Who's heard of or used Joico K-pak's Cuticle Sealer?

Gym do you mind me asking what you use for porosity control issues, if you have any?

Do I :lol: Girl! If you only knew :lol: I already have a natural tendency for porosity issues and then I relax and sometimes permanently color my hair too :look:

After trying all of the "remedies" for porosity problems, I finally found a program that works for me. For starters, I always do a mid conditioning step in the relaxer process and I use a mild relaxer. I also use shampoo's that are on the lower pH scale, 4.5 preferably. I use conditioners that are more balanced on a regular basis with targeted treatments as needed. I use some sort of reconstructor product every two weeks in conjunction with whatever else I am using at that time and I don't condition for long periods of time. I also like leave in products that have silk protein or ceramides in them.

Every 5-6 weeks, I try to apply some sort of semi permanent color usually clear or a reddish brown as well. With the joico 17 minute system, I use it as directed every once and a while, more when I am perm. coloring. I would use it more but right now I am trying out some other products so I want to see how they stand on their own first.
Do I :lol: Girl! If you only knew :lol: I already have a natural tendency for porosity issues and then I relax and sometimes permanently color my hair too :look:

After trying all of the "remedies" for porosity problems, I finally found a program that works for me. For starters, I always do a mid conditioning step in the relaxer process and I use a mild relaxer. I also use shampoo's that are on the lower pH scale, 4.5 preferably. I use conditioners that are more balanced on a regular basis with targeted treatments as needed. I use some sort of reconstructor product every two weeks in conjunction with whatever else I am using at that time and I don't condition for long periods of time. I also like leave in products that have silk protein or ceramides in them.

Every 5-6 weeks, I try to apply some sort of semi permanent color usually clear or a reddish brown as well. With the joico 17 minute system, I use it as directed every once and a while, more when I am perm. coloring. I would use it more but right now I am trying out some other products so I want to see how they stand on their own first.

Gym thanks so, so much for getting back to me. Could you share what reconstructor and leave in you use? I have been wanting to put a rinse in my hair for the longest now but can't decide on a color to go with. Next week, I plan on purchasing my first flat iron and blow dryer and getting a dusting of 1/4" and using a rinse. Gym do you add anything your mild relaxer before application? Also, what degree of straightness do you aim for when relaxing(bone straight, telaxed, textured, etc...)? I self relaxed last Thursday using the Mizani mild regular relaxer and wanted bone straight but the end results was slightly telaxed(my strands are wavy/slightly krinkley). I must admit that I had a tab bit too much base creme on my scalp(I have an extremely sensitive scalp) and I was trying to safe guard myself for instant scalp irritation.
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dang it! i saw this at marshalls and then returned it bc i felt bad for buying more products when i just got some joico products
^^ You know I'm still using it.:grin: In fact, I have it in my hair now. I use it as part of my 17 minute miracle routine about once per month (I used to do it every week).

I believe this is what helped to thicken up my hair. It is really good a few days post relaxer.
*sighs* looks like I'll be investing in this. I was interested in this product the first time I seen it a few years back.

Hmmm, I wonder if this could replace the cold water rinse.
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^^ Yes, I could replace the cold water rinse. It has a pH of 2.5 so it closes the cuticle nicely :yep:

Thanks Taz, this is what I was looking for. I just bought a litre of this stuff (smallest size I could find).

How often do I need to use it? Also I was reading some threads earlier that sad you use it before the Re-constructor without heat and as a final step when DC'ing with heat.

TIA Taz :grin:
Thanks Taz, this is what I was looking for. I just bought a litre of this stuff (smallest size I could find).

How often do I need to use it? Also I was reading some threads earlier that sad you use it before the Re-constructor without heat and as a final step when DC'ing with heat.

TIA Taz :grin:
I was using this every week while my hair was in intensive care. Now, I use it once per month without heat.

Yes, I do use it before the Reconstructor, without heat as directed.
I will definitely be picking up one of these. My hair could use it since I demi-permanent color my hair now.
I have used it, in the past when I have high porosity issue, and it did its job pretty well. Now, that my hair has become low porous because of Henna, I do not use it anymore.
I use the French erm Stablizer for that too. Share how it turns out for you please?!!
Hi @shortdub78

My review of the Joico 17 Minute Hair Repair System - All I can say is I love it, I love it a lot. I started by having my hair parted in 4 quadrants and washed each section at a time, wash it out, then moved on to the next step, etc...until I was done.

-I started with the clarifying shampoo and it felt wonderful going on, even a little bit moisturizing but you can tell it's a clarifying shampoo as soon as you wash it out leaving behind nice and squeaky clean scalp and hair. I used it after an egg prepoo I had on my hair for about an hour. I have a 10.9 oz bottle of this but now I think I need to get the large bottle of it. I love the effect it had on my hair - clean but not stripped.

-Then I followed the poo up with the Cuticle Sealer. It sud up a tiny bit but felt strangely strengthened but soft. It felt softer than the FPSP felt on my hair. I noticed that after washing it out, my hair felt less tangled especially since I haven't detangled my hair in a week. This is a HIT for me. I will be using this often. Only left it in for the 5 minutes recommended in the instructions.

-Then I used the Deep Penetrating Reconstructor - I wasn't expecting much from this since it was so watery but that was a mistake because this made my little curls really pop. Now at this point, my hair really isn't tangling around each other. It left my hair feeling pretty strong too and already a HIT and to be repurchased when I run low. I only left it on my hair for 5 minutes per the instructions.

-Lastly, the Intense Hydrator was absolutely divine. I cannot be without this one. I haven't used the Moisture Recovery Balm as yet but if it's anything like this, I'm in trouble. The PJ in me is gonna want multiples of this stuff. I use my comb for the first time during this whole process right here and it glided effortlessly through my hair. I did not use heat for any of these steps and stuck with only the 5 minutes recommended in the instructions while I was in the shower.

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Hi @shortdub78

My review of the Joico 17 Minute Hair Repair System - All I can say is I love it, I love it a lot. I started my having my hair parted in 4 quadrants and washed each section at a time, wash it out, then moved on to the next step, etc...until I was done.

-I started with the clarifying shampoo and it felt wonderful going on, even a little bit moisturizing but you can tell it's a clarifying shampoo as soon as you wash it out leaving behind nice and squeaky clean scalp and hair. I used it after an egg prepoo I had on my hair for about an hour. I have a 10.9 oz bottle of this but now I think I need to get the large bottle of it. I love the effect it had on my hair - clean but not stripped.

-Then I followed the poo up with the Cuticle Sealer. It sud up a tiny bit but felt strangely strengthened but soft. It felt softer than the FPSP felt on my hair. I noticed that after washing it out, my hair felt less tangled especially since I haven't detangled my hair in a week. This is a HIT for me. I will be using this often. Only left it in for the 5 minutes recommended in the instructions.

-Then I used the Deep Penetrating Reconstructor - I wasn't expecting much from this since it was so watery but that was a mistake because this made my little curls really pop. Now at this point, my hair really isn't tangling around each other. It left my hair feeling pretty strong too and already a HIT and to be repurchased when I run low. I only left it on my hair for 5 minutes per the instructions.

-Lastly, the Intense Hydrator was absolutely divine. I cannot be without this one. I haven't used the Moisture recovery Balm as yet but if it's anything like this, I'm in trouble. The PJ in me is gonna want multiples of this stuff. I use my comb for the first time during this whole process right here and it glided effortlessly through my hair. I did not use heat for any of these steps and the 5 minutes recommended in the instructions while I was in the shower.


Are hi-po? I saw "cuticle sealer" and stopped in my tracks.

I love the recovery balm, it is amaze-balls.

I'm thinking of picking up the cuticle sealer and subbing the ingredients.

I have a poo and protein treatment I love. K-Pak was always just okay to me.
Are hi-po? I saw "cuticle sealer" and stopped in my tracks.

I love the recovery balm, it is amaze-balls.

I'm thinking of picking up the cuticle sealer and subbing the ingredients.

I have a poo and protein treatment I love. K-Pak was always just okay to me.

I am normal to hi-po. The middle of my hair is mostly normal but the rest of my hair is normal to hi-po.

I plan to use this treatment for at least 6-8 weeks for an accumulative effect. I really want to see what my hair will be like after that amount of time.
I just ordered this even though I am allegedly low po. I just don't trust that my cuticles are lined up :lol:
My hair acts better after a lemon juice rinse.
My hair acts very high po and yet according to the glass test it's low po. Maybe its somehow both? I just instinctively feel a porosity corrector is what i need.