Who are your inspirations here in LHCF?

I don't post often and don't know most of you very well, plus there are too many photos of gorgeous, inspirational hair to mention without forgetting someone.

But I'd like to take this opportunity to give a public word of thanks to:
  • Sareca for enlightening me about oil rinsing benefits and silk protein
  • JustKiya for her informative posts on the benefits of the occasional KiyaFizzle
  • Empressri for sharing her love of Chagrin Valley shampoo bars
Thanks ladies!
I love most all the posters here, and am inspired by so many and for many different reasons...

I'm inspired by the PJs for their adventurousness (and budgets! lol)
I'm inspired by those with great lengths
I'm inspired by naturals who bc down to twas and grow out to great lengths
I'm inspired by naturals who do a long term transition (if it weren't for some of you 2 year transitioners here, i'd either have a twa or still be texlaxing)
I'm inspired by people who can braid and twist
I'm inspired by people who can do intricate styles on their own head
I'm inspired by people with serious product knowledge
I'm inspired by newbies with their passion to learn healthy hair practices
I'm inspired by the vets who help newbies (and oldies) out
I'm inspired by the folks who try the new trends and report back to us
I'm inspired by the folks who stand by their tried and true and never veer.
I'm inspired by ALL the heads of HEALTHY hair, no matter the length.
i heart me some lhcf right about now.
Ediese (awesome growth and Killer Weaves), Pinkskates (Beautiful Hair), Blackmasterpiece (Love her Blog and she's always so nice), Nikstar (Inspired me to BC via her Fotki...Gorgeous Hair), Mwedzi (Fab), Pokahontas (The 1st Fotki that I ever visited, which led me here), Gabana Girl (Great hair), Soleil (Fierce Hair), Brockstar (she's been M.I.A for a while, but I used to STALK her fotki)...There are TONS more ladies out there :yep:

IMFOCSD, Consider yourself added to my list. How did you make the stocking cap weave? It looks wonderful, and I'd like to try to make one for my mother.
Pokahontas definitely has been an inspiration way before I knew LHCF existed. I found her fotki awhile back when I was in school around 2003. She was one of my inspirations to go natural, and after I went natural I would stalk her fotki. I lost her fotki address and forgot the spelling of the name...Years later, 2009 I am so happy that I recently found her again through LHCF so I could drool over her hair again lol.
aliahair(I think she changed her username)
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So far Nonie (She always explains clearly what she means with pictures), theHairLab (love her topics), Kurlybella and Ms.Christ3n are my hair inspiration so far.
I love most all the posters here, and am inspired by so many and for many different reasons...

I'm inspired by the PJs for their adventurousness (and budgets! lol)
I'm inspired by those with great lengths
I'm inspired by naturals who bc down to twas and grow out to great lengths
I'm inspired by naturals who do a long term transition (if it weren't for some of you 2 year transitioners here, i'd either have a twa or still be texlaxing)
I'm inspired by people who can braid and twist
I'm inspired by people who can do intricate styles on their own head
I'm inspired by people with serious product knowledge
I'm inspired by newbies with their passion to learn healthy hair practices
I'm inspired by the vets who help newbies (and oldies) out
I'm inspired by the folks who try the new trends and report back to us
I'm inspired by the folks who stand by their tried and true and never veer.
I'm inspired by ALL the heads of HEALTHY hair, no matter the length.
i heart me some lhcf right about now.

Well said :yep: my sentiments exactly.
I love most all the posters here, and am inspired by so many and for many different reasons...

I'm inspired by the PJs for their adventurousness (and budgets! lol)
I'm inspired by those with great lengths
I'm inspired by naturals who bc down to twas and grow out to great lengths
I'm inspired by naturals who do a long term transition (if it weren't for some of you 2 year transitioners here, i'd either have a twa or still be texlaxing)
I'm inspired by people who can braid and twist
I'm inspired by people who can do intricate styles on their own head
I'm inspired by people with serious product knowledge
I'm inspired by newbies with their passion to learn healthy hair practices
I'm inspired by the vets who help newbies (and oldies) out
I'm inspired by the folks who try the new trends and report back to us
I'm inspired by the folks who stand by their tried and true and never veer.
I'm inspired by ALL the heads of HEALTHY hair, no matter the length.
i heart me some lhcf right about now.

Your words ring true for so many! *smiles* Thanks for posting them! *heart*
Im in inspired by everyone with progress! if i had to give a name off top, one does come to mind.....NikStar <3 her hair and progress
The heads I constantly drool over and get inspired by:


There are more but it's 2:30 am and I should be in bed.:ohwell:

I don't know how I forgot about her. I should've did like the other wise ladies and said too many to name, because it really is too many. :yep:

I know I'm very late in seeing this, but thank you both. :)

Also, I'm inspired by WAY more people than I can name and give credit to (some aren't even on the forum anymore). Also, even a lot the newbies inspire me to be honest. I just love seeing healthy hair. So ditto to all of the inspirations already mentioned.
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I don't really know anyone here but I will say that Whimsy is my hair inspiration. Seeing her gorgeous hair curly and straight has made me FINALLY decide to transition to natural.
Even though I'm releaxed...I'm always drooling @ these natural heads
Ediese (love love love her hair and the progress she's made)
soleil185 (the thickness of her hair is just :lick:...love the styles she creates as well)

I'll be back to rep my relaxed heads.:grin:
I love most all the posters here, and am inspired by so many and for many different reasons...

I'm inspired by the PJs for their adventurousness (and budgets! lol)
I'm inspired by those with great lengths
I'm inspired by naturals who bc down to twas and grow out to great lengths
I'm inspired by naturals who do a long term transition (if it weren't for some of you 2 year transitioners here, i'd either have a twa or still be texlaxing)
I'm inspired by people who can braid and twist
I'm inspired by people who can do intricate styles on their own head
I'm inspired by people with serious product knowledge
I'm inspired by newbies with their passion to learn healthy hair practices
I'm inspired by the vets who help newbies (and oldies) out
I'm inspired by the folks who try the new trends and report back to us
I'm inspired by the folks who stand by their tried and true and never veer.
I'm inspired by ALL the heads of HEALTHY hair, no matter the length.
i heart me some lhcf right about now.
Excellent answer!

I'm stealing it. :look:
Njoy (her growth has been absolutely PHENOMENAL!)
Toy (can't wait til the day I can make a pony like her's!)

That's all I can think of for now
My hair inspiration is Taz007. Her hair is gorgeous. Thanks to her I am using a lot of wonderful products like Matrix Biolage Cera Repair. Thanks Taz!!!
fine 4s
sonce (when she was a member)

& many, many, many more......

Wow, i'm completely humbled to be mentioned in this thread....
Now I feel like I need to actually update my fotki, lol.
Thank you!