Why Aren’t There As Many People Trying To Grow Their Hair Long?

Also many of us seem to not be confident enough to share our hair with others. We suffer from hairorexia. This might be due to negative feelings from experiencing setbacks or long term stagnation and failure to progress. Many of us have adopted no-photos rules. I for one hate how thin my hair has become and avoid taking photos to avoid feeling bad. I have in fact decided to not wear out any wash and go's anymore. Just buns buns and more buns. And I may say it's because I want to protective-style but that's probably not even true. All I want to say is people plz don't be like me. Your hair probably looks much nicer than you think it does. And there are many newbies for whom your hair can be considered an inspiration despite how unsatisfied with it you may be.
Your hair now can be considered at a starting point because there is always room for more progress, no matter how long you have been in the hair game. And setbacks may be painful but they are not something to be ashamed of. Share with us your triumphs and your setbacks as well. Allow us to follow you as you recover from that setback and as your hair comes out even stronger and healthier.
I joined longhaircareforum in 2010. Before then I was a member of Hairlista. I was relaxed when I joined the forum and learned how to make my hair healthy but my hair never grew past shoulder length. Once I realized natural hair was the ultimate level of healthy hair and that I could possibly grow my hair longer I made the switch to become natural. Back then the ladies provided a lot of science based advice which I loved because it help me to understand my hair better. Doing my hair was like a hobby for me and overtime I got bored and started focusing on other things. Once you experience set backs and are stuck on one length you just throw in the towel and just focus on the health. I wanted to look cute and got tired of protective styles that made me look like I was an old lady. When you're on the journey to length its time consuming. I think more people on the board know their hair. I think the fun part of your hair journey was learning about your hair, but once you've learned everything there is to know you lose interest and stop talking about it. Usually when a newbie comes and asks a newbie question someone directs them to the archive to look for older threads on the subject. I like how this forum has changed though it's a lot more than just hair.
I've been a member for years but I mostly lurk...definitely had to say I agree with everyone... the forum has changed but this post definitely made me smile thinking about BHM, Fotki, I love to pay my membership even if I just lurk... and yes I was one of the newbies that used to bump those old threads lol

Thank you. I will add you to my hair prayers :afropick::rose:.
Hey love Say a prayer for me too if you don't mind... 2 or 3 are gathered... and I've been praying on my hair!
I’ve been here since 2011 and I’m so mad that I didn’t discover it sooner in my journey. I’ve been on this hair journey my entire life through all of the nappy head comments to my mother’s attempt to use Lilt (I know y’all dont know what that is) to Glover’s mange to the press ‘n curl that reverted in ten minutes because I sweat like a beast to burning off a chunk of my hair trying to press my own hair to my trial and error self relaxing and my now natural for 3+ years self. I’m still on it. I miss the posts and activity from when I first stumbled in here but I do still enjoy the interaction and I’m always learning something. I’m on a journey to healthy, waist-length stretched hair because I want full SL curly hair. I don’t know what I’m going to do when I get there but I’m not going to stop trying. I’m still here for the long hair.

I do to the bolded! :lachen:
I've been a member for years but I mostly lurk...definitely had to say I agree with everyone... the forum has changed but this post definitely made me smile thinking about BHM, Fotki, I love to pay my membership even if I just lurk... and yes I was one of the newbies that used to bump those old threads lol

Hey love Say a prayer for me too if you don't mind... 2 or 3 are gathered... and I've been praying on my hair!
I Will! Tonight, tomorrow and the day after that. I look forward to hear your testimony! :rose:
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Omg same! :lachen: I remember how honored I felt when I made Feature of the Month! :grin: I wish they'd bring it back.

I was just reminiscing in Random Thoughts about when I made FOTM. :lachen:

I think people still want long hair, it’s just that activity has migrated to social media & Youtube rather than message boards. Forums have become antiquated, even though I personally prefer the format.

I was off the board for years b/c once I hit my goal (WL) and had my regimen down, there was no reason to keep posting so much. Plus, hair is time consuming and I got distracted with other things.

I’m only posting now because I’m on a new hair journey now (natural) and bored. None of the old heads are around anymore so it’s not as much fun for me.

I don’t see myself participating as much as I once did anyway b/c natural hair care for me isn’t all that different from growing out my relaxed hair, so I know just about everything I need already. I see almost nothing new on the board that we weren’t discussing 8-10 years ago. There’s only so much one can discuss about protein, moisture, protective styles, low manipulation, Ayurveda, growth aides, and product reviews. If the search feature didn’t suck as bad as it does, there’d probably be even less activity than there is now. The few new topics on here are just add-ons, not the foundation for a routine.
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I'm still interested in growing long hair but I won't post about it here anymore. On this board and other forums, support for very kinky 4b hair or 4c hair is not there like it is for other hair types. So I stopped posting in group challenges. I would share pics of my stretched kinky hair down my back for a length check and receive no comments or 1 person liking it versus the girl with hair that hangs receiving all of the support.

I agree the posts from years ago are a lot more interesting.
I am alwasy growing my hair out LOL. No seriously. I am just not worrying about my hair growing and length checks. Espafter two kids in 3 years. The first one my hair came out in clumps for months, finally started to rebound pregnant again and now just growing.

Also years ago there was a band wagon every few months and that gets tiring and expensive. Everytime someone came in here with long hair we would woo adn awe and ask what their regimine is and jump on. When really the secret is moisture and time.

I am mostly in the other parts of the forum because I don't need the temptation of the new product of hair craze. It usually only leads to set backs and damage.
I am alwasy growing my hair out LOL. No seriously. I am just not worrying about my hair growing and length checks. Espafter two kids in 3 years. The first one my hair came out in clumps for months, finally started to rebound pregnant again and now just growing.

Also years ago there was a band wagon every few months and that gets tiring and expensive. Everytime someone came in here with long hair we would woo adn awe and ask what their regimine is and jump on. When really the secret is moisture and time.

I am mostly in the other parts of the forum because I don't need the temptation of the new product of hair craze. It usually only leads to set backs and damage.

You're right about the bandwagon jumping... but I think that that is what builds the community. I'm thinking about the rice water craze that's going I now. It's bringing people together oon fb...onion juice to a lesser extent.

I feel like those group is ready for post-grad hair studies. As you said, once you figure out that all you need is moisture and time, then you need something deeper to focus on.
You're right about the bandwagon jumping... but I think that that is what builds the community. I'm thinking about the rice water craze that's going I now. It's bringing people together oon fb...onion juice to a lesser extent.

I feel like those group is ready for post-grad hair studies. As you said, once you figure out that all you need is moisture and time, then you need something deeper to focus on.

What is funny is that none of this is new. I read it in a book on japanese hair care years ago and I did use rice water I move on to seaweed and stayed their.
What is funny is that none of this is new. I read it in a book on japanese hair care years ago and I did use rice water I move on to seaweed and stayed their.

I remember the threads on this a few years ago including the talk of seaweed. I think people started eating seaweed to grow their hair...
Seaweed? Eating it or applying it, lol. Did the rice water help grow your hair? Was the seaweed better than the rice water?

I never used it to "grow my hair" I used it as a natural shampoo. Traditionally Japanese women used, clay (cleans but can be drying) rice bran or rice water, or powdered seaweed to "cleanse' their hair. I was reading a book on Japanese tradtional beauty and they secrets of Geisha probably ten years ago and it talked about different things they used for face hair and body care. Some of the things were pretty cool. This was way before you would see seaweed face mask and camelia oil in cosmetics. Before masage brushes were a thing and the cheap one ripped out peoples hair. I has may more time back then to try different things. But I still use Seaweed for "shampoo" and I will occasionally do a tonic for a hair rinse. I still use camelia oil as a leaving conditioner. My kids have great skin because I use rice bran oil for them to bath and for their face care.

I used to talk about that book in threads a long time ago.