Why Aren’t There As Many People Trying To Grow Their Hair Long?

Im still striving for length. My goal for 2018 is to protect and nourish my ends. But im not as active on here as i was years ago because i got all the info i need and im no longer a product junkie. I know what i have to do and i know what tools and products i should use to get there. I mostly come here for small tips. I think for alot of people they are no longer confused as to how to care for their hair. Years ago the notion of black women growing their hair long was new and exciting. But now we see long hair black women all the time thanks to that huge wave of information
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Oh I would also like to add that I do believe that most of us are still trying to grow our hair long or at least want long hair, but just aren’t willing to put in the work.

Those “How to Grow Natural Hair Long” youtube videos get hundreds of thousands of views very single time they are uploaded It’s the same information over and over and over again, but people still click on those videos as if they are expecting some new information. There are youtubers that upload a “ How I Grew My Hair” video every single year saying the same exact thing.... because it gets the views.

Like someone else said, people would just rather ‘hear’ how to than having to ‘read’ how to. I am honestly surprise when I walk around and don’t see most of us with long flowing hair. I believe many of us want long hair, but just aren’t willing to put in the time and effort that it takes to get it. This is also evident in a lot of comments on youtube.

For example: A YouTuber on a journey to grow her hair long might tell her viewers that she wear wigs as her form of protective style most of the time, or that she predominantly finger detangles. Someone in the comment would say, “what’s the point of having long hair if you’re hiding it” or “finger detangling is too time consuming”. Mind you, this would also be a person that requested a How to Grow long hair video from said youtuber, but still question her methods. People just aren’t willing to do what is necessary, but they actually do want it because they stay watching these videos. I like watching these videos as refreshers and I sometimes get a chuckle when I see the same people in the comment section complaining that their hair supposedly “isn’t growing” and the youtuber has “good genes”.
That $6.50 keeps the most of the trolls away. A lot of those other sites were free, but as you can see they are all gone now. It takes a lot to maintain a forum of this magnitude.
You’re misunderstanding my post. I’m not saying we should eliminate the $6.50. I’m saying that $6.50 isn’t a big deal and shouldn’t be a deterrent getting new people here. Appealing to them is more of a marketing matter.
You’re misunderstanding my post. I’m not saying we should eliminate the $6.50. I’m saying that $6.50 isn’t a big deal and shouldn’t be a deterrent getting new people here. Appealing to them is more of a marketing matter.
It has been. That’s why you don’t see as many new members here. I believe we pay that fee for a different reason. We pay for comradery, entertainment, and wealth of knowledge. Friendships and sisterhood have been built here. This is like a club. Lurkers can’t see all of that. A lot of people feel, why should they pay, when they can get a lot of hair info for free. So I get what you are saying.
The atmosphere here is different. Most of the members are very mature, demure, and are very intelligent. We don’t do ratchet here, even though we have our moments.

Like I said, I have been here for years, and that’s always been the case about the fee. It doesn’t matter that it isn’t expensive. Plus, back in the day, people would get really bothered by newbies coming in asking a question that could be answered by using the search feature. Then you got newbies bumping old threads asking questions.. lol
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Oh I would also like to add that I do believe that most of us are still trying to grow our hair long or at least want long hair, but just aren’t willing to put in the work.

Those “How to Grow Natural Hair Long” youtube videos get hundreds of thousands of views very single time they are uploaded It’s the same information over and over and over again, but people still click on those videos as if they are expecting some new information. There are youtubers that upload a “ How I Grew My Hair” video every single year saying the same exact thing.... because it gets the views.

Like someone else said, people would just rather ‘hear’ how to than having to ‘read’ how to. I am honestly surprise when I walk around and don’t see most of us with long flowing hair. I believe many of us want long hair, but just aren’t willing to put in the time and effort that it takes to get it. This is also evident in a lot of comments on youtube.

For example: A YouTuber on a journey to grow her hair long might tell her viewers that she wear wigs as her form of protective style most of the time, or that she predominantly finger detangles. Someone in the comment would say, “what’s the point of having long hair if you’re hiding it” or “finger detangling is too time consuming”. Mind you, this would also be a person that requested a How to Grow long hair video from said youtuber, but still question her methods. People just aren’t willing to do what is necessary, but they actually do want it because they stay watching these videos. I like watching these videos as refreshers and I sometimes get a chuckle when I see the same people in the comment section complaining that their hair supposedly “isn’t growing” and the youtuber has “good genes”.
I totally agree. The same stuff gets said over and over again. It really comes down to the work. No product, no pill is gonna get you there. Then there is the texture discrimination foolishness.
A lot of the gurus came from here and other boards, studied the techniques, put in the work, then decided to make videos after they finally got their rhythm going.
It has been. That’s why you don’t see as many new members here. I believe we pay that fee for a different reason. We pay for comradery, entertainment, and well of knowledge. Friendships and sisterhood have been built here. This is like a club. Lurkers can’t see all of that. A lot of people feel why should they pay, when they can get a lot of hair info for free. So I get what you are saying.
The atmosphere here is different. Most of the members are very mature, demure, and are very intelligent. We don’t do ratchet here, even though we have are moments.

Like I said, I have been here for years, and that’s always been the case about the fee. It doesn’t matter that it isn’t expensive. Plus, back in the day, people would get really bothered by newbies coming in asking a question that could be answered by using the search feature. Then you got newbies bumping old threads asking questions.. lol
So I take it you are against an influx of newbies? Lol
I think the major thing is that most, if not all, the information about growing hair that used to be just concentrated on hair boards, is now out, and all over the interwebs.

We found this board in 2005. My mom had a specific question about relaxers. When googled, no relevant results were generated other than a thread on this message board. This was the only place she could find the answer to that question and many others. Nowadays, you can google any black/kinky hair question and get blog posts, YouTube videos, Instagram and Facebook posts for days. Obviously, this is going to reduce the amount of people who will feel the need to join a hair board, especially one that costs.

Most of us that are here, have been here a long time. We know a great deal about hair care and don't need to camp out on the hair side of the board anymore. Really, it was always old members teaching new members the ropes (at least from my join date on). Old members making awesome posts, new members asking questions, old members answering, newbies learning and repeating the cycle. NOW? This is a board full of old members and no newbies. When was the last time we've seen a "Hi, new here!" post. We have no one to inspire.

Admittedly, new people are few and far between. However, when they do come, the most common responses they receive are being ignored or growled at, which can be off-putting. I think it's as @SAPNK stated, in that people began to drift away in droves when things evolved into a routine of "I bought this/I used this". I also agree with SAPNK when she says that everything hasn't been discussed ad nauseam. There's still a lot being left on the table.
Many of us who joined long ago grew our hair long and understand how to easily maintain it, so there’s no point in reading about hair. Other than the Shea thread that @Chicoro started recently, there’s nothing on the hair side I’m interested in. Seeing WL or HL hair just isn’t a big deal anymore. I’ve moved on to learning about how to cut and style long hair, which isn’t really discussed on LHCF.
Oh I would also like to add that I do believe that most of us are still trying to grow our hair long or at least want long hair, but just aren’t willing to put in the work.

Those “How to Grow Natural Hair Long” youtube videos get hundreds of thousands of views very single time they are uploaded It’s the same information over and over and over again, but people still click on those videos as if they are expecting some new information. There are youtubers that upload a “ How I Grew My Hair” video every single year saying the same exact thing.... because it gets the views.

Like someone else said, people would just rather ‘hear’ how to than having to ‘read’ how to. I am honestly surprise when I walk around and don’t see most of us with long flowing hair. I believe many of us want long hair, but just aren’t willing to put in the time and effort that it takes to get it. This is also evident in a lot of comments on youtube.

For example: A YouTuber on a journey to grow her hair long might tell her viewers that she wear wigs as her form of protective style most of the time, or that she predominantly finger detangles. Someone in the comment would say, “what’s the point of having long hair if you’re hiding it” or “finger detangling is too time consuming”. Mind you, this would also be a person that requested a How to Grow long hair video from said youtuber, but still question her methods. People just aren’t willing to do what is necessary, but they actually do want it because they stay watching these videos. I like watching these videos as refreshers and I sometimes get a chuckle when I see the same people in the comment section complaining that their hair supposedly “isn’t growing” and the youtuber has “good genes”.

Very insightful. For the most part, I tend to agree. For me personally, I'd rather read a long thread discussing something intriguing about the mystery(?) that is natural hair than hearing ONE youtuber talk about their 10 tips to grow long natural hair and say the same things every other youtuber does. People like Reddit (I don't) and it's just a bunch of folks discussing/ arguing a particular topic in text. Can you even upload pics there, lol? And people are always in the comment of a video really getting to the specifics of aspects they find important. How many people have said "I'm just here for the comments." People like to discuss, I think.

In reference to people still not having long hair, I think that's why there's more work to be done.
The most important thing in my opinion, is making the act of growing natural hair something normal and basic for our sons and daughters. Other races know the absolute least they need to do for their hair to grow and they do it. Ours might not be as simple as theirs, but I know it's not as complicated as some of our regimens. That's why these youtubers keep saying the same things. It's as simple as that, but we have to keep instilling in ourselves that it's our thing. And we don't have to do things the way other races do. That's why I think the problem is still just as much a social issue as an actual hair issue.
I've been around since 2005 (lurked before getting a membership in 2006).

For me, I was in college and doing my hair on my own for the first time AND trying to figure out a way to grow long, relaxed hair. Up to that point I didn't think it was possible for me, but I gave it a try. I remember some of the hair growth aids (Viviscal, MTG, Monistat, Nioxin, etc.) and trying some of them (:look:)

After awhile, I got frustrated because I was still having set backs and not seeing progress, so I cut my hair off, got me a pixie, and never looked back. Around that time, I just transitioned from the hair care sections to ET. I learned a lot about hair growth that I shared with other friends and family, and I am grateful for all of the women who shared their knowledge because it really helped to change my perception of lots of myths (i.e. cutting hair makes it grow faster :rolleyes:)
Very insightful. For the most part, I tend to agree. For me personally, I'd rather read a long thread discussing something intriguing about the mystery(?) that is natural hair than hearing ONE youtuber talk about their 10 tips to grow long natural hair and say the same things every other youtuber does. People like Reddit (I don't) and it's just a bunch of folks discussing/ arguing a particular topic in text. Can you even upload pics there, lol? And people are always in the comment of a video really getting to the specifics of aspects they find important. How many people have said "I'm just here for the comments." People like to discuss, I think.

In reference to people still not having long hair, I think that's why there's more work to be done.
The most important thing in my opinion, is making the act of growing natural hair something normal and basic for our sons and daughters. Other races know the absolute least they need to do for their hair to grow and they do it. Ours might not be as simple as theirs, but I know it's not as complicated as some of our regimens. That's why these youtubers keep saying the same things. It's as simple as that, but we have to keep instilling in ourselves that it's our thing. And we don't have to do things the way other races do. That's why I think the problem is still just as much a social issue as an actual hair issue.

In my experience, when people are there for the comments they mean that they know a finish argument is about to start. A lot of people may be interested in how to grow their hair, but like everything else, the commitment is lacking. You can only pass that on to the next generation if you teach discipline.

As for the videos... I think in the same way tat this board has discussed everything ad nauseam, YouTubers would have way less videos to post if they just stuck to filming what they were actually doing with their hair instead of looking for gimmicks to sell their channels. I know when I watch a hair or beauty video and a product intrigues me, I come back here and search for the "real" scoop!
I’ve moved on to learning about how to cut and style long hair, which isn’t really discussed on LHCF.

But it could be, right? I'm sure you aren't the only one interested in this. Why aren't older members or those with long hair making the threads they want to see? A lot of us are back to wigs and weaves--we can discuss that too. Despite the title, this forum wasn't only about growing long hair, it was about hair period.

There is also a lot of stuff posted in these long challenge threads and in the random thoughts thread that is thought provoking and interesting, and could be a thread of its own. The challenge structure that has been created is one of the reasons I personally stopped coming over as much. I can't always keep up with these challenge threads. Most of the time I get to the interesting posts long after they've been discussed. I'd much rather some posts be separate threads. Why is everything so condensed now?
But it could be, right? I'm sure you aren't the only one interested in this. Why aren't older members or those with long hair making the threads they want to see? A lot of us are back to wigs and weaves--we can discuss that too. Despite the title, this forum wasn't only about growing long hair, it was about hair period.

There is also a lot of stuff posted in these long challenge threads and in the random thoughts thread that is thought provoking and interesting, and could be a thread of its own. The challenge structure that has been created is one of the reasons I personally stopped coming over as much. I can't always keep up with these challenge threads. Most of the time I get to the interesting posts long after they've been discussed. I'd much rather some posts be separate threads. Why is everything so condensed now?
YES!!! I thought it was just me. It’s difficult to find pertinent, helpful information when it’s in the context of these threads with pages that number in the 50s+.
As far as the thread title, I'm just happy to keep the hair on my head healthy. Growing it long will come with health (for me) so actively trying to grow my hair to a certain length isn't my main focus. I'm also on cruise control with my hair so I'm not really looking to dive deep into hair stuff these days. I lurk over here mostly and pop in to check on folks but I spend my time at the moment on my current focus (Makeup and Skin Care).

Now to the other items mentioned here, I think we just need the infusion of folks or folks here that are willing to discuss these topics.
Speaking of Hairlicious....love this photo of her and her husband. Her husb.....erm hair is gorgeous! :)

As a relatively new person (I feel like I've been on here/lurked here for like 3 yrs maybe), I actually joined not to grow my hair long but to grow back my right edges after taking my Moesha micro braids obsession too far smh. Once I grew back my edges and went fully natural, I didn't really come to the hair forum as often because my hair grew just fine by doing absolutely nothing to it but mudwashing (thank you naptural85- Terressentials is still GOAT) and throwing a wig on or putting it in a damp bun. I've always been more interested in thickening my hair to be honest. After going natural, I wasn't online searching "how to grow long hair" I was searching "how to do a twist out, Bantu knot out, braid out, etc." I'm also in my early/mid 20s and when I was in college and all my friend were natural like me, we were really only discussing styling our hair, not growing it. As a matter of fact I've had 4-5 haircuts since going natural and two of my friends wear brightly colored, tapered cuts exclusively. Short cuts were trendy. Maybe age factors in.

All that being said, my friend and I are on a healthy hair challenge this year and I just got my Goosefootprints hair analysis back that I was ANXIOUSLY awaiting because I wanted to start off at a healthy starting point and was psyching myself up for another big chop (only for her to tell me my hair is in great health and that I just need to use more protein on my ends because they're slightly porous :lachen:), so I'll probably be on the hair side of the forum more often now. I'm less interested in growing long hair and more interested in styling my natural hair, but length will just add more styling options for me so I'm interested in growing too.

ETA I joined in 2011 but became a regular 3 years ago
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But it could be, right? I'm sure you aren't the only one interested in this. Why aren't older members or those with long hair making the threads they want to see? A lot of us are back to wigs and weaves--we can discuss that too. Despite the title, this forum wasn't only about growing long hair, it was about hair period.

There is also a lot of stuff posted in these long challenge threads and in the random thoughts thread that is thought provoking and interesting, and could be a thread of its own. The challenge structure that has been created is one of the reasons I personally stopped coming over as much. I can't always keep up with these challenge threads. Most of the time I get to the interesting posts long after they've been discussed. I'd much rather some posts be separate threads. Why is everything so condensed now?

I suppose it could be, but whenever anyone has ever broached the subject of actually styling hair, crickets came out. Buns, twists, twist outs, and Celie braids under wigs is the order of the day on LHCF. Which I get, because that’s what some people have to do to grow their hair out. I like talking head-to-toe style, and there are plenty of places to do that, just not here.
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I totally agree. The same stuff gets said over and over again. It really comes down to the work. No product, no pill is gonna get you there. Then there is the texture discrimination foolishness.
A lot of the gurus came from here and other boards, studied the techniques, put in the work, then decided to make videos after they finally got their rhythm going.
Yea, I remember back in the day I was prompted by some members here to start a YouTube channel. If I had followed that advice I would have/ could have been a star...:flahssssss:
I've been here since 2009 (well maybe late 2008 as a lurker). I know my needs have changed from wanting to grow out my hair to now dealing with thinning and balding spots of hair.

I think forums (in general) tend to appeal to a slightly older group while YouTube and other visual based social media appeal to a younger group. It's hard to imagine but interest in natural hair has passed the 10+ year mark. There are some young folks that truly don't understand the black hair care industry struggles pre-2002 or so.
I just wonder why we aren't posting progress pictures like we used to. Back in the day we had to ask our dh, children, friends, SOMEBODY to take the pics for us, and we STILL came through with the pics. This is what kept everything exciting and the end of the year was THE best time with everyone excited to post their results at the end of challenges.
You'd go over to the hyh challenge to oggle the results, run over to the crown and glory challenge to see everyone's progress, and there would STILL be other threads filled with end of year results. I don't understand why this has dwindled drastically.
Back then folks didnt want to show their faces in pics but we figured it out (microsoft paint :lol:), we still had numerous progress pics yet with technology today and all the capabilities (you can easily distort, crop, or even place stickers all over for anonymity), we are sharing less and less.
I've been here since 2009 (well maybe late 2008 as a lurker). I know my needs have changed from wanting to grow out my hair to now dealing with thinning and balding spots of hair.

I think forums (in general) tend to appeal to a slightly older group while YouTube and other visual based social media appeal to a younger group. It's hard to imagine but interest in natural hair has passed the 10+ year mark. There are some young folks that truly don't understand the black hair care industry struggles pre-2002 or so.
If you don't mind, what do you think attributed to the thinning?
I just got my Goosefootprints hair analysis back that I was ANXIOUSLY awaiting because I wanted to start off at a healthy starting point and was psyching myself up for another big chop (only for her to tell me my hair is in great health and that I just need to use more protein on my ends because they're slightly porous :lachen:), so I'll probably be on the hair side of the forum more often now.

Who is this? See! Ain't nobody told me Goosebumps was analyzing hair! :lachen: Why didn't you start a thread?
Who is this? See! Ain't nobody told me Goosebumps was analyzing hair! :lachen: Why didn't you start a thread?

:lachen: I found her Etsy page from a thread on here last year actually, I just only recently purchased an analysis. People were comparing her service to the Komaza analysis. She was great- super detailed and super specific advice for my overall hair care. I didn't make a thread because I thought I was super late and because, while the info was insightful for me, I'm behind on the whole hair regimen building wagon, so I figured ppl on here would already know most of her advice from their own experience. Now that you ask, I also just realized I pretty much never start threads on forums. I think I've started one thread on here.
:lachen: I found her Etsy page from a thread on here last year actually, I just only recently purchased an analysis. People were comparing her service to the Komaza analysis. She was great- super detailed and super specific advice for my overall hair care. I didn't make a thread because I thought I was super late and because, while the info was insightful for me, I'm behind on the whole hair regimen building wagon, so I figured ppl on here would already know most of her advice from their own experience. Now that you ask, I also just realized I pretty much never start threads on forums. I think I've started one thread on here.

Oh, this is the science-y hair blog analysis! I knew about this, but I didn't know she was selling it under the name, Goosefootprints. That's kinda weird. :lol: