and see what the stylist will do to their heads.
I have had that same response told to me as well..... you need a perm or your ends need to be trimmed.

Did I ask for this if I wanted this I would ask for it!!!!!!
Bo, I know how you feel. I always get, you need to trim your ends. I've gotten that line even after an agressive trim. Maybe my hair just looks that way nturally. But even if it were looked ragged (and it doesn't) they should just suggest it and then do what you ask.
I have had Dominican Salons do the same to me but I tell them "I know...but I want a wash and set." I don't even argue, I just walk over to the shampoo station...and keep it movin.

I don't understand why they feel the need to tell tell you that you need a relaxer..if you want one you will get one, and its not like you can't get a wash and set without a relaxer...

My hair comes out so straight with just a rollerset and wrap and I am 14 weeks post relaxer.
WOW Boadicea, the stylist really had some nerve!!! I would have done the same thing and walked out.

I have been to Giovanni's before and they did a great job with my hair I cant remember who it was that set my hair and blew my roots out though :confused:

After your experience I can't imagine you would ever go back there!
You GO, BO!! I'm glad you just walked out of that place! I'm sick of stylists disregarding what we ask for! It's time to take a stand and just WALK OUT on them. Good goin girl!!!
Its so funny, because I hear this a lot, but I went to a Dominican Salon in the Washington Heights area of NYC (my roommate was Dominican and this were her stylist) and the hairdresser is so anti relaxer. She would tell my roomate all the time that she didn't need to relaxer her hair. My roomate translated to me what she said about my hair, telling her that she did not need to relax and to look at my hair, its more textured than hers is, yet I didn't need to relax (my roommate complained her hair was too "kinky" not to relax). Needless to say, since we are no longer roommates, its hard to catch up with her to get to that salon. Can't go on my own because they all speak spanish and I would not be able to communicate, then who knows what would happen! LOL.
You know, I can't believe all these stories that are cropping up!! Truly disturbing! Glad you walked out of there.

I think the conversation lasted too long. I should have just walked out immediately. I don't know how they stay in business with that attitude toward the customer.
You did the right thing Bo!
I would have walked out too. I can't stand when the "professional beauticians" push thier advice on what you should do with YOU own hair
I had that same problem the other day with a stylist telling me I needed a relaxer and comparing my texturized roots to a brick. :huh:. Anyways, he didn't know anything about rollersetting and blowdrying roots so I just got up and left. He made it seem as though what I wanted didn't even exist and that he had never heard of dominican salon methods although he had been in the hairstyling business for 20 years.