Why Aren’t There As Many People Trying To Grow Their Hair Long?

Speaking of Hairlicious....love this photo of her and her husband. Her husb.....erm hair is gorgeous! :)


I can't see this pic since i'm at work, but I know it's beautiful ! She's my relaxed hair goals! I absolutely LOVE her hair.
I'm a relative newbie from a posting and joining perspective as I only became a member at the end of 2015. I first found LHCF back in 2005 but mainly lurked. Lost track of the forum, couldn't remember the name and didn't think about it while I lived in CO. CO with no humidity made my transition a breeze, it wasn't until I moved back to the east coast and had to relearn how to deal with natural in this weather that I wanted to find this board. I remembered the rich and detailed conversation from 05 and all the beautiful pics. I will say in the 2+ years of my being back the technology platform here is not the best and the hoops one must go through to post pics is a deterrrent. Having to use 12 apps to post one pic is just too much so a lot of times I don't bother.
I totally agree with the difficult hoops to post pics. I find it a real drag actually. :nono: It used to be so easy to do so before the upgrades to this site.
I totally agree with the difficult hoops to post pics. I find it a real drag actually. :nono: It used to be so easy to do so before the upgrades to this site.

The only way I know how to post pictures (the way I have always done it) is to:

1. take pictures with phone
2. email it to myself
3. open the email on my computer and save it.
4. open picture in "paint" or something where I can put a pink heart on my face (hence the avatar)somewhere LOL.
5. copy picture from "paint" and paste it on my post.

*shrugs* I don't know any other way, I don't want to know any other way. It's probably the easiest way.

Who else does it this way? :blush2:
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The only way I know how to post pictures (the way I have always done it) is to:

1. take pictures with phone
2. email it to myself
3. open the email on my computer and save it.
4. open picture in "paint" or something where I can put a pink heart on my face (hence the avatar)somewhere LOL.
5. copy picture from "paint" and paste it on my post.

*shrugs* I don't know any other way, I don't want to know any other way. It's probably the easiest way.

Who else does it this way? :blush2:
I will consider doing this and see if that's better. But it was even easier than this before the upgrade.
I am sure most on here would prefer to see length checks on fully straightened hair. Many of us are natural and the risks of straightening natural hair far outweigh the benefits of doing it (at least for me anyway). Back in 2003 (just throwing a year out), there were definitely more relaxed heads and more people willing to flat iron their hair to show their lengths.

The most you will ever see me do is pulling a section of my hair taughtly, which I don’t think is worth creating a whole post for (so I keep those pics within the length challenges).
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The only way I know how to post pictures (the way I have always done it) is to:

1. take pictures with phone
2. email it to myself
3. open the email on my computer and save it.
4. open picture in "paint" or something where I can put a pink heart on my face (hence the avatar)somewhere LOL.
5. copy picture from "paint" and paste it on my post.

*shrugs* I don't know any other way, I don't want to know any other way. It's probably the easiest way.

Who else does it this way? :blush2:

I do something similar. Copy and paste the pic into Microsoft word and copy and paste from there directly into the post.
I have those as well. I still think it used to be easier.
Back in the day, you had to use an online photo album to resize the pics, get the url link, then copy and paste. And you had to create photo album on this site in order to post pics. Then it changed to where you can just upload directly from your phone’s photo cloud. Now we are back to having to resize again.
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I am sure most on here would prefer to see length checks on fully straightened hair. Many of us are natural and the risks of straightening natural hair far outweigh the benefits of doing it (at least for me anyway). Back in 2003 (just throwing a year out), there were definitely more relaxed heads and more people willing to flat iron their hair to show their lengths.

The most you will ever see me do is pulling a section of my hair taughtly, which I don’t think is worth creating a whole post for (so I keep those pics within the length challenges).
I don't think anyone expects anyone to straighten. At least I don't. I don't straighten for anyone. I have gotten my hair straightened once since I went natural. I feel staightening compromises your natural curl pattern. The risks outweigh the benefits in my opinion. Pull test work for me.
I am sure most on here would prefer to see length checks on fully straightened hair. Many of us are natural and the risks of straightening natural hair far outweigh the benefits of doing it (at least for me anyway). Back in 2003 (just throwing a year out), there were definitely more relaxed heads and more people willing to flat iron their hair to show their lengths.

The most you will ever see me do is pulling a section of my hair taughtly, which I don’t think is worth creating a whole post for (so I keep those pics within the length challenges).

Not me! I want to see the lambs wool in its full glory, the shrinkage and all. The contrast of looking shoulder length, but pulled down its MBL,WL, and TL! I don't want any natural to straighten just to "show & tell". I would cringe for her because she took the risk.

Look, *sigh* you all recently saw how trying to please people gets you caught up...

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Not me! I want to see the lambs wool in its full glory, the shrinkage and all. The contrast of looking shoulder length, but pulled down its MBL,WL, and TL! I don't want any natural to straighten just to "show & tell". I would cringe for her because she took the risk.

Look, *sigh* you all recently saw how trying to please people gets you caught up...


I agree. I much prefer to see natural hair length checks like this.


I get to see the texture, length, and degree of shrinkage all at once.
The only way I know how to post pictures (the way I have always done it) is to:

1. take pictures with phone
2. email it to myself
3. open the email on my computer and save it.
4. open picture in "paint" or something where I can put a pink heart on my face (hence the avatar)somewhere LOL.
5. copy picture from "paint" and paste it on my post.

*shrugs* I don't know any other way, I don't want to know any other way. It's probably the easiest way.

Who else does it this way? :blush2:

Why are y'all doing all of this? I take a picture, hit upload file, and then I add the full image to the post.
Not me! I want to see the lambs wool in its full glory, the shrinkage and all. The contrast of looking shoulder length, but pulled down its MBL,WL, and TL! I don't want any natural to straighten just to "show & tell". I would cringe for her because she took the risk.

Look, *sigh* you all recently saw how trying to please people gets you caught up...

I like it straight with no chaser! Lol natural hair hides stuff!
I like it straight with no chaser! Lol natural hair hides stuff!

I know what you mean, and...
I have come to terms with never knowing my true length, when I pull it down and it comes to MBL I'm satisfied. I know that my hair AT LEAST (emphasis on "AT LEAST") stops there! The extra inch I don't see is just the cherry on top, I know its there... I'm good.
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The only way I know how to post pictures (the way I have always done it) is to:

1. take pictures with phone
2. email it to myself
3. open the email on my computer and save it.
4. open picture in "paint" or something where I can put a pink heart on my face (hence the avatar)somewhere LOL.
5. copy picture from "paint" and paste it on my post.

*shrugs* I don't know any other way, I don't want to know any other way. It's probably the easiest way.

Who else does it this way? :blush2:

For me posting pics is the same as before. I always post pics from my comp so that I can resize and brownout my face. Yay to Paint!
I've been natural for seven years and no where near the length I just knew I'd be by now. So I threw in the towel with length expectations over a year ago. It just isn't going to happen no matter what I do. I just take care of my hair and enjoy it where it is because worrying about the length is futile for me.
My hair should be much longer considering how long I have been natural. Minitwists have definitely helped me retain length. I believe that me wearing braidouts for two years was part of the reason my hair showed negligible net growth. My ends can't take the daily manipulation. This year I will continue with the minitwists and I ordered the Netwurks Xcel spray to promote growth. I can't wait to see my progress this year!
I am sure most on here would prefer to see length checks on fully straightened hair. Many of us are natural and the risks of straightening natural hair far outweigh the benefits of doing it (at least for me anyway). Back in 2003 (just throwing a year out), there were definitely more relaxed heads and more people willing to flat iron their hair to show their lengths.

The most you will ever see me do is pulling a section of my hair taughtly, which I don’t think is worth creating a whole post for (so I keep those pics within the length challenges).
I don't think there are enough people in the hair forum that even care. Years ago it would have mattered. Now most people are fine with whatever.
I use to lurk heavy on this forum heavy back in the day! Then back in 2007/2008 I got my first relaxer and set out to prove that just because someone is relaxed doesn’t mean dry broken off hair. I joined Macheriamor’s site back when it was a free Ning site. And then later joined Traycee and Hairlicious site back during the whole Healthy Textures is going to starting a new site and charging for it drama. At this time there was a boom in hair care sites popping up everywhere. But even then I still came here to lurk because I felt like LHCF were the OGs and had so much more information dating back years, and I would check here before buying any product or trying any technique. I joined this site I believe in 2010, at first I didn’t want to pay the 6.50 because KISS and Hairlista were free and I preferred the set up of the Ning sites.

Then in 2013 I paid to play right as I was transitioning to natural hair. But by then the forum felt different there weren’t as many people weren’t posting or doing length checks. I remember back from 08-2010 I use to love lurking and seeing Lonie, RedHotLaLa, and Letitiatee length check posts and stalk their Fotki’s. Letitiatee is who made me a real product junkie I remember she had a Fotki photo album of nothing but hair products she tried. I use to love experimenting on my relaxed hair lol.

I ended up relaxing again in 2014, but didn’t post much on hair cause it was like been there done that. I already made waist length the first time around and wasn’t pressed the the second time, and wasn’t as strict with the hair care practices. And my loose natural journey was just blah to me. Now I am Sisterlocked and just going with the flow of my hair. I may post pics in the loc thread as my Sisterlocks grow out. But posting pics on here is cumbersome. Back when this site and other hair sites were popular people use to use digital cameras and sit at a computer to upload. Where as now people mostly use their phones and I don’t know how many times I got an error message from trying to upload a pic from my phone. So now I don’t really post pics.
This thread is making me want to invest in a camera or an upgraded phone! Once I do that I will make a thread and post all my progress pictures. Hey! that is how we can have our own album, just make your own thread with all of your pictures right?!!
So in the process of discussing why we don't post progress as much, we also found the answer to another question that we've asked ourselves many times: why is this board so boring lately (the whole forum)? It seems that posting progress pictures = newbies; no progress pictures = no newbies = stagnant hair section = boring forum.

It was seeing the amazing heads of hair that got us all in here. Many of us can call out the individual members whose hair we subscribed or lurked to follow. That was the draw of this forum. Once we joined we'd posted on the hair side until we felt comfortable enough to venture into the other sections of the forum.

Now, we've stopped showing our hair for other potential members to see. There's no more FOM... Why would people join if they can't see the results of what we talk about here? It's just some more people talking on the internet. Of course that can't compete with IG and YouTube.
You are right. It seems that we don't have many super long-haired or steadily retaining ladies left here. Probably all of them moved to Youtube and abandoned the forum.
The remaining few are almost all natural and cannot apply frequent heat to their hair to length-check because frequent heat will loosen the coils.
Maybe we should all learn to do roller sets if we want to share our progress with each other and with the outside world.