Who's set to make BSL 08?

I didn't know this thread was around either. I would like to join the support group as well. I will be doing this challenge while doing the other one that is beginning under the "Fast Growth...Frequent Washing" thread.
I think I have about .5-1 inch to cut off still and I have about 3.5" to reach bra strap. My goal is to reach the length I desire by the end of June. So that's 4-4.5" I need to grow within 7 months. It sounds like a pretty aggressive goal, but I think it's possible.

:grin: Actually, all things are possible through Christ! :grin:

Let's keep everybody going with this...consistency...consistency...consistency.

- winniebread
Count me in for BSL 08...for December of 08...I'm 5 inches away so hopefully I will get those inches for 2008...:yep:
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i'm going to stay in protective styles (mainly twists) for the rest of 2007 and most of 2008

we'll see where that takes me.

I'm on a couple BSL challenges so i can't remember if I posted on this one or not. Actually i made bSL on one of my bras(I'll take pics next wash day), but It's a high fitting bra, and I don't consider it BSL. I should make BSL(in my lowest bra) by 02/01/08.

ETA: Yeah the bra in my avatar is one of the bras i'm using to measure BSL.
I'll throw my hat in for December 08 although I don't think I'll make it until about February 09.
To my BSL in December 2008 heads in the thread....the countdown begins today my hair growin chicas!!!:grin: We have a year and 30 days.... :lol:

We can do this!:grin: :yay:
I wanna join! I started a thread for this because I couldn't find it in a search! I was looking for 2008 instead of 08!:blush: Anyways, I'm going for BSL in December 2008, including trims. I have about 4 inches to get to BSL, so I...COULD...GO...ALL...THE...WAY!!!:lachen:
i'm hoping for the end of december 08


i know it's a bit of a stretch since i'm only just a little past shoulder
but ummm i'm sure i'll be at least close

I believe I'm already in this challenge... Goal set to reach BSL by 5/08, hoping and praying I will reach it before then..:grin:
Do you really think you'll need a year? You look pretty much there already!!!:)

My hair grows slow...:ohwell:....
I was going for the maximum allotted timeframe (for bra clasp to be covered)...

....we'll see how things are looking by summer '08...
How is it going ladies?? Are there any updates?? What's up??
I won't know how close I got until I do my touch-up in January that's when I will post an update.. How about ya'll???
I better make BSL!:wallbash: I'm less than 4 inches away now! (even though I'm gonna trim like a quarter to a half inch in two weeks when I FINALLY relax). I actually hope to make MBL or better WSL by the end of '08. I'm short so WSL is only about 4 inches from BSL:grin:
Well, I just read in another thread that BSL would be hitting the line under the breasteses....I thought hitting the bra clasp was it....but apparently not....

Will see where I am during touch up in a few weeks and I'll have a better idea for January 2008 and onward...

but heyall, if I can hit the bra clasp in the back....that's a big accomplishment for me and I'd be happy with that...

ETA: Okay, I just went and lifted my right tata...I agree with the statement...the line under the breasteses.....bsl...it falls into the clasp area on me..
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How is it going ladies?? Are there any updates?? What's up??
I won't know how close I got until I do my touch-up in January that's when I will post an update.. How about ya'll???

Love your hair TLC.... :drool:

*dayumed thick haired chicks...*
I'm in for BSL in Dec 08... I about 6 weeks post in my Avi, Now 10 weeks post. When I relax next week I think I will be full APL. Going to start a fotki after my next relaxer. Wish me luck:rolleyes:
I am giving myself until Decemeber 2008 to make BSL. I am currently APL and I don't like to disappoint myself so I give much more time than I actually need. If I make it earlier then that is even better.:yep: