Who is making plans for Valentine's day, you or your SO?


New Member
OK..so I have had to make plans for Valentine's day for the last 14 years. My husband in extremely indecisive and I have always had to plan things to ensure we have a good time. But this year..I decided to try something different. I dropped 2 hints 3 weeks ago and low and behold...the man actually made pretty impressive plans :) I am so proud of him Ok..well I did have to drop the hints...but he did the rest :)

So how many of you take the lead in making Valentine plans? Are any of you blessed with significant other's that just know what to do without excessive prodding on your part? Oh..and post wher you are going if you already know. Anyone know any romantic restaurant recommendations in LA?

We are doing a sunset gondola ride with dinner thru Naples Bay in Long Beach.