Which do you prefer: A White Collar vs. Blue Collar

Which type of Man do you Prefer

  • I love a white collar man

    Votes: 61 52.6%
  • I love a blue collar man

    Votes: 11 9.5%
  • I'm open to dating whomever

    Votes: 44 37.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You know what your right..after writing this last night I thought about some things he said that didn't settle with my heart so I wouldn't give him the time of day bc of a few other words..I guess sometimes I see people who get together with someone blue or white that isn't the best way but it works somehow..thanks for you pov..

Glad you changed your mind..I hope you dont give in to him, whenever he may come back around.
White collar with blue collar sensibilities.

I discovered that I vibed better with hybrid sort of guys--teachers, educators, non-profit workers, artists, small business owners/independent consultants guys who aren't corporate, but need to use their minds as well as their hands. I have dated a blue collar worker, but they've all had some form of post-high school education. My granddad and dad both had long military backgrounds and then went into "blue collar" work, so I'm totally comfortable with that sort of guy. On the other hand, I like men with education who think outside of the narrow confines of which they might have grown up.

So that's why I usually ended up with the hybrid man--great balance for me.
White collar with blue collar sensibilities.

I discovered that I vibed better with hybrid sort of guys--teachers, educators, non-profit workers, artists, small business owners/independent consultants guys who aren't corporate, but need to use their minds as well as their hands. I have dated a blue collar worker, but they've all had some form of post-high school education. My granddad and dad both had long military backgrounds and then went into "blue collar" work, so I'm totally comfortable with that sort of guy. On the other hand, I like men with education who think outside of the narrow confines of which they might have grown up.

So that's why I usually ended up with the hybrid man--great balance for me.

Yeah, that's definitely the type I find most compatible...bougeousie corporate guys don't do it for me at all, but there is often very little compatibility between me and men who are too blue... something in between typically is best.
I've dated both and I definitely prefer white collar men. I find that I have more in common with professional men. While the blue collar men I've dated have been cool, we didn't have much to talk about. But like Broadstreet Bully said, it's not about the job per say but moreso the educational background. It just so happens that most men with a 4 year degree (at a minimum) tend to have white collar jobs.
White collar is my ideal, but I wouldn't rule out a blue collar guy. I would prefer if the blue collar guy was college educated, but if he had a trade like the electrician someone spoke of earlier I would be ok with that.

ETA: Are the non-corporate guys some spoke of earlier considered white collar; ie teachers, counselors, small business owners...
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White collar is my ideal, but I wouldn't rule out a blue collar guy. I would prefer if the blue collar guy was college educated, but if he had a trade like the electrician someone spoke of earlier I would be ok with that.

ETA: Are the non-corporate guys some spoke of earlier considered white collar; ie teachers, counselors, small business owners...
Teachers, social workers, counselors, etc. are considered white collar. Small business owners can be either white collar or blue collar depending on the industry.

I too would be open to a college educated blue collar man. However, that's not the norm so I'm not holding out for the exception.
I discovered that I vibed better with hybrid sort of guys--teachers, educators, non-profit workers, artists, small business owners/independent consultants guys who aren't corporate, but need to use their minds as well as their hands. .

So that's why I usually ended up with the hybrid man--great balance for me.

This is me as well. The white-collar men that come to mind whenever this topic comes up usually are men like the above, not the banker/lawyer/corporate honcho type.

I really don't click with the banker/lawyer/corporate type actually!!!
If I was single, I would say I am open to dating whomever. Some women miss out on the best man for them because they have narrowed the search too much! I married a blue collar who is now a white collar guy. Either way, we are happy and our love is more important than blue vs white.

To each her own as long as it works out for the best.
Teachers, social workers, counselors, etc. are considered white collar. Small business owners can be either white collar or blue collar depending on the industry.

I too would be open to a college educated blue collar man. However, that's not the norm so I'm not holding out for the exception.

This is me as well. The white-collar men that come to mind whenever this topic comes up usually are men like the above, not the banker/lawyer/corporate honcho type.

I really don't click with the banker/lawyer/corporate type actually!!!

Ok. Just making sure I understood white collar. I typically like non-corporate white collar dudes as well. I'm not against the others. I just don't have much contact with them professionally or even socially for that matter.
I have dated mostly white collar. Honestly these days there is line between them where men with some pretty interesting and well paying careers stand.

Honestly I don't care. As long as we are socially compatible, Im good.

I dated a guy who was both. He had to switch it up as needed for his job. Loved that man.

Who cares, as long as he till travel with me, go to wine tastings with me, and knows how to do what he has to do depended on where we are and where we going....im good.

I probably would not go for guys that dont make a decent income tho. There are plenty of blue collars that are taking care of bizzness!
I have dated mostly white collar. Honestly these days there is line between them where men with some pretty interesting and well paying careers stand.

Honestly I don't care. As long as we are socially compatible, Im good.

I dated a guy who was both. He had to switch it up as needed for his job. Loved that man.

Who cares, as long as he till travel with me, go to wine tastings with me, and knows how to do what he has to do depended on where we are and where we going....im good.

I probably would not go for guys that dont make a decent income tho. There are plenty of blue collars that are taking care of bizzness!

If you don't mind me asking what do you consider to be a decent income?
white collar, i love power (ceo's, lawyers, doctors, businessmen etc).its my cryptonite. a man working smarter not harder is a crazy turn on.

ETA although i know blue collar can make crazy money i would hate for my husband to be broke down physically from hard labor for to many years. like now his back is jacked or his knees are wack and we only in our 40's/50's.
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I thought about this the other day.

I'd prefer a guy that's good with his hands.
A guy that's satisfied with a home cooked meal.
A hardworking traditional guy that believes in family.
A guy that goes to church.
A guy that enjoys the simple things in life.
A guy that I can trust, depend on, and build something with.
A guy that cuts the grass, fixes the car, and just isn't afraid to get his hands dirty.
A guy with strong character...that believes in doing the right thing instead of always looking to get over on someone.

I'm thinking a blue-collar guy would fit.
I am married to a white collar man, but I grew with a blue collar dad. My daddy can fix anything, my DH not really. My Dh reminds me Heathcliff Huxtible and we all know the mess he use to make on the Cosby Show, lol.
I thought about this the other day.

I'd prefer a guy that's good with his hands.
A guy that's satisfied with a home cooked meal.
A hardworking traditional guy that believes in family.
A guy that goes to church.
A guy that enjoys the simple things in life.
A guy that I can trust, depend on, and build something with.
A guy that cuts the grass, fixes the car, and just isn't afraid to get his hands dirty.
A guy with strong character...that believes in doing the right thing instead of always looking to get over on someone.

I'm thinking a blue-collar guy would fit.

I've dated men with those characteristics as well, and they were white collar.
How about a guy that just wears a collar? lol I kid I kid.

Before I was surrounded by college boys so I dated them without even thinking about these things. Now I'm a little more aware I guess you can say. For example I prefer a guy with some college. Have a degree. I just don't see why a grown man just doesn't have one. Even cops (are they blue collar or white collar?) have to have enough credits to qualify for an associates so get a degree. I'm not against blue collar but he has to be in the type of job where there is growth. Not just because I'm worrying about his pockets but at some point things will change Families grow, job market, etc...

I was dating this guy that worked for Con Ed right, he was cute, handsome nice car all that jazz. But when I asked him if he had plans on going back to college (he dropped out a few years back) he was very flippant about it. He'll be 26 this year. Come on. We are now just friends, lol.

At the moment I'm dating a man that's in grad school. He'll graduate next year and his degree count will rise to 4. He's locked into his career and so uber focused it's scary yet refreshing. This is the type of man I prefer. He's 26 as well.
From my experience, I'd prefer the blue collar man, in my next relationship I will go for the guy with the blue collar job. The white collar type man I realize serves no purpose for me, for me they can't do any handy man work around the house, can't defend you in the street etc. list goes on and on and this is from my personal experience.

The blue collar men that I know are handy, you feel protected with them to me they are just better.

When I think of a blue collar man i'm thinking construction, builder, even I.T. because you don't have to be all dressed up all the time for that kind of job. Alot of blue collar men earn more than the white collard guys with degrees so don't sleep ladies. It all depends on what the blue collard guys expertise is and some of them do have degrees.
I wonder why black women are expected to date a man who has potential. You need to decide what type of man you want to eventually marry, especially if you want your marriage to last. You marry a person, who has similar interests to you.
I wonder why black women are expected to date a man who has potential. You need to decide what type of man you want to eventually marry, especially if you want your marriage to last. You marry a person, who has similar interests to you.

:thud:Why wouldnt you want to marry a man that HAS potential AND plans to help take you guys to another level??? Maybe I misread your post but are you saying that black women shouldnt worry about potential?? I'm confused. Cause i sure in hell dont wanna be living like James and Florida Evans so my mate has to not only have potential but goals and ambitions. We cant be living on hopes, prayersand maybes. The bible says faith without works is dead, meaning that you cant even get your full blessing if you dont activate your faith by moving on it.Please tell me I read your post wrong
:thud:Why wouldnt you want to marry a man that HAS potential AND plans to help take you guys to another level??? Maybe I misread your post but are you saying that black women shouldnt worry about potential?? I'm confused. Cause i sure in hell dont wanna be living like James and Florida Evans so my mate has to not only have potential but goals and ambitions. We cant be living on hopes, prayersand maybes. The bible says faith without works is dead, meaning that you cant even get your full blessing if you dont activate your faith by moving on it.Please tell me I read your post wrong

I think she means a man who keeps talking about what he supposedly is going to do, but never does it. They say he has "potential," but he really doesn't.

The 30-year-old dude who can't keep a job more than a year does NOT have potential, but a lot of people would tell a black woman to give him a chance because of his potential. When he clearly has none.

The early 20s man who is broke but in school pursuing his degree or building a business with a concrete plan has the type of potential one should consider.
From my experience, I'd prefer the blue collar man, in my next relationship I will go for the guy with the blue collar job. The white collar type man I realize serves no purpose for me, for me they can't do any handy man work around the house, can't defend you in the street etc. list goes on and on and this is from my personal experience.

Wow. What a way to stereotype and box men on the basis of their profession. It's really not that cut and dry.

Bunny7 said:
I think she means a man who keeps talking about what he supposedly is going to do, but never does it. They say he has "potential," but he really doesn't.

I totally hate this; men who have all these plans and goals to not once make an attempt to show they will actually enroll in X degree course or complete Y qualifications. And they always have some type of excuse for not following through and if you dare persist in asking them about it they get a hissy fit :rolleyes:.

I can't roll with that.
I'm confused. Cause i sure in hell dont wanna be living like James and Florida Evans so my mate has to not only have potential but goals and ambitions. We cant be living on hopes, prayersand maybes.
My momma told me love don't pay the bills...:grin: When I was young(er) and in love money wasn't a big issue for me. But, as I get older I need someone who is on the ball with me, and financially sound.

And no, I'm not talking golddigger standards. I'm talking about knowing what you can bring to the table with your potential mate. You can have a good job bring in 6 figures but if you dont know how to save/invest for your future you're screwed.
i've had experiences with both white and blue collar men and ime, the blue collar men were more down to earth.... i can't say that i have a preference because i know that there aren't personality standards that go along with collar colors, but my current SO is blue collar .... and although there's an obvious formal education difference (i start my doctorate this year while he's working on his BA), i find him to be extremely intelligent....
I'll have to go with white collar but partly b/c of how blue collar men seem to respond to me. For example, take the scene below, taken directly from the pages of my life.

Scene 1

Him: So, what do you do?
Me: I'm in school.
Him: Oh, are you a junior or a senior?
Me: Actually, I'm finishing up my doctorate
Him: (awkward laugh)... uh, so where do you go to school?
Me: Oh, this school in the Boston area.
Him: What school?
Me: X University
Him: :blush: Oh, wow! You must be really smart. Well, do well in school, you hear.

( man, exists stage left)

I don't need a man who's intimidated by me just because I'm getting a piece of paper from an old, elite school. I don't think such things should define an individual. At the end of the day I'm a down to earth sister but a lot of men assume things by your career or credentials.
I'll have to go with white collar but partly b/c of how blue collar men seem to respond to me. For example, take the scene below, taken directly from the pages of my life.

Scene 1

Him: So, what do you do?
Me: I'm in school.
Him: Oh, are you a junior or a senior?
Me: Actually, I'm finishing up my doctorate
Him: (awkward laugh)... uh, so where do you go to school?
Me: Oh, this school in the Boston area.
Him: What school?
Me: X University
Him: :blush: Oh, wow! You must be really smart. Well, do well in school, you hear.

( man, exists stage left)

I don't need a man who's intimidated by me just because I'm getting a piece of paper from an old, elite school. I don't think such things should define an individual. At the end of the day I'm a down to earth sister but a lot of men assume things by your career or credentials.

Sounds like you dropped the H-bomb on them! :lol:

You bring up another point that is constantly overlooked in these discussions (not this one in particular). There are many degreed black women who would be open to dating a blue-collar black man, but HE is often the one that has a problem with the education gap.

Not all, obviously, but enough do for it to be a problem.
Sounds like you dropped the H-bomb on them! :lol:

You bring up another point that is constantly overlooked in these discussions (not this one in particular). There are many degreed black women who would be open to dating a blue-collar black man, but HE is often the one that has a problem with the education gap.

Not all, obviously, but enough do for it to be a problem.

So true. I want someone that I can hold a decent conversation with but he doesn't have to have spent years and years doing post-grad work for me to be interested. The H-bomb is an issue but so is the career bomb. I have a friend in her late 20s who's almost finished her residency as a ob/gyn. a lot of men feel some kind of a way about physicians. At least when i'm done I can say that "I teach", which may sound a little less intimidating than "professor". Then again, why should sisters have to downplay their accomplishments to make a man feel like a man? He should already be there.:rolleyes:
Noticed a lot mentioned blue collar fixing things:
If you're white collar it's not like the house will fall apart lol! Checks written, people can come and fix it. In addition there are plenty of white collars who have handi man skills

Some mentioned blue collars can defend them:
Where are you at that you need this type of defense on a daily basis? I mean there are plenty of white collar guys who can defend their women if need be (my fh is a brown belt in jui jitsu and also dabbles in mixed martial arts and kick boxing. I've seen him spar and I had to leave because it was just brutal...and I just can't watch that kinda stuff. He's definitely tough if he needs to be. Now if he has to go to a martial arts class or spar I'm like see ya later love ya!:grin:) but I'd much rather be with someone who is going to talk first and only fight if necessary. I feel confident that IF I need defending he can get the job done, but he will use his head to determine if this is necessary in the first place because 9 times out of 10 it just isn't. Not to say that blue collar is itching for a fight either...just saying white collar doesn't make you a wimp

As for money, I think someone put it earlier that sometimes blue collar guys are worn down after time. My uncle is a wonderful guy and makes tons of money (construction) but he is worried because he doesn't think he can do this for much longer. He is a hands on guy and likes to help out with his employees and he says he physically can't handle it any more as he's getting older

I think also I find that blue collar can make money (and sometimes tons), however in most cases because of lack of education (I realize there are exceptions that have education), they don't know how to invest it and make it grow. Same uncle has provided a wonderful life for his kid, put her through a great private school, has a wonderful house, but is now afraid because the economy is going down, and at the same time he's getting older and does not know how long he can continue physically at the same pace. He just stacked up money, instead of investing, so now he's in a bind for the first time in his life.

So that when it comes time to retire, all they have is what is stacked away and if something big happens...well then you're in trouble. I know there are exceptions to the rule with blue collar, but it does take learning about finance, talking to people who know, and also reading and keeping up in this area in order to make money really work for you. And yes you can hire someone but not everyone knows what they're doing even if they're investors and can make bad decisions. It takes someone who really understands the ins and outs (or is willing to read, learn, and keep up in this area) to make sure that they make their money really work for them. Yes I can do things on my end, but I want to make sure my FH is on board with me in that area. I find that white collar is usually up to date in areas of financial investing (and again there are exceptions).

I think I prefer a White collar guy for these reasons and more: education...most of the time white collar has this and it's important to me that we take advantage of the education that our grand parents and great grand parents fought for us to have.

To each their own, but for me it's pretty much white collar.
Oh and for those who say the economy takes the wind out of white collar, there are some white collar positions that always thrive (for example medicine), and so for the MOST part (exceptions of course apply) there is a better chance of having stability in these fields.
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It really doesn't matter to me which collar it is, but I tend to attract the white collar guys. And I really think it's because of my interests and so forth. I just like someone who can hold a decent conversation, who I take to an office function without embarrassing himself or me, well-versed on a variety subjects, has an intelligent opinion and likes to do some of the same things as me. Whichever collar that is, I'm good.