Who Supports Your Hair Growth Goals in Your Life?


New Member
Is it your husband? Significant other? Friends and family members? Co-workers?
I was thinking about this today and I realize, besides you wonderful ladies here at LHCF, there is only one person, a friend of about 4 years (who happens to be white), that I found I can really open up with and talk to about my hair. She's the one who initiated this discussion and talks to me at length about her hair also - she is growing hers out for the first time in a long time and has had many hair challenges along the way. We always support each other's efforts. I haven't shared LHCF or other hair boards with her yet mainly because she doesn't have access to the Internet and wouldn't quite understand. When she gets a computer, I'll hook her up. I'll make her an addict like me. :fan:
So who in your life is supportive of your hair growing goals and hair progress?
only you ladies :). my grandmother loves short hair so she wants me to cut it again. and most of my friends that are white dont understand the concept of shrinkage...so they think my hair will be this length for the rest of my life. I just want to suprise people once I get to my goal :D
No one really. Although my best friend and mother don't try to put down my hair goals, they really aren't game for too many discussions regarding hair growth, vitamins, etc. :ohwell:
I would have to say everyone's really supportive (although they think I'm a little obsessed :lol: ) But my boyfriend is the BEST!! He talks me out of chopping it all off when I get frustrated and he always compliments me and notices when I change my hair or if it's getting longer. Plus, even on days when I know my hair is jacked he tells me I'm beautiful. :D I think support is so key in this quest b/c it's so easy to get discouraged and not everyone will understand why it's so important to you.
You guys are the only ones!! When I told my mother that I wasn't going to relax my hair anymore.. she said something like, "what are you going to do with your nappy hair?" and she means "nappy" in the bad way that I was brought up with.. she's a total snob anyway.. I can't wait till the day my naturally curly hair is shoulder length and BEAUTIFUL!!! :) Boy will I be swinging my hair in her face...:lol:

I really appreciate all of you guys!! I wanted curly hair as long as I can remember..I had no idea that I already had it... If it wasn't for this board..I would have never tried to stretch out my relaxer...then transition and then be natural.. THANKS EVERYONE!!!:kissing4:
PinkLily said:
I would have to say everyone's really supportive (although they think I'm a little obsessed :lol: ) But my boyfriend is the BEST!! He talks me out of chopping it all off when I get frustrated and he always compliments me and notices when I change my hair or if it's getting longer. Plus, even on days when I know my hair is jacked he tells me I'm beautiful. :D I think support is so key in this quest b/c it's so easy to get discouraged and not everyone will understand why it's so important to you.
Your bf sure is a keeper! :)
Isis said:
Your bf sure is a keeper! :)

Thanks! Yeah, he continues to amaze me :grin: Secretly, I think he's just supportive so I don't cut off his hair in the night and make myself a wig :sekret: (he's got 2/3b curly hair, and it's longer than mine!)
I don't really talk about my goals to anyone. So, I guess no one, lol. But when I do wear my hair down people always compliment me and ask why I don't wear it down more. I just smile and think to myself, wait until they see it when it's down to my caboose!
Isis said:
Your bf sure is a keeper! :)
i second that, when i told my husband, he was a complete jerk. he gets mad because i don't wear my hair down anymore. he doesn't understand protective styling to help it grow. you guys are my only supporters. Thanks!!
My husband mostly.

I think my mum thinks i'm totally OTT about my hair, but at the same rate, she asks for advice constantly! LOL

My husband, kids and my mum. Especially my mum she had loooong hair back in the day and now she has lost most it.
My husband supports me but he doesn't understand some of the things that I do to my hair like wearing it in protective styles 95% of the time, but he sees the progress so he just goes along with it. You ladies are the only ones that I could talk to about hair on a serious level my friends and family think that I'm obsessed with hair care (and maybe I am but that's ok) so I don't really talk to any of them about hair but I'm the first person that they call if they have a hair dilema.
My mom and my SO. Those are the only two people besides you ladies that I tell about my hair goals. If I lie down, my SO will ask if I want my bonnet, too.
PinkLily said:
Thanks! Yeah, he continues to amaze me :grin: Secretly, I think he's just supportive so I don't cut off his hair in the night and make myself a wig :sekret: (he's got 2/3b curly hair, and it's longer than mine!)
OH MAN.. so where are the pics of his hair girl???:lol:
My DH is supportive (he measures my hair, takes my hair pics, and tells me how much it's grown) but I don't really talk to him about hair care, vitamins, protective styles, etc. This is the only place I talk about that stuff.
Yall and my best friend. My mom wasnt too thrilled about going natural.....she had the same kind of reaction with the "nappy hair" comment. My sister doesn't really care one way or the other. My father hates braids so whenever I get them, he sorta frowns at me. He will probably be glad when my hair is naturlaly long though. My mom hates long hair. I am sure she would be extatic if I had the same hairstyle as my father.....but long, flowing hair, or braids, or natural hair thats fro'd up or whatever...she detests. My best friend is the best...he is supportive all the way. of course, LCHF is supportive too!
My granny. She LUVS my hair. She says "All it needs is a good hot pressin, and it will be long", then I tell her "Granny, heat will damage my hair"...then she says "Lawd have mercy on you child, it is just so thick, you've been blessed with so much of it, I guess you know what you are doing".

She always asks me what am I doing to it today or how is your hair today. She is so sweet. I love my granny, the fact that she is interested in a positive way amazes me. She is 2c.
MizAvalon said:
I don't really talk about my goals to anyone. So, I guess no one, lol. But when I do wear my hair down people always compliment me and ask why I don't wear it down more. I just smile and think to myself, wait until they see it when it's down to my caboose!

I had to learn not to talk about hair goals with anyone, because they don't believe it and the other they don't understand, only my daughter is supportive.
My best friend and I kind of grow our hair together. She doesn't have as much time as I do to research and find out new things on the internet though, because she's a single mom. But we talk a lot about our hair (we have similar hair) and what we do with it.
Valerie said:
I had to learn not to talk about hair goals with anyone, because they don't believe it and the other they don't understand, only my daughter is supportive.
Me too, except for the friend I mentioned who brought the topic up first. In the past, I've found most of the females in my family, as well as black female friends act uncomfortable talking about hair, namely the concept of growing healthy, beautiful hair, which is my goal. And then there are the haters. It took me a long time to accept (I would always make excuses for them) that there really are haters in my family and among others I know.
my boyfriend. he's white and i dont think he understands it when i tell him what i do to grow my hair. I think he expects me to get to bra strap in 6 months. But oh well.
Only the LHCF ladies. My mother thinks that I'm crazy for going on this site daily, and she reminds me daily. She tought that my fotki was stupid and silly she says," Why would anyone want to look at your hair?" She even have me feeling bad about my Board Spent Time which is 1 Day 2 Hours 33 Minutes 47 Seconds, but I know that I have not spent that much time on the board I just forget to log out sometimes.

I remember when my hair was in bad shape and I was feeling bad about my hair and whated my relaxer out she used say,"You do too much to your you need to leave it alone and let it grow." Everything that I was doing was to make my hair healthy, but everytime I would put another relaxer in I would have to start over again.

Now, that I long on the LHCF everyday she also says," Why do you go there nothing wrong with your hair it looks nice." Well its only because of you ladies.

My friends? The never thought or knew that I had a problem with my hair.
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