Who doesn't want hair longer than bra strap length?

I will be happiest with my hair when I finally reach brastrap. After that Im sure I will be maintaining that length. I am not interested in anything longer and never have been . Im not one of those people that always want more after they reach a certain goal:) .
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Brastrap really isnt that long, IMO, sometimes... unless your bra level is past midback or something, lol. I'll think wow my hair has grown! but i dont feel any special, because it's been there before, but as soon as i get past brastrap, then yeah i will consider it long.
when i look at my hair these days, i think, jeez look at all the space left to my waist! lol i'm being pathetic but i'd really like a good 4" inches to be FULLY happy and then maintain, or even grow it a tad longer and then maintain.
CarLiTa said:
Brastrap really isnt that long, IMO, sometimes... unless your bra level is past midback or something, lol. I'll think wow my hair has grown! but i dont feel any special, because it's been there before, but as soon as i get past brastrap, then yeah i will consider it long.
when i look at my hair these days, i think, jeez look at all the space left to my waist! lol i'm being pathetic but i'd really like a good 4" inches to be FULLY happy and then maintain, or even grow it a tad longer and then maintain.

I agree that BSL isn't that long for some folks...more power to you on growing all long past bra strap...I'm scurred (read: scared) of all that hur (read: hair). :lol:
I think I'm like Lkaysgirl, once I get to where I'm goin, I'ma sit down somewhere and chill. I don't really see myself goin more than 1 or 2 inches past BSL and I saw something today that reminded me of why...
This chick in one of my classes is short and small. She's probably 5'1" 110 lbs on a good day. Her hair is waist length and it looks like a big ol plant or mop or somethin on her head. I mean, don't get me wrong, her hair is beautiful, very healthy, very well kept, but it really does overpower her pretty face and it makes her look soooo much shorter than she actually is. On top of that, when you glance at her, the first thing you see it hair, the second thing is her face and her body etc.
I prefer that my hair be a complimentary frame to my face rather than a burden to my head. I'm not the tallest chick in the world, so at some point, the hair would stop bein long and pretty and just start choppin my torso up and makin me look stumpy.
So anyhow, that's yet another reason I ain't growin it to my badonkadonk! :lol:
I wouldn't want hair longer than bra strap b/c it would get caught in everything and that would be annoying.
Tee Tee2 said:
I just cut 2-3 inches off because I didnt like my hair past bra strap. It was just "there" and wouldnt hold a curl or anything,it was annoying....I am bra strap and I think I'll pretty much just keep it trimmed at this length.


Here in lies the problem! Once my hair gets close to bra strap its so thick it doesnt hold a curl. The longest my hair has EVER been has been an inch or so beneath the bottom of my bra strap. I went from there to shoulder and then back to vra strap. I chopped a little more off and now Im just above bra strap and Im itching to cut (I think that sjust the transitioner in me). Id like bra starp lenght nturla hair, straightened it would probably be around mid back. Id settle there and only cut about 3 inches every year or so. *Im never going back to neck length, that was a lapse of craziness, I couldnt even get a ponytail! :) *
Oh yeah and Id want it all even. My hair in the front is wayyyyy shorter than the rest of muy hair and the layers are really irritating me now.
beyondcute said:
Oh yeah and Id want it all even. My hair in the front is wayyyyy shorter than the rest of muy hair and the layers are really irritating me now.
same here...I have hair past my shoulders and close (about .5 inches from bra strap), but the layers are killin it...
I guess because some people have longer necks and backs, what is long on one may not seem long on another. I have a long neck and back, probably because of my height (5'10) so what's BSL on me would be midback on someone much shorter (like 5'0) :lol:

Personally, I have my current goal listed as BSL, but truthfully, 6 inches above BS would be plenty enough for me...especially if it's thick and healthy. :)
Divine Inspiration said:
I'm asking for 3 reasons:
1. I keep seeing ladies on the WSL 2007 challenge, and I'm like, Um, is everybody goin waist? I touch my waist and I'm like Ooh Lawd thas a whole lotta hair!

2. I saw the thread asking how far away everyone was from BSL...I know it's a pitstop on the way to waistlength for many ladies, but I wonder who's ultimate goal is bra strap...

3. I can NOT deal hair longer than bra strap...I struggle sometimes with what I have...the tangles, gettin it caught on my purse/seatbelt/lip (MAC lipglass & Lancome Juicy Tubes are GLUE :mad: ). I would imagine I'd start avoiding my hair a lot if it was a lot longer than bra strap just b/c it would start to be too much to have to condition and handle.

My goal for December is 1" below bra strap length...I'm a lil nervous about that. I'm gonna see how it goes. If I don't like it, I'll keep it trimmed to the bottom of my bra strap. There are other things I plan to do (i.e. grow this stupid V out and get a fly U with long layers :yep: , color etc etc), but I'm apprehensive about going to great lengths.

Who else has an ultimate goal of BSL or can't handle their hair once it gets past BSL?

I'm shooting for BSL and that's it. That all I want. That seems to be the perfect look for perfect roller sets, bantu knot sets, flexi-rod, etc. I don't need and I can't handle anything more.
I am shoulder length now and 4 inches away from APL which I plan to reach by July 2007. After that I would like to be in between APL and BSL like about 2 to 2.25 inches way from apl. but I dont want in longer than that I just want it to be full of body thick shiny and even near BSL but not quite after that I will be doing trims after each relaxer to maintain the length. But overall different strokes for different folks
I have 1.5 to 2 inches left to apl but my ultimate goal is bsl and I will keep trimming after that. Hopefully I will be there by Spring 2007
I think bra strap will be my limit. I can't see me dealing with anything longer. I may stop at armpit length. We shall see. :)
Hmm...lets see. Im about an inch away from APL but I think I will be happy at APL. Dunno, though. As long as my hair is healthy thats all that matters to me. My reason for joining this board was to learn to practice healthy hair tips, not so much to gain length.:ohwell:
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I know the only reason I would want to go longer than mid back is to see just how far my hair will grow with tlc. Mid back is my ultimate goal. But like some one said earlier, I am sure when I reach that length I will just want to keep growing and growing.
I've set BSL as my ultimate goal, but I'll be satisfied once I get to APL. So right now I am aggressively pursuing APL, then from that point I will leisurely just let it get to brastrap whenever it wants. :-)

I'm 5'11.5" and can't imagine having longer than BSL. I'm not exactly sure how BSL will be either since I have a long neck and a long torso so that will be a LOT of hair. We'll see...
I want MBL hair. WL would be gravy but I'll be happy at MBL. I won't work to prevent my hair from getting to WL but I won't be sweatin' it either.
hi everyone!!!

i'm so happy to be here...new girl trying to grow healthy thick hair to apl...not interested in going any longer. (bra strap would be the longest for me)

I'm only shooting for mid back so that I can have a cushion! :lol: That way, if I get lazy and start using heat or something, I can cut off the ragged ends and still have BSL hair.

That's bad, I know.:lol:
I want mid-back only so I can blunt cut it to full-BSL. My goal has always been BSL and still is...
all I want is bra strap! however, if I get a lil below that, it would be heavenly!!
I want to stop at bra strap basically but my overall goal is midback and once I reach midback. I am going to get a good cut (by someone I trust) so I can have good healthy, thick, even ends.
I have been bra strap length 3 times and after being on LHCF, I love my armpit but BSL is the goal again and that will be it.
Good point that is why my ultimate goal is BSL and then I will start transitioning from there but who knows I am so far from there it's not even funny

HoneyDew said:
Bra strap (or even shorter) is good for me, as well.

I don't know about some people measure "bra strap" (especially when I see pics of bra straps that are not even positioned correctly) but for me, that would be pretty long. I would start cutting my hair at that point.

If was hair was natural, I would go as longer, but relaxed hair just require too much attention to have ends way down there.