Is anyone experiencing 1.5 to 2 inches of hair growth per month?

Now I know this may not be believed & people roll they're eyes but I have grown 2" in a month - NOT every month, and this doesn't even happen every year. I personally blame it on hormones because I'm a overall hairy person. Gorilla girl LOLOL

Every since I've been on the boards I have paid more attention to my growth and I have "NEVER" seen a constant growth pattern, never. I've said it before and I'll repeat it I can get between 1/4-2 per month with no pattern at all. I truely have no average. There have been years I only get 3-4" and other yrs I grown 6-10. So when I hear people say that they get 1/2 a month I'm asking HOW and every month? How do you do that? :( That's my question how do you keep consistent?

Maybe I can show proof of the crazy growth pattern more now that I'm only cutting the relaxed ends. Right now today I've cut above AL ... I'll post a picture in March and keep track the rest of the yr. In the meantime anyone know why my growth pattern wouldn't be consistent?
Retention or no retention, I still think if you were growing 2 inches a month and experiencing breakage you'd still make it from shoulder to APL in 6 months and from APL to bra strap in less than 6 months. Now if you were retaining all, you'd go from shoulder to BSL in 6 months. I'm yet to see this. Funny how the folks with the longest hair on this forum don't make these claims.

:giggle: :giggle:

Yes, they never have to get trims. They use heat all the time and their strands are strong as steel just like you said! It's crazy! Retention is definitely the key to their success, not abnormal growth rates. Their hair just never breaks and is very beautiful.

Yeah on the trim thing! For the most part, my ends were super healthy so I never got trims, just S&D every other relaxer (which at that time was about every 6-8 weeks). . .and it was never really that much to destroy. That also may have aided in the way the growth looked to other ppl. . .since most other ppl outside of LHCF that I know trim every perm. Minus a few exceptions here and there, I'd say my growth pattern was pretty regular :spinning:
The only time I have ever gotten more than 1" in a month was when I was pregnant. . . other than that, nope.
The only time I have ever gotten more than 1" in a month was when I was pregnant. . . other than that, nope.

Yeah, I read that being pregnant increases your circulation and can result in faster hair growth. I think that's why Niacin is in a lot of hair growth vitamins b/c it is suppose to increase your blood circulation.
I just think new growth looks like more than it really is in general until you actually measure it. I'm sure some very, very rare and lucky ppl can have a much higher growth rate, but really. . .I don't think ppl we usually claim do. Their retention is probably what does it, like foxxy explained. My hair seemed like it grew ultra fast, but it was just strong as steel so I was retaining damn near everything. . .I never touched my hair outside of the salon every week or 2. It would break somewhat but compared to how much hair I had and overall. . .you couldn't (and still can't) tell it.

I don't think some ppl get how serious retention really is. Retention is the diff b/w being SL and BSL, not hair growth per se.

Ohh I know now! After all of this time. I've been natural, permed, natural again, permed and now tex'ed. I JUST figured out that my hair is not getting longer because my ends are SCREWED. I've got knots and breakage and balls on my ends. Now I'm on an agressive retention/growth program. I'm getting my hair trimmed every 2 months and using growth aids to even out the trims.

I don't even get .5 inches a month so to get an inch would be awesome! I think it is possible.
I wish I could get 1.5 to 2 inches of growth a month, but it's not happening. My normal growth rate is .25 to .5 each month. My front/sides grow ridiculously slow while the back grows pretty fast.

Growth aids give me an inch a month or close to it on a consistent basis. The key is using the product at least three times a week or daily if you have the patience and time for that. OCT is great for growth, but I don't think I can keep buying it at $60 a pop. I'm hoping Gro-aut will give me similar results since it's cheaper and easier to work into my regimen.

I may have to practice the LOA on my hair and see where it gets me, lol. If I get 2 inches a month from a vision board and meditating, I'll let you guys know. :look:
Now I know this may not be believed & people roll they're eyes but I have grown 2" in a month - NOT every month, and this doesn't even happen every year. I personally blame it on hormones because I'm a overall hairy person. Gorilla girl LOLOL

Every since I've been on the boards I have paid more attention to my growth and I have "NEVER" seen a constant growth pattern, never. I've said it before and I'll repeat it I can get between 1/4-2 per month with no pattern at all. I truely have no average. There have been years I only get 3-4" and other yrs I grown 6-10. So when I hear people say that they get 1/2 a month I'm asking HOW and every month? How do you do that? :( That's my question how do you keep consistent?

Maybe I can show proof of the crazy growth pattern more now that I'm only cutting the relaxed ends. Right now today I've cut above AL ... I'll post a picture in March and keep track the rest of the yr. In the meantime anyone know why my growth pattern wouldn't be consistent?

Exactly. When I mentioned my sister, all I know is that she grew four inches in two months and that her hair always grows very fast. Whether it ALWAYS grows at two inches a month, I don't know. Before LHCF, I was never fanatical enough to measure. When I go home in two weeks, I'm going to request that she track it from now on, just to see.

ETA: we measured from her scalp, not her whole hair length, so we were only measuring new growth, so it wasn't just retention.
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