Why Can't I Cut My See-Through Hair???.

Have you ever cut thick, healthy hair bcs it was thin in a spot?

  • I had to cut approximately 3 inches....

    Votes: 64 73.6%
  • I had to cut 5 inches or more....

    Votes: 24 27.6%

  • Total voters
Hold out, Aggie, I'm gonna find a remedy...don't cut it yet!! Just give me a few min- u-tes....*starts to research thick...hair...remedies...fixes...topical......* I'm gonna save a whole bunch of us from cutting our hard grown hair inches...i'm gonna, i'm gonna:wallbash::wallbash:

Okay honey, will do. Ima hold out and wait a while for the remedy you come with.
Sew in a track or put in in braids for a while to forget about the issue. I recently cut about 4 inches of my just below SL hair because it was getting very thin (long story). Now I really miss the length, but I still think I did the right thing. Do you where some curl in your hair or just straight? Having a little curl can sometimes hide imperfections.

I was considering this (sew-in), but i'd feel like someone is gonna touch my hair and feel tracks...:look:...people ALWAYS touch my hair....ALWAYS...and that's cool when your hair is tip/top, but sheesh, NOW, i don't want anyone touching my stuff.... I just have a *thing* about hair...i tried to wear a wig and i nearly ripped it off in public...AND i felt like everyone was watching me saying (is that a wig? "point/stare" ~ i'm usually very uncaring about people's opinions, but going through hair loss has made me sensitive....:perplexed)

Yeah, I am definitely rocking the pincurls, now...especially since i read wrapping can make hair thinner over time...that sucks-sorry, ahem, cough, that's horrible (:spinning: proper, lady:yep:) because I wrap my hair every night when i straighten it...

I'm thinking if the back grows out 4 inches(thinking sew-in WILL :yep: help), i can then cut, because it will have more length/thickness...but by then, the rest will be MBL- Jeesh, the horrors, it's a vicious cycle:drunk:! No, but really, i'd feel better about it then :rolleyes:

Now, spend MO money, buy weave, what texture, what brand? I'm transitioning and wear my hair all kinds of ways...
Lord, Have Mercy!:dazed:
What challenge is that?

I have the exact same problem as you, except my longest parts are APL, and my shortest are a bit above shoulder. about 45% of my hair is shoulder length, and just the sides are APL. :nono:

your siggy is actually encouraging-- it seems like everyone's answer on here is to immediately cut off all uneven ends, and it's nice to see that i'm not the only one who's plan is to grow their way out of their setbacks :yep:

Thanks girl, maybe we need to start this challenge! Who's With Me! I'll post whatever I find that i think will help...someone mentioned using MoeGrow with Okra infused in it...i can't remember who, but i'll find 'em....
As early as 3 weeks post, my hair starts to draw up and the old ends seem see-thru. This is partly an illusion due to the NG, but I get depressed every time. I want it to be long enough that these little draw-ups won't matter!
I was considering this (sew-in), but i'd feel like someone is gonna touch my hair and feel tracks...:look:...people ALWAYS touch my hair....ALWAYS...and that's cool when your hair is tip/top, but sheesh, NOW, i don't want anyone touching my stuff.... I just have a *thing* about hair...i tried to wear a wig and i nearly ripped it off in public...AND i felt like everyone was watching me saying (is that a wig? "point/stare" ~ i'm usually very uncaring about people's opinions, but going through hair loss has made me sensitive....:perplexed)

Yeah, I am definitely rocking the pincurls, now...especially since i read wrapping can make hair thinner over time...that sucks-sorry, ahem, cough, that's horrible (:spinning: proper, lady:yep:) because I wrap my hair every night when i straighten it...

I'm thinking if the back grows out 4 inches(thinking sew-in WILL :yep: help), i can then cut, because it will have more length/thickness...but by then, the rest will be MBL- Jeesh, the horrors, it's a vicious cycle:drunk:! No, but really, i'd feel better about it then :rolleyes:

Now, spend MO money, buy weave, what texture, what brand? I'm transitioning and wear my hair all kinds of ways...
Lord, Have Mercy!:dazed:
Have you thought about getting clip-on hair instead of a weave? This way you can still treat your hair i.e. deep condition, moisturizing, etc...

Your thin area will be filled in nicely with the clip-on and you can put it any where on your head and it will not call any stress from tigh braiding too. Just put it on in the morning and take off at night to moisturize and stuff. And it is a lot cheaper then a weave!
As early as 3 weeks post, my hair starts to draw up and the old ends seem see-thru. This is partly an illusion due to the NG, but I get depressed every time. I want it to be long enough that these little draw-ups won't matter!

X-actly! I feel ya on this one...it's like, do i cut perfectly healthy hair to accomodate strands that draw up? It seems so drastic, and like the problem will not be solved, bcs, won't those newly cut ends continue to draw up and give the illusion of thin hair.?...
Have you thought about getting clip-on hair instead of a weave? This way you can still treat your hair i.e. deep condition, moisturizing, etc...

Your thin area will be filled in nicely with the clip-on and you can put it any where on your head and it will not call any stress from tigh braiding too. Just put it on in the morning and take off at night to moisturize and stuff. And it is a lot cheaper then a weave!

*Lightbulb goes off* I've NEVER considered this...I will definitely look into it...I really appreciate that suggestion. I can't wait to see what is available...and i can get different textures for different looks....I like this idea...i imagine it is secure enough not to slip or anything...i have no clue about extensions, etc...this is all new to me....so bear with me....I hate braids..I really hate anything binding my hair...I could stand the clip on for 10 hours and then...FREEDOM!!! I luv it, Luvmesumhair!

Brilliant, I tell you! Luvmesumhair, U are Brilliant!
*Lightbulb goes off* I've NEVER considered this...I will definitely look into it...I really appreciate that suggestion. I can't wait to see what is available...and i can get different textures for different looks....I like this idea...i imagine it is secure enough not to slip or anything...i have no clue about extensions, etc...this is all new to me....so bear with me....I hate braids..I really hate anything binding my hair...I could stand the clip on for 10 hours and then...FREEDOM!!! I luv it, Luvmesumhair!

Brilliant, I tell you! Luvmesumhair, U are Brilliant!
You are welcome! :yep:

Here is a link about it so you can start reading up on it. Also do a search here to get additional info regarding this.


Let me know how it eventually turns out.
You are welcome! :yep:

Here is a link about it so you can start reading up on it. Also do a search here to get additional info regarding this.


Let me know how it eventually turns out.

Luv, this info is THA TRUTH!!! Girl, I NEVER KNEW ANYTHING ABOUT THIS STUFF!!!! I'm like, where have i been all this time???? I pray many blessings on you because this is taking alot A LOT of pressure, stress and discouragement off of me and probably many others...i can really see doing this and maintaining my hair regime. This is awesome...i feel really really late, though, because this link is from, like, 2006??? Man, have I missed out on a lot...I am off to a new project and I think I won't be so self-conscious about my clip-on...i'm gonna work my jelly, baby!

I can't wait to let you know how it turns out! I may just buy a camera this weekend....and post pictures!!!! *Doing happy dance*
I've been too lazy to take a picture. Take a look at my siggy. I made it to BSL with awful breakage in the middle. The first week of January I had my hairdresser take 2 1/4 inches, now I'm full APL. As much as it hurt, it needed to get done.
Someone help.....

I'm wearing my flatironed, wrapped hair down, but it is see through. When i first get it flatironed, it looks much better, not so thin. But after humidity, perspiration, etc, it draws up and begins to look eerily thin ( i never wanted to be one of those people with 2 long strands of hair)...I have so much hair growth, my hair is bsl, and I hate to cut 3 inches off - again, but i feel uncomfy when i think it is drawing up.

It looks great in a pony, updo, because that center (back) nape area isn't showing....all the other hair looks awesome and healthy...i trim my ends and everything, but still that dang gap is there:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: I thought about sewing in a couple of tracks in the back until it grows out about 4 inches, but i'm a diy-er and I don't want the hassle with all the cowashes, henna, ayurveda powders weekly, etc...i'm not sure how i would style it???

Any suggestions?

Also, what else besides Sabino MB can keep my natural hair from reverting?

I'm transitioning....with about 9 inches of relaxed hair, 4 inches of NG.....H*E*L*P!!! I miss my long, thick bsl hair......(i'm recovering from alopecia....)

I want to look like "me" the old "me" for my neice's grad party...she's a tv reporter in Nacogdoches, Tx!(Say Naca Wha?!) Woo-Hoo Go Racky!!! Living My Dream!!!

Yep, I would hear comments like "it's long but thin", that's why I choose to cut my hair in October so that the sides even up with the back.. The sides were much longer and give the impression that I was rocking collarbone but after I cut it, it's resting comfortably on my neck... I hate see through hair
I had the same problem. I thinned my hair out in the back by sleeping in conditioner overnight, scratching in the same area, and pinning my hair in the same spot with hair pins. ( LOL ) I stopped messing with that area, did light scalp massages ( not eveyday ), and kept doing my ayurvedic hair treatments. I would where my hair to the side instead of in the back. It has thickened up some but my mom keeps reminding me that it is still thin. Not ready to cut just yet, though. Maybe a light scalp massage with castor oil will thicken that area.
Well, Ladies, Br*nze has officially cut her see-through hair!!!

Yes, I did it.

My hair was also bsl, but that middle sections was driving me crazy, no matter how many mini-chops I did, it was still there, mocking me.

So, I cut about 4 inches at Christmas and now it looks fuller and feels better. It's in a "process" and is getting much thicker. I'm drinking my Waistlength Hair Cocktail, using megatek/mtg on rotation and I believe it is helping with thickness. I'm also an ayurvedic mixtress.

I've been rocking a bun for weeks on end and hoping that will help thicken it as well.

I pray this never happens again, because i'd be real close to waistlength after all these cuts i've been through. I have maybe an inch of relaxed hair left, maybe...so really, I'm quazi-natural, grazing apl, yaay! I've transitioning for a little over a year....

The only positive thing about holding on to my thin endz was that i could bun easily and that allowed my thicker hair to grow until i felt comfortable cutting it and maintaining a natural style. If I had big chopped months ago, my hair would have been too short and I would have been style-challenged.

If I can help anyone with tips, let me know. I encourage others to share their thoughts, reggies, products because there are sooo many others who need this help. I'll keep you guys updated on my thickening/growing process.

Also, do not let anyone persuade you to cut your hair. You'll know when the time is right, then you'll have peace with your decision.
My ends look thin when I have my hair straightened. The thin ends are not due to breakage, but from trimming my hair while in twists : which left the ends uneven :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:. I was advised not to cut my hair since I seldom wear it loose or straight. I wear buns 99% of the time. I have been following an Ayurvedic regimen and this past month, I can tell that my ends are getting thicker.

Thin ends are not really noticeable if you wear your hair in loose curls.
Well, Ladies, Br*nze has officially cut her see-through hair!!!

Yes, I did it.

My hair was also bsl, but that middle sections was driving me crazy, no matter how many mini-chops I did, it was still there, mocking me.

So, I cut about 4 inches at Christmas and now it looks fuller and feels better. It's in a "process" and is getting much thicker. I'm drinking my Waistlength Hair Cocktail, using megatek/mtg on rotation and I believe it is helping with thickness. I'm also an ayurvedic mixtress.

I've been rocking a bun for weeks on end and hoping that will help thicken it as well.

I pray this never happens again, because i'd be real close to waistlength after all these cuts i've been through. I have maybe an inch of relaxed hair left, maybe...so really, I'm quazi-natural, grazing apl, yaay! I've transitioning for a little over a year....

The only positive thing about holding on to my thin endz was that i could bun easily and that allowed my thicker hair to grow until i felt comfortable cutting it and maintaining a natural style. If I had big chopped months ago, my hair would have been too short and I would have been style-challenged.

If I can help anyone with tips, let me know. I encourage others to share their thoughts, reggies, products because there are sooo many others who need this help. I'll keep you guys updated on my thickening/growing process.

Also, do not let anyone persuade you to cut your hair. You'll know when the time is right, then you'll have peace with your decision.

You cut your hair? I want to see pics.
Hey BB - Your hair looks good!!!

Girl, your hair looks really good. :yep:

Thanks, Chicas...Here's a big kiss for you guys...{smooch}

This has been a l-o-n-g road, but I know it's only uphill from here. The great thing is, my hair is growing really rapidly, so although I keep cutting it, it grows right back. So that gave me confidence to keep trimming.

I know the other methods were working, and if I continued to bun and wear protective styles, my hair would have thickened and caught up until I was comfortable. But, I wear my hair out for a week, monthly, and I was too hair-anorexic to think I looked cute with my hair like it was....

I'm trying to keep the creamy crack off of my hair so I can continue to make progress. But this humidity in Houston makes it hard for me to wear my natural hair straightened. I'll look into rollersets and some other options, because I'd like to go another year without texlaxing, really, I never want to relax again...but I miss my stylized hair. :sad:

Thanks for your support, Ladies....come and join me in growing thick waistlength hair. We CAN do this you guys. :yep:
My relaxed ends are noticeably thin in comparison to my NG. I have 12 inches of NG and 10 inches of relaxed ends. To combat this, I get my hair curled with the flat ironed. I NEVER wear it straight. (when I was fully relaxed, I enjoyed wearing my hair straight).As a previous poster mentioned, the curls camouflage the way the thin ends look against the NG.

I was just considering getting about 3-4 inches of relaxed ends cut off in the next few weeks, but reading another post here just made me realize that that would be a challenge for me in making big fluffy buns (which is how I wear my hair 75% of the tme). I have been getting my relaxed ends trimmed every few months anyway and I have had no breakage, it's just that the relaxed ends don't compare with the NG. :nono:

Now reconsidering getting my mini chop in a few weeks.:ohwell:
Thanks, Chicas...Here's a big kiss for you guys...{smooch}

This has been a l-o-n-g road, but I know it's only uphill from here. The great thing is, my hair is growing really rapidly, so although I keep cutting it, it grows right back. So that gave me confidence to keep trimming.

I know the other methods were working, and if I continued to bun and wear protective styles, my hair would have thickened and caught up until I was comfortable. But, I wear my hair out for a week, monthly, and I was too hair-anorexic to think I looked cute with my hair like it was....

I'm trying to keep the creamy crack off of my hair so I can continue to make progress. But this humidity in Houston makes it hard for me to wear my natural hair straightened. I'll look into rollersets and some other options, because I'd like to go another year without texlaxing, really, I never want to relax again...but I miss my stylized hair. :sad:

Thanks for your support, Ladies....come and join me in growing thick waistlength hair. We CAN do this you guys. :yep:

Didn't you say that you only have only another inch of relaxed ends? Good for you! Can't wait until I get to that point!

Your trim looks good; I'm sure you feel much better and your hair thanks you for it!

Congrats on your cut BBB, it looks great honey. I also cut mine last week - my stylist took off 3 inches so far and will be taking more off when I texlax again. I need all of it gone but I'm too chicken to BC like most of the brave ladies here:grin:. I only have about 2 inches of newly texlaxed hair and the bone straight relaxed hair is looking really thin in comparison. It's not that thin but just seems that way to me, ya know:look:? maybe 'm just nuts, I dunno:nono:.
your hair looks great bronzed! keep up the good work!! just took off the offending two inches the other day! whew!!! now that they are gone i am much happier with the look of my hair with a few inches to solve.
I think the ng makes the ends appear sparser than normal when you have a substantial amount, even as little as an inch or so.

Same here! I am transitioning as well with about 3 inches of NG. I washed my hair yesterday and was shocked at my own see through ends. I had like three long strings dangling on my shoulders. I think that is the name of the game until we are fully transitioned and embracing our stronger, curly, hair.
I feel you...

I am not transistioning but your post describes my situation pretty much.
I wish I had a solution for you though. I live with my ends looking see through until it's time to get a touch-up. But I keep my hair pinned up most of the time. :sad:

I think the ng makes the ends appear sparser than normal when you have a substantial amount, even as little as an inch or so.

I am about 11 weeks post and my ng and shrinkage just makes my hair look thinner than it is. Not to worry; it's growing!! Your hair is looking fabulous, JN. I fully blame OCT; it's been fantastic for me!!
Thanks Ladies, natural hair is killer on relaxed endz, it'll make you totally down really quickly. Finally my hair is looking somewhat like "my" hair. And I still have major thickness to go.

It's amazing how flat ironing makes your hair look so much thinner...I never had that problem before, so this is very humbling for me. :look:. But my hair is thriving. I wore it down this week to many, many compliments. I hadn't gotten compliments on my hair (when wearing it down) in many moons :nono:, so I know I'm making progress. I'll wear it up this week, but i need to cowash, it's been over a week...and I don't think i'll get it flat ironed again until April, I hope..

Thanks for the support, everyone.

And Aggie, I don't see where your hair needs that cut! Don't do it! Girl, I saw your pics and your hair looks great! Do NOT cut your hair. Do not. It's your mind playing tricks on you and yeah, you're a little nuts :spinning:.

It's hard to look at my hair when I know where I've come from, but I'm thankful I'm making progress, ya know?

Alopecia is the Devil Incarnate.:wallbash:. It must be stopped.
I just cut 3 or more inches of see-through ends last week, although it's shorter I love my blunt ends. I don't plan to trim again until after I reach my 2009 hair goal which is now BSL (instead of MBL *sigh*)...
Okay, my dilemna, the dreaded "hole" is reappearing....i'm so through.

i did get my hair blown and flat ironed two weeks in a row..( for special occasions) it looked great when completely straight, but when it begins to revert that spot reappears.!^&*!!@@#$^% - now the rest of my hair seems to grow soooo soooo soooo much quicker than the middle of my hair and the nape.

The "W" shape, if you will, is in my hair AGAIN.!! So for all the cutting that i did in december, i'm looking at this area and eyeing my scissors - dag.

I will solve this problem. There is a solution. Cutting is always an option, but how to keep it from coming back?...?..hmmmm...