Who said you can't rollerset 4a/b hair?!?!


This is what it is all about: knowing that we can still do alot of conventional styles that just happen to have a little texture twist to them. :yep:
Pooh- its looks sooo cute! I tried the big magnetic rollers once..didn't turn out so great so I gave up :( But I will try w/the Lottabody and pink rollers next ;)
PoohBear, don't you know 4a/b natural hair can do anything :p !! If I was able to strawset, flexi-rod set, and rollerset all that new growth I had while I was transitioning -- and it still came out lookin' cute --- I wouldn't doubt that I could do the same now to my head full of naps!

By the way, your curls look cute!!
lovelymissyoli said:
PoohBear, don't you know 4a/b natural hair can do anything :p !! If I was able to strawset, flexi-rod set, and rollerset all that new growth I had while I was transitioning -- and it still came out lookin' cute --- I wouldn't doubt that I could do the same now to my head full of naps!

By the way, your curls look cute!!
Thanks lovelymissyoli!
You are so right! I titled the thread this way because I was reading some old threads about rollersetting natural hair and some ladies were saying rollersets will only work on looser textures or turn out best on type 3 hair ,and I knew that couldn't possibly be true. But I am glad I discovered this styling option for my nappy hair. :)
HOT look on you!!! i remember my hair looking lil' like this when i used to do perm rod seta alot. i would twist my hair and then add the rods.

you look beautiful! :-)
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I just had to put my little 2 cents in. This rollerset is tooo cute. I can't wait until my hair is long enough to do a roller set. You are truly my hair idol.
aww poohbear that looks super cute! I definitely want to try this eventually. Maybe for my company's new year's party :bouncegre
EMJazzy said:
How in the world did I miss this post??? :confused: That rollerset is awesome Poohbear!!! :up: :yep:

I was wondering the same thing...how did I miss this post? :confused:

Your hair looks great Poohbear!!!