Who's set to make BSL 08?

...Yea! A BSL in '09 thread! :yay: I was hoping for one of these....

*HealthyTresses taps Mo on the shoulder and whispers in her ear...*

Mo: "Oh, it's not? My bad..."

*walks out of the thread awkwardly*

Looks back over her shoulder and says "Good luck ladies....I'll root you on!!!..."


Oh no you're not backing out missy! :whip:
I KNOW you can make BSL in 08, you're almost there! Come on and join us :grin:
FULL bra strap length: i push 2 Dec '08. since my hair is different lengths: they'll probably reach by March '08 but FULL is something else
Yay! :yay: I'm soo excited to see more ladies joining! I'll add your names to the list! :)

I'm still on track to make BSL by next summer. Joining some of the other challenges (low manipulation, LHCF bootcamp & HYH til christmas) are helping me along. Good luck to everyone! Remember, protecting and retaining those ends are key :grin:

Huh? Wait a minute, this is a challenge?-:look: I just thought we were posting our hair wishlist for next year.:spinning:
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I'm aiming for apl by December 07 and I know it takes me 6 months from APL to a full BSL but I'm aiming for December 08 since I plan on trimming and wearing straight styles for a bit which will probably mess up my progress for a while.
:orders:Good luck ladies let's keep it going .... We can do it :weird:

I had been slackin on my supplements and protein in take but im back on the wagon..
Im trying to give my self a follicle boast i wanna be at BSL by Jan2008 :grin:
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I will join... I will not set a date for 2008... I just hope to make it sometime in 2008... I will be bagging/bun all winter... get my ends trimmed in Nov. for a healthy start.... use some growth aids too... Pray for no set backs....
:yay: Let's get it ladies, we can do this!

*Take that, take that...*

Sowry, I couldn't help it...:look:

Raises hand over the BSL in 08 congregation....

Let there be no massive tangles or split ends...
May all conditioners work magic and not leave rats nests behind
Let all stay away from scissors and bitter stylists
May all make it through the cold winter months with good protective styling and care
Let everyone have their follicles stimulated and ready to push some hair through...

Let the hair growin chuch say....Baby those ends, Baby those ends, Baby those ends...

You are dismissed...

Good luck to all!!! :yep:
*Take that, take that...*

Sowry, I couldn't help it...:look:

Raises hand over the BSL in 08 congregation....

Let there be no massive tangles or split ends...
May all conditioners work magic and not leave rats nests behind
Let all stay away from scissors and bitter stylists
May all make it through the cold winter months with good protective styling and care
Let everyone have their follicles stimulated and ready to push some hair through...

Let the hair growin chuch say....Baby those ends, Baby those ends, Baby those ends...

You are dismissed...

Good luck to all!!! :yep:

Baby those ends! :worship2::worship2:
I need about 4-5 inches (for my longest layers) to reach BSL Hopefuly by my b-day next year but it would be an awesome christmas present :grin:
ME!!!!!! I want in!!! I should make armpit length before/by Dec. ’07. I should hopefully be BSL hopefully in summer of’08. I will continue to wear my hair in protective styles and baby my ends the best way I possibly can.
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I'm in...I want to be BSL by Dec. 08. I just had 3 inches of dead ends cut off last week, although I'm not happy about it my hair does look and feel better. Right now I'm about 1.5 inches past SL so I'm hoping that BSL is possible.
I think I have 1in-1.5in before i get to BSL...I think. I'm post 13wks so when i stretch it's almost there. So, i'm in!