Who seriously prays for hair growth/healthy hair??

I try to pray about everything & worry about nothing. Faith without works is dead so I continue to have faith & work on all goals I set in my heart & mind.
God is so good.
All these posts that give God glory and inclusion in everything is making me cry....but with happy tears, ya know?

God really is so good! Thank You Father for perfecting everything that concerns all of us in this thread. We :love: You.
I do also. Another LHCF member shared a beautiful prayer...I believe it was Bronzebombshell. To summarize she indicated that He cares about whatever is important to us. I was taught He will grant us the desires of our heart, however our Father wants us to ask for what ever we want. Health inside and out, prosperity, love...these are valid request and are not vain.
I used to think it was vain of me to pray for my hair, because with all the war, famine, and other bad things that go on in the world....who am I to pray for hair health/growth...

I do agree that if it's important to us, it's important to God - even if it's hair...
Before I didnt pray too much about my hair until I had a bad experience with my rollers and took some of my edges out. It hurt and I cried. I prayed to God right then and there and said to God, You said according to Your Word our hair is our glory and it is our covering so please help me not to be frustrated and cut my hair or tear it out and that it is a blessing and not a curse in my life! I have been having great growth and more peace since then. I do not rush my growth and just love and nourish my hair :). It isn't vain, it's our covering!

Also, after praying this prayer a few months later I know God is now inspiring me for WL. And now I have the patience. I couldnt have done it in my previous frustrated state. God is a good God!:yep:
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"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight."
1 Peter 3:4,5

This verse helps me keep perspective on the importance/ lack thereof of physical appearance to God.

Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4

This doesn't mean he'll give you everything you want, a common misinterpretation. Rather when you're walking in fellowship with Him he will put HIS desires in your heart. In other words I'll want what He wants when we're in right relationship. Does God desire for me to have waist length healthy hair? I mean that's like asking does He want me to wear my black pencil skirt or tan pants to work. God isn't a cosmic genie so asking for something I know he hasn't placed on my heart feels unprofitable to me.

There's nothing wrong with wanting to look beautiful as a woman. I know for me, however, there's a fine line b/n that desire and vanity and unless I developed alopecia or another hair/scalp medical condition praying for hair would be comparable to praying for long fingernails. Not bad, per se, but not something I would bring to my prayer closet.
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Let every man be persuaded in his own mind.

In reference to the following verse:

"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight."
1 Peter 3:4,5

I had a brother that took this verse so far that he forced his wife and daughters to not wear makeup and jewelry of any kind, but he did not force them to stop braiding their hair or from wearing nice clothes. For years I thought he was a hypocrite and after I got older, I came to realize he allowed satan to place him in that box of ignorance so I only pray for him now.

To me this verse simply mean that we are not to lose the focus of where our true beauty comes from. This is not to say we are not to be concerned about our outward beauty but our main concentration should be more on the inner beauty of our spirit. If one is only consumed with the outward appearance, then this would pose a serious problem with their relationship with our Heavenly Father. If we follow hard after HIM, and we are concerned about our appearance, I firmly believe that HE would want us to look our best for HIM.

True story:

One time I had just come out of a 3 day fast and worshipping God. The day the fast ended, I stepped outside my home to rush out to the car that was parked at the end of the curb in front of my house but it was raining soooooooooo hard, I couldn't get out. My umbrella was in the car. I stood there and silently prayed saying "Father, I really don't want my hair to get wet."

As soon as my feet hit the pavement, it was as if a huge hand came over my head and covered me until I got into my car. Not one drop of rain touched me. And as soon as I got in the car, it was as if the hand moved and the rain resumed it's torrential assault around my car.

My sister's friend who had run ahead of me to the car was soaking wet and commented on what had happened. She said, "well holy cow, you didn't even get wet, how did that happen?" I simply said to her, "When you put God first, He will answer even your smallest request."

This is a perfect example of our Father perfecting everything that concerns us.

God is not like man and He doesn't think like we do. What matters to HIM is that we put HIM first above all things and HE absolutely will give us the desires of our hearts - desires that please HIM and does not come against HIS word.
I Corinth 11:15: But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.
I Corinth 11:15: But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.

@virtuenow, Oviously He desires for us to have long hair so herein lies a 2-fold blessing. - It is a glory to a woman to have long hair and because God's word declares this, it is a glory to Him as well. Isn't that awesome:yep:?
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If You Lost Your Hair (you would not hesitate) to ask the Lord to Restore it back to you. And not only restoration but 10 fold.

We tend to take things like our Hair for granted, until you lose it.

We should pray for all things with thanksgiving & supplication. I'm a firm believer in the Power of Prayer.

I will (and do) continue to ask His Guidance in all things that concerneth me both Large & Small.

We need to have faith as a child. Children are humble enough and transparent enough to ask for what they want. And we should rely on him as such.
I can understand praying for hair growth/health if you're suffering from alopecia or some other kind of esteem damaging disorder. But simply praying for longer, healthier hair is not only really obsessive but so so so freaking frivolous. Wow. Just my opinion though, obviously.
I don't pray for healthier/longer hair, but I see absolutely nothing wrong with it...

Now I'm praying for God to help me with being obsessed with hair... I feel it is so unhealthy..
I pray for increased health. Hair growth is just a benefit from it (internal nutrition). IMO it just seems superficial to pray for longer hair unless like others stated you are suffering from severe hair issues: chemotherapy, alopecia.

I'd rather pray for health, financial blessings, good grades and ending world (hunger and all the bad stuff); to encourage world peace.
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I pray for increased health. Hair growth is just a benefit from it (internal nutrition). IMO it just seems superficial to pray for longer hair unless like others stated you are suffering from severe hair issues: chemotherapy, alopecia.

I'd rather pray for health, financial blessings, good grades and ending world peace.

Tiny question...why would you pray to END world peace? Or was this an error in printing? Just curious.
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"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight."
1 Peter 3:4,5

This verse helps me keep perspective on the importance/ lack thereof of physical appearance to God.

Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4

This doesn't mean he'll give you everything you want, a common misinterpretation. Rather when you're walking in fellowship with Him he will put HIS desires in your heart. In other words I'll want what He wants when we're in right relationship. Does God desire for me to have waist length healthy hair? I mean that's like asking does He want me to wear my black pencil skirt or tan pants to work. God isn't a cosmic genie so asking for something I know he hasn't placed on my heart feels unprofitable to me.

There's nothing wrong with wanting to look beautiful as a woman. I know for me, however, there's a fine line b/n that desire and vanity and unless I developed alopecia or another hair/scalp medical condition praying for hair would be comparable to praying for long fingernails. Not bad, per se, but not something I would bring to my prayer closet.

This :yep: :yep: :yep:
I Corinth 11:15: But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.

It's understandable why this verse is quoted a lot, but understanding the culture that surrounded the Corinthian church at the time makes a huge difference in perspective. The Corinthian culture was pagan and had temples where prostitutes would shave their heads and sell sex to please the gods.

The Corinthian church struggled with a lot worldliness and was heavenly influenced by the carnal environment, that's why Paul talked so much about personal conduct in the Corinthian letters. While we should take larger lessons from many of these instructions,we should also be aware of the context of the words and note that not every little thing Paul said to a particular people in a particular place and time necessarily applies directly to our situation.
I can understand praying for hair growth/health if you're suffering from alopecia or some other kind of esteem damaging disorder. But simply praying for longer, healthier hair is not only really obsessive but so so so freaking frivolous. Wow. Just my opinion though, obviously.

Hmm.. I guess this all depends on how you feel about God and His role in our everyday lives. I believe that God wants us to walk and talk with him in intimate fellowship..and when you're in intimate fellowship you share every part of your life with them, things both big and small, serious and silly. We should pray everything and anything as long as our hearts are right. I truly believe it pleases God to include him in our daily comings and goings.

Now I'm not sayin all-night prayer vigils over hair are ideal but droppin something here and there works for me. I believe that God blessed me with my current hairdresser and she even prayed while she was giving me a virgin relaxer :lol:.
Tiny question...why would you pray to END world peace? Or was this an error in printing? Just curious.

LOL yes that was a mistake! Let me rephrase I wish to pray for world peace (though I know thats not highly likely). I promise im not the anti-christ :spinning:
LOL yes that was a mistake! Let me rephrase I wish to pray for world peace (though I know thats not highly likely). I promise im not the anti-christ :spinning:

:lol: I figured it must have been a typo. Yeah, the only time true peace will hit this earth is when the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ Himself comes to give it.

But it doesn't hurt to pray for it "...even so... come Lord Jesus!"
I Corinth 11:15: But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.

like another poster said, understanding the culture of the Corinthian church Paul was writing to puts this verse in proper perspective. The Bible also speaks against braided hair b/c it was at one time associated with a loose woman. Short hair was one time a way to identify a prostitute so it is this that Paul was trying to highlight.

OT: Apostolics, a Christian denomination, actually keep their hair long for this reason. If you go to youtube and search "apostolic hair styles" you'll see women with long hair who keep their hair pinned up. I don't agree with their interpretation of the text but i find the value they place on modesty refreshing :yep:
I have always prayed for more pressing issues than hair in the past. However, after having several fallouts in my entire nape area; I need prayer. I'm prayering for restoration, strength, and healthy hair among other things.
I have not prayed for my hair to grow. The word says that her hair is given to her for her glory, it is a covering. It is given to us to look good. It is the will of God for us to have pretty hair. He wants us to be, feel and look pretty. The lady washed the feet of Jesus with her hair and beautiful fragrant ointment from an alabaster box. Your hair is long if you can wash someone's feet with it. God has been blessing me so, I expect my hair to just start spurting from the follicles. The hairs are numbered. I want the numbers retained and then lengthened!!
When we obey his will, he will give us what we want and need. My parents were ill. I refused to not do what they needed. They had helped me and my son. Now I have most of my bills paid off, my favorite things just arrive, my son is doing well, myparents are feeling okay. Part time work to do things that I wanted just showed up. Godliness with contentment is great gain. Proverbs said forsake not thy mother when she is old. I refused to forsake my parents and boy oh boy, God did not forsake me either. Boy, my hair is really going to be gorgeous. It's okay now but it is going to grow a LOT!!
like another poster said, understanding the culture of the Corinthian church Paul was writing to puts this verse in proper perspective. The Bible also speaks against braided hair b/c it was at one time associated with a loose woman. Short hair was one time a way to identify a prostitute so it is this that Paul was trying to highlight.

OT: Apostolics, a Christian denomination, actually keep their hair long for this reason. If you go to youtube and search "apostolic hair styles" you'll see women with long hair who keep their hair pinned up. I don't agree with their interpretation of the text but i find the value they place on modesty refreshing :yep:

Lovely...I am Apostolic, but the org I grew up the PAW, did not have such beliefs. Some(UPC..United Pentecostal Church) believe that cutting hair is a sin. Some also use the modesty...dress/appearance to determine heaven or hell. I also don't agree with that intrepretation.
This is my favorite scripture on beauty and hair

Ezekiel 16:7 I made you thrive like a plant in the field; and you grew, matured, and became very beautiful. Your breasts were formed, your hair grew, but you were naked and bare. 12 And I put a jewel in your nose, earrings in your ears, and a beautiful crown on your head. 13 Thus you were adorned with gold and silver, and your clothing was of fine linen, silk, and embroidered cloth. You ate pastry of fine flour, honey, and oil. You were exceedingly beautiful, and succeeded to royalty.