My Superbowl Sunday Rollerset

Gorgeous, simply gorgeous!:gorgeous::dazed: Do you comb it out or leave it like that?

I'm going to leave it alone in the front and let the curls fall on their own; but I will have to pull the curls apart in the back b/c the parts are showing big time. I didn't post the pic of the back here but it is in my Fotki. I wasn't sure I was going to have enough rollers so I started out rolling larger sections in the back. So it's not as full. :ohwell:
Do you know what you just did for the Naturals??? :kneel:

Now how are you going to sleep on this?

That's so sweet of you. Since I'm not going anywhere today I decided to wait until tomorrow to pull my curls apart. Lonei holds on to hairstyles for weeks simply using a hair net. I think I'm going to run to the drug store in a little bit & try this method. It's either that or my old trusty bonnet. I'm going to try & take daily pics to see if I can keep it looking fresh until the middle of the week at least.
You did a great job! Even though I'm texturized I still can't get that amount of shine. My hair comes out soft and fluffy but never shiny. You did great!
This looks like a really good set... you must have put a lot of tension on the rollers. I am feeling froggy now - I might just jump out there and try this myself.
I haven't rollerset my hair since right before the New Year. I was then rollersetting to flatiron afterwards. Since I'm a member of Bootcamp, the rollerset/flatiron is out. :nono:

I used Giovanni leave-in & some diluted Lottabody setting lotion left over from my relaxed days. I airdryed overnight & I haven't picked out my curls so this is the raw finish. Oh, I also put Vatika on each curl as I was taking the rollers out.

So hey for all the 4a/4b naturals, a rollerset is a possibility & I didn't even use a hood dryer. There's hope after all. :lachen:

What do y'all think?

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:wow: This is beautiful!! And a plus since you airdried! :yep::up:
I am definitely going to try this soon, I recently bought some lottabody so I gotta give this a try. Your hair looks fantastic!
This looks like a really good set... you must have put a lot of tension on the rollers. I am feeling froggy now - I might just jump out there and try this myself.

I did - but not too much. Enough to get the hair straight but of course not so much so that they were uncomfortable or anything. I actually slept on them w/no problem at all.
Your hair looks great! The fact that it was airdried and still looks smooth is amazing.
Oh, wow! I'm just amazed. Some relaxed heads can't get their hair that smooth and you did it natural, wonderful job!!
TOUCHDOWN NAKIA! NOW THOSE ARE SOME BEAUTIFUL CURLS...I have Giovanni Direct Leave-in, Lottabody Setting Lotion and Vatika Oil in my arsenal. I can try this w/o having to buy anything :woohoo:. Thanks for posting.
Shocked!! Your natural hair looks relaxed from a rollerset! This would never happen to my hair - would look bushy and curly. I am impressed! no need for you to flat iron anymore if your hair can look this straight from a rollerset.

I haven't rollerset my hair since right before the New Year. I was then rollersetting to flatiron afterwards. Since I'm a member of Bootcamp, the rollerset/flatiron is out. :nono:

I used Giovanni leave-in & some diluted Lottabody setting lotion left over from my relaxed days. I airdryed overnight & I haven't picked out my curls so this is the raw finish. Oh, I also put Vatika on each curl as I was taking the rollers out.

So hey for all the 4a/4b naturals, a rollerset is a possibility & I didn't even use a hood dryer. There's hope after all. :lachen:

What do y'all think?

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Shocked!! Your natural hair looks relaxed from a rollerset! This would never happen to my hair - would look bushy and curly. I am impressed! no need for you to flat iron anymore if your hair can look this straight from a rollerset.

Um...I don't know if I would go that far. LOL JK - truly this has enlightened me & now I'm thinking I may make my no flat iron until Christmas goal. :grin: