Why Do You Rollerset Your Hair?

Why Do You Rollerset Your Hair? (you can select more than one)

  • To dry my hair (by airdrying or using a hair dryer)

    Votes: 236 36.6%
  • To straighten or smooth my hair

    Votes: 329 51.1%
  • To create a hairstyle with curls

    Votes: 273 42.4%
  • Other (please share)

    Votes: 36 5.6%
  • I do not rollerset my hair

    Votes: 90 14.0%

  • Total voters
I rollerset my hair for airdrying purposes and b/c it gives my hair pretty volume and luster afterward...added bonus of straightening without heat!
vikkisecret said:
I rollerset my hair for airdrying purposes and b/c it gives my hair pretty volume and luster afterward...added bonus of straightening without heat!
Isn't it great how that works?! I wish I knew this growing up. From what I've learned on LHCF, it's very safe and effective for those who sit under a dryer (using indirect heat), as Vevster mentioned in the previous post.
Can you all rollerset when you are in need of a relaxer?? I can barely get a wide tooth comb through my hair let alone a fine tooth one.
Basically, it's like this:
I sing in the choir at the Church of RollerSets and have since my teens.

I NEVER blow-dry my hair; it might have been twenty years since I've done that. Same with hot curling. I can't wear my hair straight because it's too fine and just separates and flies away, no matter what I try. I have to rollerset, because it's the only thing that makes my hair happy. I have to have the that fullness cause basically, I kinda have weird hair. It's healthy, but it's got a nasty attitude.

I got a relaxer the other day, rollerset it when I got home for the next two days, and I'm sitting here now a stringy, separated mess cause I didn't roll it up for two nights in a row after that. It's so very fine that I really don't have a better option. I rollerset myself, with the big reds, relaxed or nearing my touch-up. Makes no diff.

Just gotta have those curls, or it's the pony for me!
senimoni said:
Can you all rollerset when you are in need of a relaxer?? I can barely get a wide tooth comb through my hair let alone a fine tooth one.
I always rollerset to dry and smooth out my hair, including when I need a touchup. Using the ponytail method (making several ponytails, then rolling each up) really helps smooth the new growth too. I don't use a fine tooth comb, just the large tooth comb to comb my leave-in through before rolling my hair up. It takes just a little longer to comb through, especially for me at weeks 10-13.
senimoni said:
One more question Isis, what are you using as your pt holders?
Sorry for the delay! I use Scunci Hair Hosiery bands, those soft, smooth fabric ones, soaked or sprayed with EVOO.
I love to roller set my hair when I need a perm because it makes it loook like it's ok, helsps to stretch a perm.
I LOVE ROLLERSETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I rollerset my hair to either just dry it, wrap it, or to wear it in springy curls. LOVE LOVE LOVE :love:
Id buy them joints, I found one pack at my local BSS..

the pic is in my fotki, I asked him to order some more and Ill buy them all :lol:
Miss*Tress said:
Is there a market in the US for French mesh rollers? I could stock up and sell them on eBay, but would anyone out there buy them?
For me, it helped grow my hair because it was less damaging then blow drying. I like the smoothness I get, as well as the curls. I usually sit under the dryer for a hour, and air dry for another three or four, and that reduces the amount of time under the dryer. Which makes my hiar healthier.
czyfaith77 said:
I agree. The body and volume that I receive from rollersets are incomparable. I will not be using irons anymore! I attempted to get the same look with an iron once a week. It was flatter. There is absolutely no comparison! The style last longer and it is better for my ends.

I have decided to roller set,
I have decided to roller set.
No turning back, no turning back! :D

Ah! A Fellow Renee Goldsberry Fan! Don't ya just love her mane!! I would love to have hair like that. I wonder if she rollersets? :confused:
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I posted in "I do no rollerset" but I started and it is the bomb!

I do it to replace blowdrying. I only have to sit under the dryer (Gold N Hot) for 1 hr 15 mins. My hair comes out better than it would it I had BDed it. I don't even have to do multiple passes with the flat iron.

Once I get better I hope to acheive results so that I won't even have to flat iron.
I started rollersetting to cut down on the blowdrying. I had color at one point, and needed to find a betterway to dry my hair...because air drying wasn't working for me.
I also love rollersets!!! I rollerset my hair to straighten or smooth my hair (my hair is texlaxed) and to create a style with curls.
Ronda123 said:
I also love rollersets!!! I rollerset my hair to straighten or smooth my hair (my hair is texlaxed) and to create a style with curls.
Your rollerset is very pretty Ronda123!
I like to rollerset to smooth my hair and it makes my wraps so much more bouncy and "wrappy" you know gives it that perfect bend.
I started roller-setting when I first cut my hair and started this whole hair care journey. I started mainly because I wanted to cut down on the use of heat on my hair (blowdrying, curling, flat-ironing). I actually haven't rollerset my hair in several months since I've been wearing braids. I will continue to rollerset once I take a break from braids though because I noticed that my hair looks a lot healthier and thicker without the use of excess heat.
vevster said:
Roller setting is working fine.. I'm actually underthe dryer now. My hair is smooth shiny and beautiful. I think it is the safest way to apply heat to hair...

I have not tried roller setting but I am curious about it.

Will it get my totally natural 4a/b hair as straight (particulary at the roots) as when I get it pressed?

Also, why is the heat applied during roller setting less harmful than the heat applied during blow drying??
I rollerset to straighten and smooth my hair. I also like the versatility of rollersetting because if you change the size of the roller, you get a totally different look. My hair also has lots of body and bounce too. I alternate between rollersetting and bunning, and so far, my hair likes it.
zzirvingj said:
I have not tried roller setting but I am curious about it.

Will it get my totally natural 4a/b hair as straight (particulary at the roots) as when I get it pressed?

Also, why is the heat applied during roller setting less harmful than the heat applied during blow drying??
I don't know the answer to the first question.

If you're referring to hood dryers versus blow dryers, I've learned on LHCF that hood dryers are not as damaging for the hair because the heat is evenly dispersed out over a large area of the head. Blowdryers blow heat directly on the hair strands and the intensity can be damaging. Blowdryers and hood dryers with multiple settings help, including ionic dryers.

I LOVE your hair pics - great progress!! :up:
I have switched to a rollerset for the past few months, since March. My hair is growing faster and it doesn't need trimming as often as when I got it curled. I was going to someone else when I got my hair curled and the curlers put alot of stress and damage on my hair. My hair was burned and the hairdresser had enough nerve to ask me if I was curling my hair at home.!! He was like "your hair is fried, you need to stop curling your hair at home" I didn't even curl my hair at home. I have noticed a difference in the texture and the health of my hair. It is soft and has a lot of body.
Right now I rollerset only because it's quicker to dry as opposed to my wet wrap now that my hair's grown and thicker.
to learn. dang it! i've never been able to do a successful rollerset. and i'm gonna master it even if it's the last thing i do!
i am about to attempt a magnetic roller set for the first time ever today.....i only hope i can get it tight enough to my roots. i will post my results. :)
i did my rollerset yesterday, it didnt turn out too well :mad: i cant get close enough to my roots, this can work if i then decide to flat iron my roots which is something i may do in the future but for now i am not putting any heat to my hair at all untill next year so i jus put some BTZ stiffhead on my edges and brushed my hair back then put on a scarf and slept on it, this morning i brushed all my hair into a large rollerset bun the roots are definatly wavy but from overnight they have flattened out, i actually got a compliment on my large floppy rollerset bun.:lol: i dont think it looks good, not like when i get it done at the salon, but i guess i jus need more practice, i really tried hard too :confused: i should post some pics if i can remember tonight after work ill take some.