White girl tells me she won't date black men anymore


New Member
This :blondboobwhite girl tells me she dosen't want to date black men anymore because they are no good, cheaters, they don't have legit jobs, they are always in trouble with the law, etc. The only thing they have going for them is what is in their pants. WTF??? I tried to be nice and told her that is not my experience, the majority of the black men I have dated have been kind, passionate, educated, employed, and treat me like a lil princess. She then proceeds to say she feels sorry for me because i will never have a good man if I continue to date black men :fistshake: . I told her maybe the real problem is you are white, low-class, and the only thing these dudes want to give you is in their pants. I suggested she stop looking in the garbage for her men black or otherwise. Lastly I said she was obviously dating ni&^%$, not real black men, there is a difference. I was so mad I just wanted to:hardslap: . Ladies I know that wasn't the correct response to give her and some of yaul will most likely want to:gotroasted: me for having said that to her, but man that broad made me so :swearing:.
LOL..hey you spoke from the heart.... And maybe your right about her looking in the wrong places for men. I would have told her to shove her sympathy up her you know what, lol...
I would have be insulted, too. Maybe the reason why she's getting those type of brothas is because of how she carry herself. It seems that that's who the men wants to go to when they don't have a job, money, etc. because they know that they can go to those type of women who will take them.
LOL..hey you spoke from the heart.... And maybe your right about her looking in the wrong places for men. I would have told her to shove her sympathy up her you know what, lol...

Oh I'm so relieved that I wouldn't be the only one to say something crazy to her if they were in my situation. :yep:
Don't feel bad at all. She was rude for even saying the first comment to you! Tell her to kick rocks down to the gutter, because obviously that is where she is getting her men from.
I would be so furious if anyone said that to me. I think you handled yourself well. She's obviously looking in the wrong place for her men. I know some black men who are outright dogs. But I also know some that know what a legitimate job is, how to treat a woman respectfully and how to achieve the goals they set for themselves.

Just sad.:nono:
This :blondboobwhite girl tells me she dosen't want to date black men anymore because they are no good, cheaters, they don't have legit jobs, they are always in trouble with the law, etc. The only thing they have going for them is what is in their pants. WTF??? I tried to be nice and told her that is not my experience, the majority of the black men I have dated have been kind, passionate, educated, employed, and treat me like a lil princess. She then proceeds to say she feels sorry for me because i will never have a good man if I continue to date black men :fistshake: . I told her maybe the real problem is you are white, low-class, and the only thing these dudes want to give you is in their pants. I suggested she stop looking in the garbage for her men black or otherwise. Lastly I said she was obviously dating ni&^%$, not real black men, there is a difference. I was so mad I just wanted to:hardslap: . Ladies I know that wasn't the correct response to give her and some of yaul will most likely want to:gotroasted: me for having said that to her, but man that broad made me so :swearing:.
I feel you she was so out of place, who does she think she is telling you that your not going to find a decent black man and that she feels sorry for you.I would've said(or thought it I am working on spiritual growth) B**** feel sorry for yourself I don't have nor will i have that problem. She needs to reexamine herself and see what it is she is doing to attract these no good men and ask her self why she tolerates sorry men.
And she shared this earth shattering development with YOU because.....? I mean really. She is the common denominator in all her failed relationships, so she should look at herself.
I know that it must have stung a little bit coming from a white girl.

But honestly.....she isn't saying anything that women of color haven't already said NUMEROUS times on this very board :look:
you could have been like "obviously he was with you because he couldn't find a sista to accept is lameness." j/k.

i've dated guys of different races and in my opinion, a man is a man. any guy of any race is sorry and unworthy especially if he's that someone without a job, no education and no direction in life but to drop their seed everywhere because all they can offer is sex, become involved with illegal practices while destroying their life and bringing others down with them.
This :blondboobwhite girl tells me she dosen't want to date black men anymore because they are no good, cheaters, they don't have legit jobs, they are always in trouble with the law, etc. The only thing they have going for them is what is in their pants. WTF??? I tried to be nice and told her that is not my experience, the majority of the black men I have dated have been kind, passionate, educated, employed, and treat me like a lil princess. She then proceeds to say she feels sorry for me because i will never have a good man if I continue to date black men :fistshake: . I told her maybe the real problem is you are white, low-class, and the only thing these dudes want to give you is in their pants. I suggested she stop looking in the garbage for her men black or otherwise. Lastly I said she was obviously dating ni&^%$, not real black men, there is a difference. I was so mad I just wanted to:hardslap: . Ladies I know that wasn't the correct response to give her and some of yaul will most likely want to:gotroasted: me for having said that to her, but man that broad made me so :swearing:.

:boxing: Loves it!
Perhaps she expected them to treat her like she was superior, so she dated black men that obviously had problems...but thought to herself that they would treat her like a queen because she was white. what do you think? i hate to make such bold assumptions, but she certainly made one.
Shyte that what it seem slike.... Let me find out YT girls think they are exceptions to trifeness....

Perhaps she expected them to treat her like she was superior, so she dated black men that obviously had problems...but thought to herself that they would treat her like a queen because she was white. what do you think? i hate to make such bold assumptions, but she certainly made one.
I'm going to play devil's advocate here. I work in HR and 9 out of 10 of the backgrounds that I do......well the brothers are the one's who have the felonies and lets not bring up the drug screens!

It's like a catch 22. They can't get better jobs because of their background and the background keeps them from getting better jobs...some NOT ALL....because like you bermuda I date men who have things together (for the most part) and employed...

We all need to make better choices---- lawd knows I will be the first to raise my hand but seriously ...what is going on?
I'm going to play devil's advocate here. I work in HR and 9 out of 10 of the backgrounds that I do......well the brothers are the one's who have the felonies and lets not bring up the drug screens!

It's like a catch 22. They can't get better jobs because of their background and the background keeps them from getting better jobs...some NOT ALL....because like you bermuda I date men who have things together (for the most part) and employed...

We all need to make better choices---- lawd knows I will be the first to raise my hand but seriously ...what is going on?

It's actually a pretty simple system....it's called the Prison Industrial Complex and the input is Black and Hispanic men, and poor white men. Sucks, but true.
Ok, I guess I'm in the minority here.

I totally understand you getting past upset when she felt free enough to say that to you and I have said many things in anger that I regret but ...I think it was unfortunate to use the "N" word when referring to any man to her. This chick is a closet racist and that's just what she wanted to hear.

I agree that she attracted a certain type of man because of who she is. I get frustrated with some of our men too that seem to work overtime to fit the profile but that's not all black men. I know cause I have a good black man.

Not trying to be snarky or anything just stating MHO.
This :blondboobwhite girl tells me she dosen't want to date black men anymore because they are no good, cheaters, they don't have legit jobs, they are always in trouble with the law, etc. The only thing they have going for them is what is in their pants. WTF??? I tried to be nice and told her that is not my experience, the majority of the black men I have dated have been kind, passionate, educated, employed, and treat me like a lil princess. She then proceeds to say she feels sorry for me because i will never have a good man if I continue to date black men :fistshake: . I told her maybe the real problem is you are white, low-class, and the only thing these dudes want to give you is in their pants. I suggested she stop looking in the garbage for her men black or otherwise. Lastly I said she was obviously dating ni&^%$, not real black men, there is a difference. I was so mad I just wanted to:hardslap: . Ladies I know that wasn't the correct response to give her and some of yaul will most likely want to:gotroasted: me for having said that to her, but man that broad made me so :swearing:.

I'm proud of you!
I know cause I have a good black man.
I'm dating one...among other guys/ethnicities

.... he treats me like a queen...
My birthday pics of my incredible date with him is in my album
college ed...prosperous... artistic...articulate.....generous ..intellectual
ambitious...cld keeping going on ...but then everyone will want his phone number!!!! :)

think it was unfortunate to use the "N" word
I can't figure out why she thought that was o.k. to say to you but the reality is she was probably being honest about her experiences. I totally agree, however, that she is the common denominator. She probably isn't just picking brothas who were sweet, kind, upstanding citizens and just turned on her all of a sudden. They were trash when she found them because that's what she likes. We all know the type... bored and/or low class white women who dredge the bottom looking for something "exotic" and get mad when they get burned!
This :blondboobwhite girl tells me she dosen't want to date black men anymore because they are no good, cheaters, they don't have legit jobs, they are always in trouble with the law, etc. The only thing they have going for them is what is in their pants. WTF??? I tried to be nice and told her that is not my experience, the majority of the black men I have dated have been kind, passionate, educated, employed, and treat me like a lil princess. She then proceeds to say she feels sorry for me because i will never have a good man if I continue to date black men :fistshake: . I told her maybe the real problem is you are white, low-class, and the only thing these dudes want to give you is in their pants. I suggested she stop looking in the garbage for her men black or otherwise. Lastly I said she was obviously dating ni&^%$, not real black men, there is a difference. I was so mad I just wanted to:hardslap: . Ladies I know that wasn't the correct response to give her and some of yaul will most likely want to:gotroasted: me for having said that to her, but man that broad made me so :swearing:.

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

(to all of it, especially the bolded and blown up)

I would never, ever, EVER have the courage to say that to anyone, White, Black, purple, turquoise, ANYONE!!!! I commend you for your honesty and bravery!!! :yep:

ETA: The problem is not being White, though. It's being low-class and being trife and attracting trife. You can only bring to yourself what you give out. If nonsense permeates every facet of your being then you will receive that and then some! I do agree about the unfortunate use of the N word but what's the point of being sad about it now? The capacity to even distinguish between men is beyond her capability. She's already racist so using that word doesn't change anything for her. I'm just glad that you told her about herself! :yep:
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From what I am being told is that white woman and other races are being hip to the Game of the Black male!

Now guess what sisters are dating outside of the race and loving it! Can I say it again Love it! This is what I am being told by a few sisters I know who date outside of their race! Where does this leave the black men OUCH! Hating on a sister! The Tides are turing where is Blosssom?
And she is probably taking the black men that "just want to **** " seriously. But, she ain't lying. While all black men don't share all of those characteristics, 50% (or more) of them have at least one. According to the latest issue of Essence, 75% of black men cheat.
I think you handled the situation well pretty well by dignifying her comment with a well thought out response. :yep: I would have probably looked at her, shrugged, and asked what she wanted me to do about it. :look:
i don't like confronation. If she doesn't like black men...good for her...more for me. I'm smart enough to know that my boyfriend can be brown purple white red yellow. As long as he treats me right I'm goo.