My sons are very encouraging and because of me, they have become very selective in the products they use on their hair. My youngest is so funny. Once he told me...."Mom pretty soon you're gonna be able to do "the white girl hair toss."
ayeshia said:
No one. mainly because I dont share my hair goals/styles/tips/comments with anyone outside of this forum, so they wouldnt know anyway. In fact people are assuming that my hair is going to stay the same length forever. I feel like a hermit

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Everyone makes fun of me about reaching my hair goal of having longer hair. But the only one that has encouraged me is my man!
My cousin...she made fun of me the first time I told her about LHCF, but now she's hooked to LHCF and IS a future product junkie. We talk about different products and share a lot of advice with each other. Now ppl look @ her weird when she tells them about this board.
Brooke007 said:
My biggest support comes from those who don’t even know that I have such goals. Let me see…

Kisses to The Vitamin Shoppe who will rush my $18 order of I just have-to-have-right-now-or-I’ll-pass-out MSM to me via Fed-ex for only $30.

Lots of love too to Whole Foods, who doesn’t even flinch at over pricing my must have items.

The Koreans. Yes. All of them. They are letting me put their children through graduate school. Big ups to The Sun Woo family, the Kims, Lees the Parks, Chois, Jungs, oh and I can’t forget the Jeong, Chung, Kang, Jo, Yoon, Jang (Chang) and the Yim families. Just continue to look at me funny every time I come into your BSS to spend my money, keep on following me around. I know you know more English than you pretend to know. Don’t even worry ‘bout it cause a sista gots international friends and language skills . By the way ladies: Annyong ha shimnikka (An-YOH HASHim-ni-kah) is hello in Korean. thank you is "kamsahamnida"

I know, I know...Brooke is a FOOL. It's friday y'all.

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You ladies at LHCF are the ones who encourage my hair goals and are the best inspirations!
my sister and LHCF. my sister is ON IT!!! i'm the only one with a computer so she's like "print out all the features of the month... what's the newest craze!!.. what do they recommend for this..." everyone else looks at us like we're crazy, but in the same breath they compliment us on our hair.
All of the males in my life encourage me in anything that deals with me growing my hair back...UGH men, lol. The women are not as supportive (other than my close family members)...always making snide remarks about my hair and offering baaaad unsolicited advice (which is annoying when their hair is jacked up). But their nastiness only encourages me...as long as they're jealous and feel the need to be rude, I know I'm doing something right.
Cat_Eyed_Cutie said:
All of the males in my life encourage me in anything that deals with me growing my hair back...UGH men, lol. The women are not as supportive (other than my close family members)...always making snide remarks about my hair and offering baaaad unsolicited advice (which is annoying when their hair is jacked up). But their nastiness only encourages me...as long as they're jealous and feel the need to be rude, I know I'm doing something right.

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I agree, my neighbor had the nerve to tell me I needed to let her do my hair. She said I never put it in any style, but yet she has tons of breakage and no hair at all....get the flip out'a here!
My boyfriend. He loves me for who I am and he has been very patient and understanding. I met him when I was feeling very insecure about myself after I had lost most of my hair to relaxer damage and had a huge bald spot in my nape area. He made me feel special and beautiful, although I was at my lowest point in my life. He tells me all the time that my kinks are beautiful and that he loves my hair. I still struggle to accept that I have a very sensitive scalp and that can never chemically alter my natural kinks, but he keeps me grounded. He is helping me to embrace the hair I was born with and reminds me that one day it will grow back to the length it was or maybe beyond... in its unaltered state. Well, the ironic thing is his hair is twice as long as mine and sometimes I get kind of jealous because he started growing out his hair around the time I removed my hair from braids and started wearing my hair natural. Well, then again, my bf is Asian: Filipino. He is a cutie. Well, enough said, my boyfriend is the only one that supports me emotionally in my hair goals.
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my cousin she is on this board somewhere but I call her everything to get her opinion on products and general hair care stuff.
Big ups to The Sun Woo family, the Kims, Lees the Parks, Chois, Jungs, oh and I can’t forget the Jeong, Chung, Kang, Jo, Yoon, Jang (Chang) and the Yim families.

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No one in my real life encourages my hair goals. They all think I'm nuts. Most of them can grow longer hair w/o trying ("Just keep your scalp greased and shampoo every two weeks."
). The others prefer short hair or weaves.
My family are those, "Good hair, long/bad hair, short" folks. Most of my coworkers are white, Asian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern or Indian so they wouldn't understand. I have no SO, my kids are too young and all of my girlfriends have super long or natural hair. I have no one to share with if I wanted to.
Everyone thought I was crazy when I first started, now EVERYONE has seen my growth....my mom and best friend call me every other day asking for hair tips, its great!
My wonderful non-fian. who even went w/ me for the BC to make sure I didn't punk out.
His hair is longer than mine, he's been growing it for lil over a year.

All of the wonderful LHCF ladies
My man encourages me, I know I can talk to him about buying new products and he always has something good to say. My mom too, although at first when I told her I wanted to get to bra-strap she was like well I don't know about all that. Then I said, there are women on my board who have that length and then she was like ok, well you probably can. She's old-school and I think she might have believed the myth (as I did before I got here). Last but not least the LHCF ladies
the ladies here at LHCF. Most of the people in my life wont sit and talk about hair with me or they seem to make it seem like their hair grows sooooooooo fast despite the fact that their hair is shorter than mine. Most others care more about style than the health of the hair so being on this site is a way to reinforce the goals I have and seeing the pictures of the some of the ladies' here makes me motivated to get back on that vitamin regimen or to take better care of my hair.
God bless you all.
My husband, nappurality and LHCF of course.

It's very refreshing to have my husbands encouragement to transition.

I know lots of men don't like the thought of it.

He will sit down and listen to be go on and on for hours about my plans!

my mom,my sister likes to look at tha threads my friend koeun she is korean she is my best friend we talk about everything.and of course tha ladies on tha forums i would be lost wit out them.
The ladies here @ LHCF are my inspirations!
Everyone else I know doesn’t understand that most of the things they are doing to their hair is not going to benefit them. I have friends who are natural and relaxed and their hair hasn’t gone anywhere because they constantly abuse it with heat (everyday; press & flat iron), perms (overprocessing), tight braids, etc. When I explain to them that I’m trying my best to cut out heat, no longer perm my hair, or that I wash at least once or twice a week (condition wash, deep condition, etc), they look at me like I’m crazy. My mom, who I am closest to doesn’t even understand. She continually tells me, “You don’t need to do all that” or “Why are you putting conditioner in your hair”. I don’t try to convince people anymore, I’m just going to let my hair speak for me!
My husband and the beautiful ladies here at LHCF. I don't usually tell people that I belong to a long hair care group because you get funny looks and comments about how WE can't grow hair. I always think to myself 'if you want to be stuck on stupid, go ahead and be that way.'

My boyfriend likes to tease me about spending all my time on LHCF and always doing my hair but he is secretly excited I can tell!

Because: He has never made it seem like I was reaching for something hopless...Never says anything about having growing kind of hair or other stupid stuff about good hair or only mixed people being able to grow long...like other silly people I know...family members included.

He just thinks that hair grows and thinks that black women who can't grow hair just don't take care of it properly (A novel idea I know

So he always has something positive to say about my new styles...and compliments me on my hair looking, smelling and feeling better these days. He even has offered to help me do my trims cuz I told him about SHS and he was like "Oh hell no! I'll do it! cuz I know how much work you have been doing on keeping your hair looking nice and i'm glad you're growing it"

I really tried to share my new hair knowledge with my friends and family but they refuse to let go of the idea that black people who are not mixed can grow long hair. And i'm tired of trying to make believers out of them they think i'm crazy and it's almost like there is something wrong in their eyes with a black woman wanting hair past her shoulders...for my family shoulder length hair that is not broken off is LONG...when my hair was long a few years back (
now I don't think that it was at all compared to what I have seen on LHCF just a few inches above bra strap) They were like
I would blow their minds away with some albums on LHCF but i'm not sharing this site with them.
my fiance is the same way! He calls this site my lover....lol. He says "where are u going, back to your lover???????" every time I get up to do something.

but I can tell he likes me growing my hair out bc when it was freshly done and worn down this week after my touch up, he was acting all sweet on me all week...haha. I guess he was so happy because it wasnt looking a mess in my usual bun on top of a fro Ive been sporting lately!
Leslie ITA! When my hair is all fresh and smelling good...I have to be like "boy get your hands off my head!" He is all touchy feely and sniffing my head and stuff when were lying around.
And he gets all pouty..."Oh, I can't touch your hair now?"

My mother encourages me the most because we started our hair journey together...and I'm literally watching her hair grow every day and am in awe...we both get excited at touchup time!
But sometimes, she tells me that I'm obsessed with my hair, and I feel like she just doesn't understand...
My husband and everyone who saw that my hair was almost waist length before I did the BC and went natural, the ladies here, especially Shatani!!!