Where are the GOOD LOOKING MEN????

Wasn't there some study out recently saying that black women (or just black people in general) were getting shorter?

I'm thinking that a generation or two raised on fast food, lack of fruits and vegetables, outdoor activity, etc., is starting to show up in our people!
I don't know where you live, but I see a lot of good looking men on a regular basis. :yep: I'm also dating one myself. I'm in Atlanta, though, so that could have something to do with it. There are just a lot of attractive people (male and female) in Atlanta PERIOD. :yep:

As for the short guy thing, ITA. The guy I'm dating is about an inch shorter than me, which is weird for me since I've never dated a guy shorter than me. So it's interesting to say the least. But for the majority of the attractive guys I see, most of them are what would be considered short for a guy. What's that about??

I see short, unattractive men in da ATL everyday. Right now, I'm on the north side of town. Maybe I need to start coming into the city more...
Ive been to atlanta and i must say you guys have good looking men but what frightened me is that out of what i saw 90% were gay i was very very very pissed
I see short, unattractive men in da ATL everyday. Right now, I'm on the north side of town. Maybe I need to start coming into the city more...

:yep: I would recommend coming downtown. When I lived in Marietta I didn't see many good-looking black men. :nono:
:yep: I would recommend coming downtown. When I lived in Marietta I didn't see many good-looking black men. :nono:

I lived in Atlanta and that city has some of the most beautiful black women but average average men. I would see women stunners with AVERAGE men all the time and I lived downtown. Most women who I hung out with agreed that the women actually look better than the men. I'm sure there are a few cute ones but according to my preference, I've seen far better back home, Texas, and New York most definitely.

During my time in Atlanta, I've never seen so many ugly arrogant men....lmao.
Where are all the GOOD looking men??

In Europe!!! LOL....no seriously!! I just got back from Germany a few weeks ago, and let me tell you...there were some FINE guys there! Guys from all kinds of areas....German (of course), Persian, Croatian, French, some from the UK, etc.

I'm telling you, European men are a different breed. Black women can have the pick of the litter there....especially if you dont' mind dating outside of your race. You can find some nice looking guys in Europe.

I saw guys that could have been movie stars or models they looked so good. :love: :lick: I'm dead serious! And I wasn't even expecting it. lol*

My next venture: I NEED to go to Italy before I die! :lachen:
I'm in Atlanta. I was at the MidSummer Block Party with V-103.

@20 - girl, you need to let one of 'em go!

I don't mind short, but I'm not in the mood for it right now. Short men have been giving my problems for the past 5 years. I can't deal with stroking those sensitive egos.

I knew it was Atlanta! I'm here too and me and most of my friends haven't found many good looking men here. When I go up North, specifically, NYC, I get whiplash from all the fine men! When I'm back here, I may go MONTHS without seeing a a cute guy OR they're gay!
They are NOT in Austin, I live here and there are NONE. Not if you're looking for Black.

seriously; theyre in Houston, Texas.

the end.
no height is not just the outside...its the inside too. because it means he has short bones.

I'm sorry, call me insecure or whatever but I just can't date a man shorter than me. It just doesn't feel right. I want to be the submissive one, physically and socially. If im taller than him then im going to feel like the leader and that's not what I want to do.

I've tried dating a dude who was 5'4 (Im 5'9). I didnt even know where to put my hands when we hugged! When he was on top of me it felt like my small dog was laying on me or something. I just can't do it.

What is up with so many gay men being in Atlanta? Why do they flock there of all places? Is it like the southern San Francisco?

You would think that Miami would be the gay southern mecca.
Wasn't there some study out recently saying that black women (or just black people in general) were getting shorter?

I'm thinking that a generation or two raised on fast food, lack of fruits and vegetables, outdoor activity, etc., is starting to show up in our people!

Stop it!!! :lachen:

This thread is cracking me up. :giggle:
Nope. I disagree :look:

They are not in Europe. I live here and I don't see them.

I did see many cute brothers during my Easter trip to NY though.... oh but as someone said... I guess they were turncoats :grin:

Where are all the GOOD looking men??

In Europe!!! LOL....no seriously!! I just got back from Germany a few weeks ago, and let me tell you...there were some FINE guys there! Guys from all kinds of areas....German (of course), Persian, Croatian, French, some from the UK, etc.

I'm telling you, European men are a different breed. Black women can have the pick of the litter there....especially if you dont' mind dating outside of your race. You can find some nice looking guys in Europe.

I saw guys that could have been movie stars or models they looked so good. :love: :lick: I'm dead serious! And I wasn't even expecting it. lol*

My next venture: I NEED to go to Italy before I die! :lachen:
I lived in Atlanta and that city has some of the most beautiful black women but average average men. I would see women stunners with AVERAGE men all the time and I lived downtown. Most women who I hung out with agreed that the women actually look better than the men. I'm sure there are a few cute ones but according to my preference, I've seen far better back home, Texas, and New York most definitely.

During my time in Atlanta, I've never seen so many ugly arrogant men....lmao.

This is the truth. It took me a while to figure out that it's the women in Atlanta who are attractive, the men...not so much. And their average looking behinds have the nerve to be arrogant. I just laugh at them because the majority of the men here are getting attention from women only because the women outnumber them so much.
This is the truth. It took me a while to figure out that it's the women in Atlanta who are attractive, the men...not so much. And their average looking behinds have the nerve to be arrogant. I just laugh at them because the majority of the men here are getting attention from women only because the women outnumber them so much.

Y'all must have been in a different part of Atlanta than I am... Of course there are ugly dudes, but I see a lot of attractive dudes on any given night. :yep: Sure the whole bar/restaurant/club/etc. may not be full of dudes, but they are there.
Not in DC. they all r short or bald. Wth is up with all these bald dudes?? Thy r spreading. NYC got cuties but thy r still corner boys at 30 years old. And the rest r gay or downlow.

This is what i don't understand. Grow up!!!

I see a lot of cuties in NYC but i just can't do it. When are you ever going to grow up!
They must have all moved out of Michigan, cause I dont see any:perplexed I saw more In Cali growing up. Every race, they were a "dime a dozen"
According to that beautiful parents thread in OT, most of them have more girls than boys, so women are increasingly prettier than their male counterparts. Sucks for women I guess lol. Workin all hard to be cute for average lookin men..