Who's set to make BSL 08?

I'm still on track to make BSL by next spring/summer.
I'll make sure to add you all to the list.
Stick to those reggies & HHG to everyone! :grin:
I don't know if I posted in this thread already or not. I'm too lazy to search...lol. Anyway, I think I will make BSL in 08 for certain...probably spring,summer---if not, fall I hope. I don't expect any major setbacks and so far what I'm doing it working so I won't change up anything..that should get me there.
I just found this forum and I'm just now starting to take care of my hair. I was hoping to make it for January, but I would be happy for full BSL by my B-day in April.:yep:
I am in, I'm going for November of 2008! I'm a little below SL now, I'm working my way to APL sometime in January-March.So along with my vits, BT and eating healthy, I'm sure I'm up for the challenge! :yep:
Id like to be added to this challenge

Although I think I will break down and cut my hair in the next few months

By December at the latest I will be to my BS :)
I reached APL in Sept...just had a relaxer last week and im 2inches to BSL...im hoping by March 08,full BSL by July 08:grin:
ME TOO! Add me to the list!

I have been APL since June and it is driving me nuts. If I'm not BSL by April '08 I'ma punch my hair in the FACE.
Is it too late for me to join? If not I'd like to go for BSL by Dec 31, 2008. Gotta give myself till the last minute. :grin:
I think I will be BS in 2008 ..

But Im cutting my hair soon and although I dont think Ill make it by my original goal date of 4/27/08

I will be there by Dec 31, 08

Swimmingly. :reddancer: I'm very excited! I probably won't be there until this time next year tho. :ohwell:
I just had a pep talk with my hair and we came to an understanding that I will be making BSL in 08. It would be a nice birthday present for Cinco De Mayo! But I would settle for the fall as well! (*crosses fingers --no setbacks, no setbacks, no setbacks*).

My hair is about the longest its ever gotten as an adult. A couple of years ago I was approaching APL and then all hell broke loose. So I transitioned to natural more so because I had to than because I wanted to. Hopefully I made it over the hurdle and all will go as planned this time around! Ive had some minor issues, but nothing major so far since I texlaxed this year.
MEEEE!! I'm a little more than halfway there. By this time next year I should be there, which would be nice because I'll be getting married the following year.