My Superbowl Sunday Rollerset

Great job!! Very pretty curls, so shiny and smooth. I agree with you on the Lottabody. It really does make a big difference, especially for natural roller setters.
Beautiful...just beautiful.

Please post the exact measurement of Giovanni Direct and the Lottabody. I know you said half and half, but I need exact measurements, please:grin:.

Thanks sooo much!
OMG...It's lovely!!!! WOW!!! I totally agree, Lottabody was the best for my rollersets when I was a natural, I would spray that all over my head till it was dripping then put the rollers in and airdry. Maybe I'll try again this week. Hmmm...

Your hair looks great! Lottabody is the best for roller sets.
Just beautiful! So shiny and glossy looking I think I gotta pull out that bottle of lottabody I have in the back of my cabinet and give this a try. Too bad it takes me such a long time!
Beautiful...just beautiful.

Please post the exact measurement of Giovanni Direct and the Lottabody. I know you said half and half, but I need exact measurements, please:grin:.

Thanks sooo much!

Honestly I don't have the measurements for the Giovanni b/c I just pumped some in my hand ( I have the liter sized bottle) & worked it in my hair real good. I am a little heavy handed so I may use a little more than average. And then the lottabody was exactly half & half. Half of the bottle is lottabody & half of the bottle is water. So if you were mixing in a spray bottle, if you use 4 oz of lottabody, use 4 oz of water. And I would dare say maybe even use 6 oz of water. Even with the 1/2 to 1/2 mix I experienced slight flaking. And now that I think about it - it may have been b/c I didn't spray the setting lotion evenly over my hair. I simply poured some in my hand & put it in the section I was rolling at the moment. B/c the flaking wasn't all over - just in certain areas - so maybe it was just uneven application that gave me the flakes. HTH...
Great job! It looks really pretty I want to try this. I can't wait for my hair to grow so I can play....maybe I'll try it will small rollers on my twa...hmmm
I rollerset my hair today because you inspired me to give it a try. I think it came out smoother than I thought possible - not like yours :nono: but I know why. Bottom line is, I now believe it's possible to get 4a/b hair straight via rollerset. A few reasons why mine wasn't straight enough: the parts were pretty big; didn't roll the rods tight enough; didn't use the right products but for a first attempt at rollersetting this short natural hair of mine, I think it came out pretty good. Pics are in my fotki. Thanks for inspiring me to start rollersetting:grin:.
I rollerset my hair today because you inspired me to give it a try. I think it came out smoother than I thought possible - not like yours :nono: but I know why. Bottom line is, I now believe it's possible to get 4a/b hair straight via rollerset. A few reasons why mine wasn't straight enough: the parts were pretty big; didn't roll the rods tight enough; didn't use the right products but for a first attempt at rollersetting this short natural hair of mine, I think it came out pretty good. Pics are in my fotki. Thanks for inspiring me to start rollersetting:grin:.
I took a look. It came out good to me. I haven't mastered the flexi rods. I used to use them when I had a relaxer but my sets never came out right - whole lot of frizz.