Where are the GOOD LOOKING MEN????


New Member
I was attending a local festival this weekend. I was there for about 4 hours with some friends of mine and about 2.5 hours into the festival we realized...


I'm serious! We all have different tastes but ALL of us came to the same conclusion. I'll admit that I'm not that picky when it comes to appearances, but I didn't even see an "OK" looking dude. What gives??

Any thoughts?
They're all with ME.

Haha. JK. I have no idea b/c where I'm at there are plenty of em. Only thing is I'm taken so I got the MC Hammer thing going. I can look but can't touch. But according to SO I can't even look. :rolleyes: Its always like that. When you're single you don't see anyone that catches your eye but when you're taken you see a lot of cuties.
I'm in agreement, I can't tell you the last time I seen a good looking guy. I think a lot of times location has something to do with it...because these dudes down here in Diego are :perplexed!
There are some good looking guys in Atlanta...because I got two of 'em. :)

..really there are some nice looking guys in Atlanta.
Better question? Where are all the tall men?

I've seen a few cuties my way...but they are usually too short for me!

I'm 5'10...and I've dated a man shorter than me ('5'7) and it was weird...

I felt his like bodyguard especially in heels...LOL

(sorry to hijack)
I promise ..you..
I was in his arms a couple of weeks ago and fast falling head over everything
I'd post pictures but it does not do him justice

but as gorgeous as he was
he was more :dizzy:

Classic... Dr Jekell :sekret:
and Mr Hyde :whip:

all I can say from a long cool distance is
Better question? Where are all the tall men?I've seen a few cuties my way...but they are usually too short for me!

I'm 5'10...and I've dated a man shorter than me ('5'7) and it was weird...

I felt his like bodyguard especially in heels...LOL

(sorry to hijack)

BASICALLY! Where have all these short men come from? Its like the average blk man is like 5'7.
They're all with ME.

Haha. JK. I have no idea b/c where I'm at there are plenty of em. Only thing is I'm taken so I got the MC Hammer thing going. I can look but can't touch. But according to SO I can't even look. :rolleyes: Its always like that. When you're single you don't see anyone that catches your eye but when you're taken you see a lot of cuties.

That's so true! :wallbash:
Were you at the PROSPECT PARK thing this weekend? Lots of fine looking young men {straight, MOREHOUSE gents about} were all about but one had to keep it moving to find the finery-lots of tattoed show offs with no brains to offer infiltrated the gathering.
BASICALLY! Where have all these short men come from? Its like the average blk man is like 5'7.

adf23 and cutiepie...does not mean the men are short on kindness, love and

stability..height is just the outside..not that longed for

deep ,'flaws and all could love you as you are, as no other man will'

possibilty...forget what others think..short does not mean he is not

worthy of consideration. Age..it does bring wisdom..thank you Lord!
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no height is not just the outside...its the inside too. because it means he has short bones.

I'm sorry, call me insecure or whatever but I just can't date a man shorter than me. It just doesn't feel right. I want to be the submissive one, physically and socially. If im taller than him then im going to feel like the leader and that's not what I want to do.

I've tried dating a dude who was 5'4 (Im 5'9). I didnt even know where to put my hands when we hugged! When he was on top of me it felt like my small dog was laying on me or something. I just can't do it.
no height is not just the outside...its the inside too. because it means he has short bones.

I'm sorry but that part had me :lachen:! I agree, there is nothing wrong with discriminating when it comes to height. Nothing feels more awkward than towering over your man in heels, and trying to hold his babyesque hand.

There are some good looking men in NYC, but I admit, these days I'm noticing that there is a shortage. But when it comes to the face (not the height..I'm not budging on that one), you can't get too caught up on wanting a Boris or Tyson.

The last guy I dated was FIONNNNNEEEEE (:lick: times twenty) but that was about it. I'll take an average faced man who treats me like a Queen, over a fine faced man who treats me average any day.
My friends and I say all the good/good looking men are gay, dead, or taken. It's a famine out there. Coincidentally, fine men ALWAYS find me. Whenever I'm looking I can't find one, but let me stop for a second and fineness comes out of no where.
There are some good looking guys in Atlanta...because I got two of 'em. :)

..really there are some nice looking guys in Atlanta.

I'm in Atlanta. I was at the MidSummer Block Party with V-103.

@20 - girl, you need to let one of 'em go!

I don't mind short, but I'm not in the mood for it right now. Short men have been giving my problems for the past 5 years. I can't deal with stroking those sensitive egos.
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BASICALLY! Where have all these short men come from? Its like the average blk man is like 5'7.

You better say it! Are men getting shorter over generations or something? It seems like tall men used to be everywhere, now it's like discovering a unicorn when I meet a tall and good-looking guy. I can't even remember the last time a man over 6 foot approached me. So depressing.:ohwell:
^^^Poor nutrition, maybe?

Here is Bunny77's tip for finding tall men.

See if there is a basketball tournament of ANY type taking place in your city. March Madness, AAU, high school, middle school, it doesn't matter.

DO NOT go after the athletes (especially if they are in high school or middle school :lol:). You are looking for the coaches and the fans. Many of the coaches are former basketball players and a lot of the fans at March Madness might have played a little small-time ball (even if it was just in high school). So... mostly likely if they played some basketball, they are reasonably tall.

Good luck in your tall men hunting!!!
Just this weekend I seen a group of ginormous brazilian tourist in South Beach Miami, Fl ... I mean these heads were out of this world!!!:lick: I guess the tall ones are no longer "Made in USA".:ohwell:
They're all with ME.

Haha. JK. I have no idea b/c where I'm at there are plenty of em. Only thing is I'm taken so I got the MC Hammer thing going. I can look but can't touch. But according to SO I can't even look. :rolleyes: Its always like that. When you're single you don't see anyone that catches your eye but when you're taken you see a lot of cuties.

lol i hear that. But the good looking men are behind some other good looking man really and truly. There are so many good looking brothers thats gay its unbelievable. I dont see any lookers at all

Volare where are you located so i can move there lol
I don't know where you live, but I see a lot of good looking men on a regular basis. :yep: I'm also dating one myself. I'm in Atlanta, though, so that could have something to do with it. There are just a lot of attractive people (male and female) in Atlanta PERIOD. :yep:

As for the short guy thing, ITA. The guy I'm dating is about an inch shorter than me, which is weird for me since I've never dated a guy shorter than me. So it's interesting to say the least. But for the majority of the attractive guys I see, most of them are what would be considered short for a guy. What's that about??
Not in DC. they all r short or bald. Wth is up with all these bald dudes?? Thy r spreading. NYC got cuties but thy r still corner boys at 30 years old. And the rest r gay or downlow.