Grow, then cut...or cut then grow? WWYD

Cut n grow...or grow then cut.

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I was growing then cutting...but as soon as I can afford a trim I am cutting. My hair is so uneven in the back and I don't like the way it falls. I need a trim to even my hair out and I will be good. BTW OP your hair is FABULOUS
I did both. But I learned that I prefer healthy LOOKING hair as well as just Healthy Hair. Sooo, for it to look healthy I have to cut then grow. I try to wait as long as possible between trims (grow then cut) and if I can't take it or it's not looking healthy I cut then grow some more. (lol)

I hope that helps. Basically I do what needs to be done to keep it looking and "being" healthy.
I did both. But I learned that I prefer healthy LOOKING hair as well as just Healthy Hair. Sooo, for it to look healthy I have to cut then grow. I try to wait as long as possible between trims (grow then cut) and if I can't take it or it's not looking healthy I cut then grow some more. (lol)

I hope that helps. Basically I do what needs to be done to keep it looking and "being" healthy.
Funny, I started this thread almost two yrs ago. Been off the board almost two yrs...come back and see this thread at the top...and guess what!? The dilemma still exists...LOL! However I did cut then grow BUT then cut layers AND bangs to boot (which I LOVE)...and know I'm wondering if I want to grow them out. AGAIN.
I like to dust as I go along. Just so I know I'm not going to have any :censored: err... crap out of these here ends. Plus short or long, I like the look of "uniformed" ends if that makes sense.
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I like to dust as I go along. Just so I know I'm not going to have any :censored: err... crap out of these here ends. Plus short or long, I like the look of "uniformed ends" if that makes sense.

haha...Me too and that's my problem!
Funny, I started this thread almost two yrs ago. Been off the board almost two yrs...come back and see this thread at the top...and guess what!? The dilemma still exists...LOL! However I did cut then grow BUT then cut layers AND bangs to boot (which I LOVE)...and know I'm wondering if I want to grow them out. AGAIN.

It's YOU!

For the longest time I've been spraining my brain trying to remember the other person's hair that was similar to Kinikake's & Neonbright's. I've always admired your hair.

So glad this thread got bumped. Glad you're back too. :grin:
It depends. Are you trimming because you have split ends? I also considered growing then cutting. My stylist told me I had A LOT of dead ends. I got another's stylist opinion, and I was told that I really did need to get rid of about 6" total. I was planning to wait until WL to start trimming, but I went ahead and did it at BSL.

Honestly, It was hard to make that decision, but my main goal is healthy hair. It looked great to my friends IRL, but I couldn't get past looking at the splits. It didn't 'swang' to me either because of the ends. I got rid of 3' and have 3' to go, but I can't imagine how much better it'll look when it's at my desired length and all healthy.

ETA: I didn't realize that this thread was old. In any case, maybe this will help others.
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I have learned my lesson well. I didn't trim for a year and now its all gone all that work is gone I have to start over again. I am no where near armpit length. Now I will trim regularly every three months or 12 weeks exactly I love how thick my hair looks now and healthier and I am sad I lost all of that progress. but no more. I will keep my ends dusted and I will get my trims when I need them I rather have thick and healthier hair then long thin straggly hair.
Funny, I started this thread almost two yrs ago. Been off the board almost two yrs...come back and see this thread at the top...and guess what!? The dilemma still exists...LOL! However I did cut then grow BUT then cut layers AND bangs to boot (which I LOVE)...and know I'm wondering if I want to grow them out. AGAIN.

Welcome back Pixel Lady :wave:
Before going natural, I was horrible about keeping up with getting my hair relaxed. One morning I woke up, reached for my wig and thought… “I’m sick of this routine”. Only problem was, my hair was way too damaged to try to repair. I mean, it was broken off to the point of no return. So, I massaged my roots, felt those waves, and I knew right then what I had to do…REALEASE ‘EM! LoL! I called up my mom’s stylist and set up an appointment to get those relaxed ends chopped off the very same day! It left me with about an inch. It was the best decision I have ever made for my hair. I definitely say CHOP AND GROW. Might as well get it over with. Plus, I think I would have been hesitant to chop had I let it gotten too long. I had a friend who transitioned for good 5 months and gave in to the temptation of the creamy crack LoL! She said it was just too stressful dealing with too extremely different textures.
Before going natural, I was horrible about keeping up with getting my hair relaxed. One morning I woke up, reached for my wig and thought… “I’m sick of this routine”. Only problem was, my hair was way too damaged to try to repair. I mean, it was broken off to the point of no return. So, I massaged my roots, felt those waves, and I knew right then what I had to do…REALEASE ‘EM! LoL! I called up my mom’s stylist and set up an appointment to get those relaxed ends chopped off the very same day! It left me with about an inch. It was the best decision I have ever made for my hair. I definitely say CHOP AND GROW. Might as well get it over with. Plus, I think I would have been hesitant to chop had I let it gotten too long. I had a friend who transitioned for good 5 months and gave in to the temptation of the creamy crack LoL! She said it was just too stressful dealing with too extremely different textures.
:yep: Our aspirations seem to be so much more attainable when we're starting from a clean slate. I wish I could get a blow horn, climb up on the highest mountain there is and preach this "Raggedy :censored: ends are not cute no matter how long your hair is" message that's been burning down in my soul for quite some Trust me the masses need to hear it.
I'm with Cut then Grow. I haven't had a trim since I've began my hair journey...I'm in love with nice beautiful ends. I'll eventually get to my ultimate goal(not sure)lol. No Rush
It's only hair!!!
I would say cut than grow normally but I'm going to mix it up and this is why. I cut then grew and I still have to cut because my hair grew out in layers. No ones grows out perfectly blunt so I'd wait if I was you. Only if you have lots of splits would I cut first.
I cut then grow. My first year, I was growing and my ends were uneven and turning into a v - i hated it. Now, I'm happy with the even ends. My hair has been the same length as my avatar for six-ish months and probably will be for another year because I want all of the layers even. It's not long, but it's healthy, strong, non-breaking, and soft - this I do want. I can deal with my tiny bun and shoulder length for the rest of the year - because I will continue to trim until my hair is completely even.
Might I add that we should all trim or dust whenever necessary but when I think of cutting I think of CUTTING which is a huge amount.
Umm...I've grown then cut and cut some more.........and then dusted & polished off a some more ends :look: For me, growing out then cutting induces my scissor happy tendencies rather than just dusting as I grow my hair out.
:yep: Our aspirations seem to be so much more attainable when we're starting from a clean slate. I wish I could get a blow horn, climb up on the highest mountain there is and preach this "Raggedy :censored: ends are not cute no matter how long your hair is" message that's been burning down in my soul for quite some Trust me the masses need to hear it.

Preach on girl!!! :yep:
I'm a scissors happy stylist when it comes to my hair. I've been between SL and APL for a year now because I've given myself 2 major trims and about 4 dustings. My hair is much healthier, fuller and looks a whole lot better than it did in 2008, although I am the same length. Now that I have cut off all those thin nasty ends and multiple layers, I can focus on my next goal of APL by June. I won't trim again until then.

I believe that if you wear your hair out, you should trim it, so it will look nice and healthy, no matter what your length is. You will ultimately feel better about your hair if you do. Your hair is going to grow whether you cut it or not. Why not look good while it does.:yep:

Now if you wear your hair up or curly you may be able to wait to cut it, although you may find that it tangles and breaks more when your ends are chewed up and screwed up.

What I actually did was cut then grow.
But if I was to do it over I would grow then cut
*I didnt vote.....
I voted for cut then grow. I have been doing search-and-destroys (barely) and I'm starting to feel like I'm going to be cutting soon. Not trimming, but cutting. Maybe two inches. I really don't wear my hair down often but when I do I feel like my hair should be looking much better than it does. So I'm going to bite the bullet and just do it. I think if I were more committed to a trimming on a regular basis I wouldn't have to cut it now.
i do whatever my hair needs to be done. IDK whats so life altering about cutting off a few hot mess inches here and there esp if you have significant length to begin with.
It's YOU!

For the longest time I've been spraining my brain trying to remember the other person's hair that was similar to Kinikake's & Neonbright's. I've always admired your hair.

So glad this thread got bumped. Glad you're back too. :grin:

LOL...yep it's me...hehe! Thank you and I'm glad to be back!!