Why Aren’t There As Many People Trying To Grow Their Hair Long?

I’ve been here since 2011 and I’m so mad that I didn’t discover it sooner in my journey. I’ve been on this hair journey my entire life through all of the nappy head comments to my mother’s attempt to use Lilt (I know y’all dont know what that is) to Glover’s mange to the press ‘n curl that reverted in ten minutes because I sweat like a beast to burning off a chunk of my hair trying to press my own hair to my trial and error self relaxing and my now natural for 3+ years self. I’m still on it. I miss the posts and activity from when I first stumbled in here but I do still enjoy the interaction and I’m always learning something. I’m on a journey to healthy, waist-length stretched hair because I want full SL curly hair. I don’t know what I’m going to do when I get there but I’m not going to stop trying. I’m still here for the long hair.
I think it was a huge deal learning how to grow hair when the natural hair movement began. Now BW who want long hair know how to obtain it so boards are not as popular as they use to be. I rarely visit them hair threads because I’ve learned a lot through friends.

I love the quote in your siggy! :love:
I don't have the time it takes to dedicate to the grow out. I'm so serious. For me I have to be focused and diligent to grow INTENTIONALLY. I haven't had the time in a couple of years to do what it really takes to grow long hair...so I just focus on the health and accept whatever length I get. My hair could be longer than APL but it's not, because I lack the time to devote to a set length goal. That's why I get what I get and i'm never upset!
This is a board full of old members and no newbies. When was the last time we've seen a "Hi, new here!" post. We have no one to inspire.

I am kind of new... only been on here less than 8 months. I will say though, I only joined to be able to see pictures. I’ve gotten all hair advice from youtube and I pretty much have this growing thing down. I enjoy being able to interact with people with the same interests as myself.

And I am definitely on a journey to grow my hair as long as possible. I probably won’t stop until I am AT LEAST full waist length; I should be there late 2019. But I do have an ultimate goal of TBL.
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What happened to all the length checks, updates, reveals, length oriented videos, and so on? It’s lessened on here and youtube lot the past few years. The other hair forums are virtually non existent now. Why aren’t people growing their hair as much anymore?

The proliferation of Natural Hair Journeys and handmade products by us/for us. help shift the focus from length to health.

When I joined LHCF at 19, I was focused on obtaining long, straight, hair to better fit a (European) mold of what was defined as beautiful. Dominican blow outs, stretching relaxers, and keeping hair strong to withstand the damage from heat or chemicals was the focus. That tide turned when more of us started to question WHY use chemicals in the first place. That led many to the Nappturality and Naturallycurly forums, which personally influenced me to cut my hair and start to grow it natural.

I am definitely still on a length journey but I'm more focused on having popping curls than length. Besides, its more difficult to track length on natural hair than straight. Ain't no way I am using heat on my hair every month to track how much length I have gained. I do length checks twice a year now.

I am just as interested in growing long hair as I was 10 years ago when I first joined LHCF. I love long hair. I hate it when women cut their hair short. I believe that all women should have long hair (if it's possible that you grow it). Especially black women because we have the most interesting hair. It's uniquely beautiful. The more hair the better.
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I got lazy and paid the price with a huge setback.

I'm back posting on the hair side like I used to. We still here and my Fotki is active! :lol:

Me too. I've been back to posting on the hair side lately, since I'm nearly bald again from a bkt setback. Lol But it's definitely not the same over here.

My question is: Do we want to revive the hair board, or are most of us done?
I am definitely still on a length journey but I'm more focused on having popping curls than length. Besides, its more difficult to track length on natural hair than straight. Ain't no way I am using heat on my hair every month to track how much length I have gained.
Same here. Before I transitioned, I was focused on length. Now that I'm natural, the health of my curls is more important. I get that healthy curls and long hair aren't mutually exclusive, but having long hair isn't a priority to me anymore.
I think that people are still interested in growing their hair long. It just isn't everyone's PRIMARY goal, especially since we all (well most people) know that black people can grow long hair now.
For instance, I'm primarily interested in maintaining health and thickness. Length is a automatic side effect of that.
I got and still get my money's worth out of this forum starting from 2011 when I joined to now. I originally avoided this site because of the logo. Something about the shade off blue was a turn off. :look:

When I first started out I wanted to learn everything I could because I didn't know what would work. Someone mentioned that the boards were more science based when it came to hair growing, but I think that the blogs were as well. I remember dew points were the big thing at that time. I changed my weather app just to be able to track it daily.

Now, I think that people have gone back to showcasing hairstyles whether utt be with their own hair or with added hair. There seems to be less focus these days growing and health.

I find that I take less pictures of my progress because I know what's working for me. I've far surpassed the length that I thought was my terminal length and now I've learned patience and am waiting to achieve my final few milestones. I learned what works for my hair and am too scared to try anything new and so I don't have much to contribute to this side of the forum.

I'd love for the days when people posted tons of pictures, to return. Or for people to get into the science behind things. But I think the days of people wanting to learn how to grow their hair is coming to an end.
Me too. I've been back to posting on the hair side lately, since I'm nearly bald again from a bkt setback. Lol But it's definitely not the same over here.

My question is: Do we want to revive the hair board, or are most of us done?

revive! i still like hair and talking hair
as much as we feel like we've rehashed every single topic, product reviews are still relevant, reinforcing certain practices is still relevant
just because I know many things about hair doesnt mean I apply it :giggle:
I haven't been active in 4 years. I learned a lot on this forum, and put what I learned into practice. I didn't so much decide not to visit the forum, you just start checking in less and less over time and then you don't come back. I just renewed my membership because I was looking for new wigs and I knew I would find some good suggestions here.
I also recall when YT surged in videos....LHCF membership surged as well. When newbies would join and ask questions....a lot of ppl giving hair advice were new members & old members. And I know ppl vented about the influx of bad advice (non effective) hair advice. Newbies wanted to be teachers. This forum was overflooded with misinformation and old members advice was disregarded.
I agree with @Theresamonet that newbies, or lack their of, play a large role. I personally would love an influx of new members to the hair board. I’m sure not everyone agrees. There’s also the question of how to get them here. $6.50 a year ain’t that much. It’s more so a matter of marketing, imo.
That $6.50 keeps most of the trolls away. A lot of those other sites were free, but as you can see they are all gone now. It takes a lot to maintain a forum of this magnitude.
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