Who still uses Phyto hair products?

^^^Yes it closes the cuticle after conditioning. There is a thread (or challenge) on the first page all about porosity, it's worth reading if you can.

For the Phyto relaxer veterans is it worth using the Milky Reconstructor? I've heard some negative comments about it...?

If you can use porosity control as your last step - both now and in the future - your hair WILL thank you.

I do use the reconstructor that comes with the kit, but I had stuff in it. I would suggest using it, then porosity control, and then a good deep mositurizing conditioner.
I hate it!!!!! It feels like it won't come out. I washed 7-8 times. I did an ACV rinse and then washed with ORS creamy aloe----nothing. It's all sticky and rough!!!

I can't believe this is happening to me!
how long did you leave in the relaxer and what deep conditioning did you use - i mean which product and for how long?
No, no pink suds. They're white, but my hair feels terrible. I have no clue what went wrong.

Hi Luscious ! :wave: Are you "sure" your hair was ready for a Relaxer? Weren't you trying to wait until you got your hair a little more stronger/healthier as you had mentioned in a previous thread not too long ago?:perplexed

So, I was kinda Surprised when you said you were ready to relax? :ohwell: I thought the "Plan" was......You were going to take a few weeks and get your hair back in shape.:yep: Remember....??? You were going to condition it and try to check your Porosity etc.....

I certainly hope you figure out your steps, so we can assist you. I really don't want to see you have any kind of setbacks.:nono:
I left the relaxer in for 23 minutes exactly. Rinsed thoroughly then began shampooing with the poo they include in the box. Then shampooed with ORS creamy aloe. Rinsed forever. Still felt bad. Put my Joico Intense Hydrator pH 3.5 on for 3 minutes. Shampooed more with the poo from the box. Still felt like crap.

I freaked out and got my standby ACV rinse and poored it all over my head. Still felt like the relaxer would not leave my strands. I shampooed once more with the neutralizing poo from the box, and gave up. I put the Milky Reconstructor on, and it felt like nothing.

I gave up. I have Kenra in my hair and it's been 45 minutes. I'm about to rinse it out. Index 2 made my hair too straight btw. I hope Kenra can save me. It's the only thing that's been consistent in my hair regimen for providing slip and moisture--some semblance of normal hair.
Hi Luscious ! :wave: Are you "sure" your hair was ready for a Relaxer? Weren't you trying to wait until you got your hair a little more stronger/healthier as you had mentioned in a previous thread not too long ago?:perplexed

So, I was kinda Surprised when you said you were ready to relax? :ohwell: I thought the "Plan" was......You were going to take a few weeks and get your hair back in shape.:yep: Remember....??? You were going to condition it and try to check your Porosity etc.....

I certainly hope you figure out your steps, so we can assist you. I really don't want to see you have any kind of setbacks.:nono:

My hair was feeling so much better. It wasn't hard anymore. And it wasn't breaking... I'm about to natural up in this B!tc#.

I'll try the neutralizing poo for 10 minutes then. If Kenra doesn't help. Back to the shower I go.
How was your hair before you relaxed? How is your hair now? If you left index 2 in for 23 minutes, your hair should be pretty straight - is that not what you wanted?

i'm not really sure what went wrong for you, but it sounds like to lower the pH and deep condition.
Woooooooosssaaaaaah! Okay, everything is okay now. My hair feels like hair again--not like plastic. Kenra fixed it all. Praise the Lord Jesus for Kenra. I'm serious. It's the only thing my hair responded to. It detangles, moisturized, and smoothed my hair.

I'm going to air dry for a bit then start blowdrying straight.

Thanks for all the help. I was seriously scared for a while there.
excellent - rule number one - never panic before the deep condition. please report after you'll finally finished. have you considered roller setting?
I ordinarily rollerset, and I dread direct heat. However, I don't have a hood dryer and I am anxious to just dry my hair already and calm down/lay down. This whole process got me so worked up.

My blow out went well. It look full and I retained a lot of growth. I simply have uneven ends though. Idk if I should cut them or not. I'm about to start the hide my hair challenge, so I feel that a trim may be unnecessary, but potentially helpful. Trims make hair look sooo good, and I haven't had one in 12 weeks.

I took pics, so I'll post them tomorrow with a full review when I find the cord. Thanks again.
I ordinarily rollerset, and I dread direct heat. However, I don't have a hood dryer and I am anxious to just dry my hair already and calm down/lay down. This whole process got me so worked up.

My blow out went well. It look full and I retained a lot of growth. I simply have uneven ends though. Idk if I should cut them or not. I'm about to start the hide my hair challenge, so I feel that a trim may be unnecessary, but potentially helpful. Trims make hair look sooo good, and I haven't had one in 12 weeks.

I took pics, so I'll post them tomorrow with a full review when I find the cord. Thanks again.

Chile' Don't be Having Us All Worried and Thangs:eek:

You know How we Get !:rolleyes: All Intense & Stuff. Glad things worked out well.
Chile' Don't be Having Us All Worried and Thangs:eek:

You know How we Get !:rolleyes: All Intense & Stuff. Glad things worked out well.

I know right!

Woooooooosssaaaaaah! Okay, everything is okay now. My hair feels like hair again--not like plastic. Kenra fixed it all. Praise the Lord Jesus for Kenra. I'm serious. It's the only thing my hair responded to. It detangles, moisturized, and smoothed my hair.

I'm going to air dry for a bit then start blowdrying straight.

Thanks for all the help. I was seriously scared for a while there.

Glad your hair is back to normal now. I was scared scrolling down the page and reading your panicked posts! Especially since I recommended the relaxer to you. Yeah, the neutralizing shampoo is VERY harsh and stripping and because your cuticles are raised from the relaxing process, your hair doesn't feel right afterwards. That's why it's important to do an acv rinse or use porosity control and also to use a good protein AND moisture ocnditioner afterwards to add back strength and moisture.

I actually did my third self-relax with phyto II on Tuesday and it went really well. I did an acv rinse after neutralizing, then did a protein DC, rinsed, then an overnight moisture DC and then a Porosity control final rinse the next day. My hair felt really good.

I can't wait to see the pictures! I hope you're still a phyto convert even after this traumatic experience. :look:
:lachen: :lachen: It's the Pushaaaaaaaaaa!!

Who me?!

when is the last time you seen me pushing the devil relaxer...
my campaign was for it to stop being talked about it..:nono:

but folks are still lured in by the temptation and dive in anyway..

nope, not me..:nono:
my poor product got dogged out so much on here because it was always the devil relaxer's fault..

Future thread titles I see in my head now..

Me and my dog's hair fell out and got super dry!..

Me and my cat's hair fell out and got super dry!

Phyto made my parakeet's feathers fall out the cage..the feathers
touched my comb, then I combed my hair and my hair got dry!

My lover touched my Phyto hair and his hand caught scabies

Yes, I'm a bitter user..
Who me?!

when is the last time you seen me pushing the devil relaxer...
my campaign was for it to stop being talked about it..:nono:

but folks are still lured in by the temptation and dive in anyway..

nope, not me..:nono:
my poor product got dogged out so much on here because it was always the devil relaxer's fault..

Future thread titles I see in my head now..

Me and my dog's hair fell out and got super dry!..

Me and my cat's hair fell out and got super dry!

Phyto made my parakeet's feathers fall out the cage..the feathers
touched my comb, then I combed my hair and my hair got dry!

My lover touched my Phyto hair and his hand caught scabies

Yes, I'm a bitter user..


I think that officially deads my pusha status...others have taken the reigns a long time ago...

I will continue to be the Phytorelaxer screwface of lhcf..to save unknowing heads....from themselves...
I’m Phi Phyto Phi for now. The process was definitely nerve racking as you all can see from the frantic play by play I gave. Sorry to alarm anyone. I do love the way my hair turned out though. It’s not crispy and dull like it normally is after a relaxer. It’s bone straight which is not what I wanted. I want to be 70%-80% straight. I like my hair to be a little fluffy. My mom didn’t tell me that my hair “cooked” (relaxed) so quickly until the end of the process. I would have washed it out much sooner. The washing process was scary—basically a nightmare. My hair felt so rough, and with other relaxers it never feels that rough. I used everything in the box except for the pre care balm which now that I’m looking at it, I kind of want to see how it will perform as a moisturizing product. I’m also wondering if my leaving this step out was a cause for my hair cuticle to freak out. Anyone not use the pre-care balm? How did you work out?
The shampooing was brutal on my scalp! It didn’t burn like a lye relaxer, so I’m relieved about that but I know now that my scalp officially hates ALS and ALES. ALS and ALES were the surfactants in the Phyto neutralizing poo and the ORS decalcifying poo. I normally don’t oil my scalp, but I oil it at the end of the night because my scalp felt so tight. Tight like someone had their hand on my scalp and would not take it off. It was really annoying, and I’m still feeling the effects today. I can’t wait to wash my hair on Tuesday after the 72 hour rule.
When I blew my hair out it did not break off! Almost like the relaxer strengthened my hair. This has never happened to me before. I wish I could have rollerset, but I don’t have a hood dryer. I normally air dry rollerset, but I was so anxious to see the finished product. (My hair did break in the shower, but that’s because my mom is so rough. She’s about to be nixed as my stylist. I’m afraid to do my hair by myself though. I only did a relaxer by myself once and I was too slow about it, and I was over-processed in some areas and under-processed in others.
The true test will be in the coming weeks. Ordinarily the first two weeks that I get a relaxer I have so much breakage and my hair acts really crazy from being weak and dry. I’ll be armed with my staples and my phyto samples on standby to combat any breakage.
Products used:
Phytospecifc Relaxer Index 2 (next time I may use index 1 to retain thickness), ORS Creamy Aloe Shampoo, ACV rinse, Phytospecific Intense Nutrition Shampoo, Kenra MC. I used Aveda Hang Straight for my heat protectant. I’ve been moisturizing with Phytospecific Moisturizing Styling balm (It’s nice and light).
Overall I’d rate it an 8 out of 10. It’s the best turn out I’ve ever had with a relaxer so I will use it again. I think the next time I use it I’ll know whether or not I’m Phyto for life.
Enjoy the pics.

This one was before the relaxer


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Sorry I'm so bad at taking pictures. Hopefully next time I'll have my sister help me, but she had work yesterday and today. Whatever length I grew out I lost with this trim, but my ends were sooo ragedy as you can see. Now that I've figured out how to stop breakage I won't be trimming until the new year. I wear my hair in a bun or french braid 100% of the time anyway.

this thumbnail is before the trim. i don't have pictures of after the trim because i'm all pictured out.

One question I do have for you all though is: Do you use Phyto/Phytospecifc products to maintain your phytolaxed hair? Would you advise that I or anyone else for that matter get some?


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LL, it looks great!!! I'm so glad you were happy with it.

I have used the Phyto/Phytospecific products and liked them (which is where I think this thread started a week ago) :lachen: but I've mostly migrated away from them. I'm currently in love with Wen, so I don't use a lot of other stuff.
@ Lucious Locks
Your hair looks good and it's shiny!
I don't see how not using the pre-care balm would negatively affect you, I don't always use it.
I don't use any other products from the phyto/phytospecific line. I haven't seen enough reviews on them to spend that much money. I'm still working on building a good regimen, so if all else fails I might consider trying them.
Luscious! It looks wonderful.:grin: Hopefully, you have a good Protein Treatment to help combat that Breakage you say you "keep" experiencing and get it under Control. And hopefully the Trims will be kept

I hate to hear that you have had such negative experiences "Relaxing." I see you have the Phyto Intense Nutrition.

You might want to incorporate Porosity Control into your regimen if you haven't done so already.

Hopefully, Phyto will become your HG for Relaxing Treatments and that you'll get good results.:yep:
I'm glad things worked out for you. I have been using phyto relaxer with great results every single time for so many years now, i always wonder what someone else did differently to not like it.

In the future, I suggest basing your scalp if it feels that tight after relaxing - protection is a good thing. You should really consider using the porosity control as suggested and make sure you deep condition - that ws a whole lot of washing you did last night.

I am part of the PHYTO FOREVER girls! hope you'll be joining us.