White Dude Gets With Indian/guyanese Girl But Doesn't Want His Kid To Be Too Brown


Well-Known Member
I have some lukewarm tea about DH's friend. I was looking for that 'tea in real life thread' but couldn't find it so I just thought I'd make a new thread.

So DH has this friend who is half Indian and half Guyanese. He's known her since they were like 12 or something but they don't keep in touch that regularly nowadays so this was random.

She messaged him saying her fiancé (white) just said if they have kids he doesn't want them to be too brown. He wants them to look Mediterranean. Then she calls DH crying about it and DH said he could hear her dude in the background shouting and they started having an argument so he just hung up.

First of all I said to DH, Why is she calling and messaging you though? :look:

So he messages her back saying 'you need to discuss it with him and let him know how the comment made you feel, not call me'.

She messages back saying 'sorry for getting you involved I just needed a friend.' And she's told him in the past that he's the only white guy she knows that isn't ignorant and unbiased.
So she's all venting saying her fiancé is ignorant and he disgusts her and he says all kind of ignorant ish and he finds it funny when he sees a white guy with a black girl. And to top it off, dude is joining the police in January :nono:.

I'm thinking, girl, you better not still be marrying this dude.

DH was tested many times during our relationship because there was no way I was gonna go through this kind of mess. I
have lhcf to thank for that because y'all made me hyper aware of any racist ignorant ish so I was on the lookout. Thankfully he passed the tests.

Obviously her fiancé fell the test.

There is a youtube couple, she's black american (dark brown skinned) and he's Korean american (1st Gen in my opinion) and he made a random comment about how their children are going to look. Like he doesn't want his kid to have dark skin.....maybe i was wrong.

My thing is if you are going to date/marry outside of your ethnic group, expect your children to be a good combination of you both.
I have some lukewarm tea about DH's friend. I was looking for that 'tea in real life thread' but couldn't find it so I just thought I'd make a new thread.

So DH has this friend who is half Indian and half Guyanese. He's known her since they were like 12 or something but they don't keep in touch that regularly nowadays so this was random.

She messaged him saying her fiancé (white) just said if they have kids he doesn't want them to be too brown. He wants them to look Mediterranean. Then she calls DH crying about it and DH said he could hear her dude in the background shouting and they started having an argument so he just hung up.

First of all I said to DH, Why is she calling and messaging you though? :look:

So he messages her back saying 'you need to discuss it with him and let him know how the comment made you feel, not call me'.

She messages back saying 'sorry for getting you involved I just needed a friend.' And she's told him in the past that he's the only white guy she knows that isn't ignorant and unbiased.
So she's all venting saying her fiancé is ignorant and he disgusts her and he says all kind of ignorant ish and he finds it funny when he sees a white guy with a black girl. And to top it off, dude is joining the police in January :nono:.

I'm thinking, girl, you better not still be marrying this dude.

DH was tested many times during our relationship because there was no way I was gonna go through this kind of mess. I
have lhcf to thank for that because y'all made me hyper aware of any racist ignorant ish so I was on the lookout. Thankfully he passed the tests.

Obviously her fiancé fell the test.

There is a youtube couple, she's black american (dark brown skinned) and he's Korean american (1st Gen in my opinion) and he made a random comment about how their children are going to look. Like he doesn't want his kid to have dark skin.....maybe i was wrong.

My thing is if you are going to date/marry outside of your ethnic group, expect your children to be a good combination of you both.

I am here looking like hm:spinning::confused::oops:o_O:arguing::brucelee::dazed::driver::flyingwitch::hand::kick2::lala::perplexed::pop::scratchchin::shhh::sleep8::stop::whyme::violin: .
These series of emoticons best describe my sentiment
What I really want to know is how do these non-black man Really feel about the black skin of their Black so. Forget the hypothetical children. How do they Really feel about the Black (woman) skin they are laying up next to and inside of?
Do these bw stop and really reflect about how their so are viewing them? Because it is not an indictment on the hypothetical or not children it is an indictment on the Black woman they are laying up with and are married to. This sounds like some twisted, depraved emotionally abusive ish.
People be holding on to problems that ain't problems.

He don't want brown babies. Then he gets zero babies from her. This does not have to be hard. Like not at all.

Wait, I thought Guyanese is black. Even if he half, plus light skinned Indian, how he think he go make lightskinned babies with a black woman?
People be holding on to problems that ain't problems.

He don't want brown babies. Then he gets zero babies from her. This does not have to be hard. Like not at all.

Wait, I thought Guyanese is black. Even if he half, plus light skinned Indian, how he think he go make lightskinned babies with a black woman?

Some Guyanese are full Indians. Indians immigrated over there in the 1800s as indentured servants.

Anyways, the woman in the OP already knew how he truly felt and she kept going with it. Now she's about to marry and is having regrets that she picked that old racist summabi**.
DH said she just looks Indian so I guess she's Indian Guyanese, not black.

But is she fair skinned Indian looking or brown/darker skinned Indian looking? There are both kinds in Guyana though they are usually brown.

Either way dude doesn't get to pick a shade for his future kids. Even if she's lighter who knows what throwback genes she has. Not sure what she's crying about. She has a wedding that needs to be cancelled. Chop chop.
He's probably not getting Mediterranean looking children with a brown Guyanese/ Indian woman.

She has a few options-

1) Stay
a) have possible brown babies
b) have no babies
c) adopt
d) carry Mediterranean embryos
e) possibly have lighter babies

2) Leave
@SheenaVee ...

Please guard your marriage, it is sacred and it is a precious gift...your husband chose YOU among all others to marry. It is obvious that he treasures you as a gift to him. It is obvious that you love him too.

There are far too many anti-white opinions here on LHCF, which you may take to heart and unjustly misappropriate upon your husband.

You have your own instincts and you have prayer...you know better than anyone the beauty of the love that you and your husband share. Guard your heart from being pulled into the anti-white comments which could turn your heart away from the man you love and married. Guard your heart for words have power.

God bless you and your husband. :rose:
Discernment is important in all matters. LHCF can go overboard with black pride/love which sometimes comes across as anti-IR. When I open a thread that is going too far, I tiptoe back out. Simple.

Now, as to this situation, a white man who does not want darker-skin children yet marries a dark woman is a HUGE red flag. There is no sugar coating it: you have deep-seated issues with the mom if you're worried about having kids that resemble her. Getting married to this dude is signing herself up for a lifetime of misery and second-guessing whether her husband even loves her or just tolerates her. Why would a woman do this to herself?!
A friend of mine had the opposite problem. Her DH was mad confused when the baby came out "white" According to my friend her DH asked the nurse if they had the right baby, because she should at least be tan. She is tan now, but for the longest time she looked like his people.

As for your DH friend, she needs to be watched, why is she calling your DH, when she hasn't been keeping in touch, I get the feeling she might have been testing the waters, in addition to seeking advice. Temp check to see if she dump her loser or not.