Which online dating site was the most effective for you?

My experiences are from ages 28-30. I'm done with online dating now.

The only real relationship that I've had that came from online dating was from Match. Guy I've been seeing is also from this site, although I'm not sure we will work. Both times I was on this site, I met guys during the free trial period and then disabled my account. My friend met her husband on Match.

OKC - I got the most messages here, but that's not saying much. For me OKC had the craziest guys/messages, guys on the "waste her time" challenge.

POF is where I got the most dates.

ETA: I forgot about Tinder. I went on dates with a guy who turned out to me married and two eventual crazies.
I need more Tinder reviews. I joined because of this thread and I have been connected with 8 people but only one person has sent me a message so far. Am I supposed to send them message first?

I've used Tinder and met 3 guys in the past. Two were married (a lot of married men use Tinder) and one "single" but he was socially off with a lack of social cues and asked a lot of questions for a first meeting. When you do online dating you met more introverts and people who lack social cues, but if you are in major city you get opportunities to meet people you would've never met in real life.

I have better success meeting people IRL, but with online dating you can date many men, but you risk introverts, married men, and socially awkward men. I would suggest when using these apps to ask up front these questions, in order to weed out undesirables:

-What's your location? (if he say he's just in town for a few days, he's looking for a hookup)

-How long were you married (Don't ask them straight up if their married because they will say no or change the subject, just assume they are married, until they correct you)**I would suggest asking this question again if you meet**

-Do you drive and have access to a vehicle? (this question tells you if the man has money indirectly because here in NYC most people don't drive or have access to a car, and it weeds out broke men).

-Ask they what's your intent/purpose on Tinder?

-Try to set up within 2-3 days of messaging, in a public place at all times (this will tell you if its a catfish situation and are serious to meet. If they give you an excuse for not meeting within the closes weekend, he's BSing).
I need more Tinder reviews. I joined because of this thread and I have been connected with 8 people but only one person has sent me a message so far. Am I supposed to send them message first?

Tinder has worked for me; the guy I'm currently seeing I met on Tinder. I've met a couple of other guys from there and it's hit or miss. Most of them have been cool, but they fizzled out, or we talk on and off periodically. I find the men on Tinder tend to be more educated versus POF, which is full of hood dudes. POF is a cesspool of foolery, almost every man I've met off of there has been nothing but trouble. I've been on and off of OkCupid, but I think I've only met 1 guy off of there, but I've seen men I've met IRL and/or from other dating sites on there. The guy I met from there also wasn't really a stranger, because he lives very close to me, and we had mutual friends from elementary/middle school, so I knew of him before we started talking on OkCupid. OkCupid and Tinder are very White, so you have to dig more if you're looking for Black men/other MOC in particular, compared to POF, which tends to be more Black/Latino men (I'm in NYC).
I met my hubby on AOL 16 years ago. I'm not sure if that Website is still around, though. lol

I'm sorry I couldn't be much help, but I'm chiming in to say that I had a great online dating experience, and dislike when people frown up about (online dating). You have to take precautionary measure no matter where you meet men. (Church, clubs, online, school, etc). Be careful.
OK Cupid is where I've gotten the most quality dates. I could've had an SO from OKC, but I was acting lame, LOL.
POF- terrible
Haven't tried Match in years, but nothing came of those either from what I remember.
Avoid POF like the plague. All types of weirdo. I can now give a better assessment of Tinder, I would avoid that too, especially during the summer time since most men are looking for flings and hookups. Best yet, dating apps are best during cuffing season (October-March) for a relationship.
I recently went back on POF and its unreal how much things have gone downhill during my hiatus from online dating :confused:. OkCupid and Match.com were not much better. Never thought I'd go back to E-harmony but with the higher cost of subscription I'm thinking it will be less rampant with players.
I've been using the app coffee meets bagels and like it so far....the caliber of men seem a little more mature than with okcupid nowadays

Silly question:
Can you use the site on your computer or do you need to have a smart phone to use it?