Who seriously prays for hair growth/healthy hair??

I am still praying for my hair to grow thick and healthy. I along with another LHCF sista of mine, (@IDareT'sHair) prayed with me to find a great hair stylist and guess what? I did! The Lord led me right to her in a place where I never go and we got into talking about my kinky hair.

She gave me her number, I called her up, and now finally I found someone who understood what I explained to her about my hair and she corrected the damage done by another stylist. To my surprise, my hair didn't even have to be cut as short as I thought it would.

I know she was sent by God because she didn't even think I should cut my hair but since I wanted a certain look, that was the only reason why she cut it for me. I will be going to her regularly for my trims. I have God to thank for this!

Thank you Terri for touching in agreement and standing with me in prayer! Girl I pray for your hair too - to perform the way God originally created it to. May it grow like it never has before in Jesus' name, AMEN!
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Girl, We must go to God for answers/leadership/guidance/direction. He wants to be concerned in all that concerneth us. I truly believe that. All aspects of our lives.

I don't mind being a sheep and having a Shepherd watching over me.:lol:

I don't have all the answers, if I did, why would I need Him?

I know how concerned and troubled you were about this matter and I am truly happy for you. He worked it out for Your Good.
God has truly answered my prayers concerning hair. It was so broke and he mended it. Is was short and he grew it. It was thin due to chemicals and it's thick and fluffy now. Hair is our crown and covering and every hair is numbered. God didn't say that just to be saying it. His word is purified seven times.
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We are allowed to ask Father Yah what to do with our hair; He is the One who gave it to us, therefore, we are His responsibility. I will not ask Him about beating it into submission, or hope He will go along with my every whim. I desire to be Spirit-led in everything, but I still have choices; there can be more than one good decision in anything we do.

I believe most things or decisions we make are symbolic - a teachable moment Father uses to refine us and understand His ways. For example, my journey with my hair can symbolize my struggle with self and how to flow with Him. I accept I am an iconoclast - conventions rarely work for me in the long run, no matter how much I want them to. As long as I remain in Him, my hair and I will adapt. :)
I'm now praying over a palm plant I have outside that seem to be very limp and almost lifeless. I am praying that it would grow like the palm plants in Lebanon - big, thick, lush, tall and beautiful. Yes this plant concerns me and I can't wait to see the Lord wake it up and I command it to glorify God by growing and doing just what God created it to do. Flourish like the green herb oh palm plant in the middle of my garden.
I'm now praying over a palm plant I have outside that seem to be very limp and almost lifeless. I am praying that it would grow like the palm plants in Lebanon - big, thick, lush, tall and beautiful. Yes this plant concerns me and I can't wait to see the Lord wake it up and I command it to glorify God by growing and doing just what God created it to do. Flourish like the green herb oh palm plant in the middle of my garden.

Your faith is very beautiful.
I think it's okay to pray about whatever you feel is important. But the best evidence always comes from scripture.

Just a few days ago I was torn about whether I should pray for my hair or not. Like some here, I wondered if it was vain, and even more, I wondered if it was greedy. As I was trying to figure out if it was moral or not, I narrowed it down to the question: is there anything that you shouldn't pray for? So I asked God to lead me to a scripture to answer my question, and he led me to not only one scripture, but two:

Ephesians 6:18:

Pray in the Spirit at all times, with every kind of prayer and petition. To this end, stay alert with all perseverance in your prayers for all the saints.

As well as:

James 4:2-3:

2 You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have, because you do not ask. 3 You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions.

This was my first time really noticing and truly understanding those scriptures and it was what inspired me to change my signature. (True story, and now this thread pops up just a few days later after having years of inactivity.)

From this I knew that you can ask for anything as long as it isn't for the wrong motive. You can tell by the context of that scripture, that "the wrong motive" would be trying to attain something or make something happen for any reason that is immoral, like asking for money for a gambling addiction, or to be more beautiful so that you could get noticed by a married man. This would include things that are go against God's spiritual laws (the laws set in motion after the New Covenant began, AKA His desires for our behavior.

There's a difference between wanting to love yourself and putting beauty before God, and/or focusing entirely on beauty and neglecting the beauty that comes from within. Doing both in the right balance isn't immoral by any means. There is an idea floating around that praying for your own joys and pursuits is selfish, and I want you to know that that's simply not true. Just because certain things like: the way you look, how much money you have or the material items that you own are often overemphasized in our society does not mean that giving them any focus or value at all or finding joy in them is evil in itself. Didn't David pray for His son Solomon to have everlasting glory? So then, desiring beauty, glory, or yes, even money for the sake of your rejoicing and pleasure is not evil, selfish or vain; God gave us these things to enjoy. It is valuing and desiring them above God, trying to achieve them using immoral means or for immoral means, or placing all of your perceived worth on them that is immoral.

So then, wanting beautiful or healthy hair is not an immoral motive and because of that I believe that there's nothing wrong with asking for it or praying about it.

Also, another question against this kind of prayer would be, "why would you bother God with something so small? He's too busy for something like that." (I've read some posts in this thread with responses like that.)

This sort of thinking is from the Devil.

Matthew 10: 29-31

29 Are not two sparrows sold for a small coin? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father’s knowledge. 30 Even all the hairs of your head are counted. 31 So do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

What this scripture is saying is that nothing is too insignificant for the LORD to take notice of or care about. Not even a bird falling to the ground. The idea that we can somehow "interrupt" God or that He is too busy for certain matters is false. It is not only unscriptural but downright destructive to believers trying to bond with and trust in Him more.

He IS everywhere at all times, doing many things at once, so then how would He be too busy? And He does not get tired. His power cannot be stretched thin, nor does He only consider certain kinds of prayers over others. Why? Because He pays attention to even the tiniest details, even to the number of hairs on our head. Believing such a thing puts a wall between you and Him, blatantly ignores scripture, and leans on man-made precepts ("lean not on your own understanding") that completely distort God's being and character as a whole and our relationship with Him as His children. I rebuke that in Jesus name.

So then, pray for whatever concerns you so long as the prayer itself and the reason for it submit to His spiritual law of righteousness - that is what pleases Him. And pray with the conviction that He will hear you and respond. If you believe you WILL receive. If He has ever done something for you, you need not wonder if He will be able to do it again, or even doubt if He is there or if He is listening. Each response is evidence that He lives and that you are not wrong to believe wholeheartedly in Him, in his promises, and in the scripture as obediently as a child. All you have to do is remember and pray and your faith will grow.

If you have never had enough faith to garner a response and it has caused you to doubt, then believe. Believe! I believe, and He has answered. Why would I lie? Why would everyone who believes lie about feeling His presence, especially when God has said not to lie? These are our true experiences. He is the true God, and He will help and love you, but you have to believe first. It's good to start by praying for faith.

I hope that whoever was previously convinced that praying for your hair is "too unimportant or vain" due to leaning on their own understanding or their own imaginary idea of God's character, His interests and what He finds worthy of attention has now had their paths made straight, and that anyone who has read this and is now convinced that all prayer is acceptable to God (so long as it is righteous) will grow in their faith because of it. I'm saying this not because of hair only, but because misunderstanding or misinterpreting why you can or cannot pray about it is a sign of a much larger problem hidden beneath the surface. It also leads to people accidentally strengthening the Devil's ploy and beating down the Church, all while they think that they are in the right and that they have a "sophisticated" and therefore better understanding of God. Meanwhile, trusting in Him for everything and thinking like an innocent child is what the Bible says we are to do. I also hope that anyone convinced by this will use this information to correct the mindset that I adressed in this post in any other believers that they run across who show signs of having the same mode of thinking by speaking up and using these very same scriptures to strengthen and correct that believer in their tracks.

I hope this helps whoever read this. I know that God taught me this, and He did it THROUGH my desire to pray for my hair. Everything can be a lesson. :yep:

Wow well said @EzrasNumberOneFan. I agree totally. We serve a God that has time for everything that concerns us. He lives outside of time and certainly is not confined to time as we are. I think that many people believe that God is too busy with just big things. His thoughts and ways are so much higher than ours that we cannot even imagine that He can do the big AND the small things all in one breath and never skip a beat. This is the God we serve.

He accomplishes the impossible, things our minds cannot even dream up. If it was not possible for Him to concentrate on accomplishing big and small things all at the same time, then He could not be God, can He? I have chosen not to close Him up in a tiny small box in my tiny little world and simply allow Him to get glory out of being just who He is - and that is a big God, making big and small things in my life, take off!
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You ladies are amazing! I'm sitting here with tears streaming down my face as I surrender to my AWESOME FATHER! These posts are everything! They are things that I have thought and things that I have been taught. Things that I have read and things that I have understood as well as misunderstood. As I prayed this morning, I was pondering all of this. I have a large bald spot on my crown and I have gone through so many emotions, asking my father for complete healing, wisdom and knowledge, the ability to spread knowledge of this miracle that is happening to my scalp! I love the lord! He is my provider and I do want to always be as a little child, coming to him in faith and with expectancy! He is my joy! I believe and receive! Amen! Thank you ladies for being here and allowing him to use you. I just don't know what to say. Amazing!
Thank you for bumping this post! What a beautiful reminder that God is involved in the minutia of our beings. I give Him praise for allowing my hair to thrive, grow and become more moisturized and supple. I am thankful that he has blessed my daughters with thick MBL hair that is abundant and prospers. I thank Him in advance for healing their scalps of seborrheic dermatitis. Thank you for allowing me to see the beauty of natural hair through them and imparting this love in all my descendants.
In Jesus' name!!!