Who's set to make BSL 08?

How is it going ladies?? Are there any updates?? What's up??
I won't know how close I got until I do my touch-up in January that's when I will post an update.. How about ya'll???

It's going great! I've made APL (I'll be revealing at the end of the month)! And then I'll take measurements and see exactly how many inches I need to make BSL. I'm getting excited, it's almost 08 and I can't wait to see how many inches the year brings!
Hope it's going well for everyone :grin:
i think i mentioned before that i plan on staying in twists for the rest of the winter and also into spring 2008. i'll wear it out more in late spring and summer. hopefully i'll be able to retain some length this way.

i'm trying to get better at low manipulation.

i'm moisturizing the ends of my twists daily

i want to keep each twist set in for as long as i can
without my hair going crazy on me.
i'm definitely going to be more careful about the take down
and also i might try to wash and detangle in sections
to (hopefully) minimize breakage.

still aiming for december 2008
I was armpit length- then I had to cut two inches off cause I went to get a wash set and deep fry at a Dominican salon. Its my own damn fault. I just want to return to the thick lushness of my hair . Ill be happy with length- but I really want the lushness back. So that'll be my goal. I hope to reach it my August of 08.
  • I'll return to taking MSM and a multi-vitamin
  • Low Manipulation and deep conditioning
  • No Heat
  • Protective styles by my hair dresser that ill stretch out to 8-12 weeks as I have done before.
Good luck to everyone
I want to make a correction: I originally wanted to make BSL by September 2008, but I feel that I will be able to reach BSL by June 2008, so I'm going to work hard so that I'll be able to meet my goal. Cross your fingers for me :grin:!
It's going great! I've made APL (I'll be revealing at the end of the month)! And then I'll take measurements and see exactly how many inches I need to make BSL. I'm getting excited, it's almost 08 and I can't wait to see how many inches the year brings!
Hope it's going well for everyone :grin:

Hey HT! I can't wait to see your reveal! I've made good progress these last 3 months. I'm still on track for BSL in May/June 2008. I'll meet ya at the finish line!:yep:
I'm in. I'm finally finding out what my hair likes/dislikes/loves/hell-hates soooooo I'm in!!! lol. I look forward to seeing how much healthier I can get my hair to be!
We gonna do this hair cousin :yep:.....

*I had to bump up to see what was happenin up in this piece :look:...*

*Mad April birthdays in the thread! Holla!!!*

I heard that! I've been waiting on BSL for 2 years... looks like it's finally happening. I might even make it ahead of schedule. :yay:
The hair doesn't seem to be adapting well to the cold air so I'm a little worried about that.....

But I'll post a progress pic at the beginning of January when I get a touch-up.
I'm aiming for full BSL by December of 08 :grin: I am APL as of right now (12-9-07). So in about a year I see myself poppin my brastrap! YAY!
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I think I'm less than an inch away, but my hair is growing soooooooo slooooooooooooooooooooooooooow. I'm hoping to be there by Feb.