Dominican Salon Reject

msportugal said:
hey be glad you were rejected!!!!
now how long did i take to grow all of that hair????

I haven't had a trim in a year and its gone from shoulder length to bra strap.
It's amazing. I think I'll get trims every 6 mos from now on.
I can believe they did that to you.I have been through the simliar thing.

I was in a rush and was waiting a super long time one day.I asked for a blow out and the beeotch stylist flat out told me no!She will only give me a wet set.

I asked why she said she didnt have time there are other customers in the salon.I would understand if she was the only stylist but she wasnt.Their were 2 other people there and i knew they would not touch me because i was her client.
I only went back once after that..because she wanted to rinse me out agaiin after she put in a leave-in con and tangled my hair with it.

After tugging with my hair that she tangled she wanted to rinse it out and do-over my conditoner and treatmnet.I came to the conclusion she had lost her ever loving mind and never ever went back,Shame though they do the sweetest blow-outs!! :perplexed
My D stylist did the opposite. I told her I think I was time for a touch up. See said "NO NO wait a few more weeks. I'll get it straight." Well this was four weeks ago and I'm still going strong. With good home care and seeing her once a week. My new growth this hanging in there with no breakage.
caligirl said:
Today I went to a dominican salon in hopes of a wash and set. As soon as I came in, the owner was like "Mommie, perm, you need perm!" I told him that I used to get a perm (12 months ago) but now I would just like a wash and set. After talking about me (in Spanish) he told me to come back on a day when the salon is normally closed because it would take too long to do my hair. Transitioners and naturals, beware. You may get turned away at the door.

Seems to me like it would take longer to get the relaxer, then the wash and set...
Like I said before, that fool was your blessing in disguise; he just told you HIS limitaions! :ban:
mscolwhite said:
My D stylist did the opposite. I told her I think I was time for a touch up. See said "NO NO wait a few more weeks. I'll get it straight." Well this was four weeks ago and I'm still going strong. With good home care and seeing her once a week. My new growth this hanging in there with no breakage.

Oh yeah, I second this. My stylist did the same thing to me. She flat out said, No.
Well I didn't get turned away, but it was pretty clear they weren't happy about having to do my hair. After my last experience I went and found a nice salon that knows how to handle natural hair.
I just rec'd a dominican blowout and the women who rollerset my hair told me I should get a relaxer, she told me that half of my hair was natural and the other half was relaxed. She asked me if I had stopped getting relaxers. I told her no. But I am stretching my relaxers. She showed me the comb where she had pulled out ALOT!!!! of my hair and told me this was due to me not getting a relaxer on time. I said no this is due to you not detangling my hair before you decided to pull that little bittie comb through all this thick hair. I was pissed!!! Anybody else expereince this? I think I am done with Dominican salons.
Some salons charge more if you have natural hair and make a big deal out of it. You have to find a good one that is used to doing natural hair. I would be mad too if they said that to me! :look:
I ain't messin with none of them. Where I live they have Cape Verdean Salons (The ppl from Cape Verde are a lot like Dominicans, some have straighter hair, some nappier and it seems they have the same techniques) and my cousins occasionally go to their salons. I accompanied my little cousin once to have her hair done. My cousin has long, relaxed 4b hair that needed a touchup but my aunt only wanted her to get a wash and set. We had somewhere to be soon so the stylist started rushing. She started blowdrying her hair with this REALLY hot blowdryer. She first raked a comb thru to detangle and then started using a round brush with the dryer. My poor cousins head was flopping back and forth with that lady pulling on it. (She really took it well, I would have been cussin by that point) I told my aunt and she says "oh that lady, she's actually the most gentle one in there, they could do your hair too"

Whateva, I'm not stepping foot in there. I'll straighten it myself when I need to.