When you met your SO...

...how did the 'process' go? For example, did he walk up to you at a party and just start talking to you? Did you meet him over a friend's house and he just cracked a joke and things went from there? In the 'How we Met' threads I hear about where people met, but never really how they went from being strangers to being in a relationship--like did he ask for your number the same day he met you? I think I'm ready to be in a serious relationship again and realized that I've forgotten how relationships start up.:lol: I've been going on dates and stuff, but that's usually with guys I already know who I wouldn't consider 'SO' material.

Oh and I prefer stories from those who met their SO past the HS age as I've been out of HS for a good while.
I met Dh in high school, I had on tight stone washed jeans and a yellow top. I had a blonde streak in my long hair. He saw me and told our friend Sammy "That's the woman I'm gonna marry". He said Sammy introduced us and that was it. I have no memory of meeting him. He just seemed to always be there.

We didn't start dating until years later, we were friends the whole time though. I saw him out with another woman and decided I might ought to give him a chance. He left that alone and here we are.
I met Dh in high school, I had on tight stone washed jeans and a yellow top. I had a blonde streak in my long hair. He saw me and told our friend Sammy "That's the woman I'm gonna marry". He said Sammy introduced us and that was it. I have no memory of meeting him. He just seemed to always be there.

We didn't start dating until years later, we were friends the whole time though. I saw him out with another woman and decided I might ought to give him a chance. He left that alone and here we are.

I think about some of my male friends and there are very few I would date. For the ones I would consider dating, I guess time will tell if it ever gets to that point.
lol...DH came up to me at a party. He gave me a bottle of champagne and chocolates. We were friends for two months and then started dating. We were both out of high school then. That was 9 years ago next month :D
lol...DH came up to me at a party. He gave me a bottle of champagne and chocolates. We were friends for two months and then started dating. We were both out of high school then. That was 9 years ago next month :D

Wow, so he just came up to you and gave you champagne and chocolates? Did you know of him before then? That's so sweet.
Yeah I wanna know too! :eyebrows2

Great thread Broadstreet! :up:

I often have the same question. How do you take it from "just met", or "just friends" to MORE?? :confused:

I find that a lot of times I have no problem MEETING new guys, having a decent conversation w/them at a party, or getting along w/guys and having fun w/them, but sometimes it just doesn't ever progress further (even though SOMETIMES I would like it to)...it's just weird! It's almost like you have to give a man a signal or something letting him know what YOU would like to be to him...either the "friend" or the "potential gf", because I swear I think men sometimes get confused. :nono:

I mean, some of them don't ever get past the "hi" and "bye" stage, even though it's obvious that they think I'm a "cool person" to be around/hang out with. It just never progresses. :ohwell: Am I doing something wrong? Or are these guys "just not that into me", or just NOT the ones for me? :look:
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I met DH at an album release rehearsal.. I was playing the drums and he was asking my friend who I was... I was 13 and he was 18.:rolleyes: btw I'm 34 now!

Been together off and on over the years but been married for 5 yrs... He knew I was the one... I was in denial! :grin:
Yeah I wanna know too! :eyebrows2

Great thread Broadstreet! :up:

I often have the same question. How do you take it from "just met", or "just friends" to MORE?? :confused:

I find that a lot of times I have no problem meeting new guys, having a decent conversation w/them at a party, or getting along w/guys and having fun w/them, but sometimes it just doesn't ever progress further (even though SOMETIMES I would like it to)...it's just weird! It's almost like you have to give a man a signal or something letting him know what YOU would like to be to him...either the "friend" or the "potential gf", because I swear I think men sometimes get confused. :nono:

I mean, some of them don't ever get past the "hi" and "bye" stage, even though it's obvious that they think I'm a "cool person" to be around/hang out with. It just never progresses. :ohwell: Am I doing something wrong? Or are these guys "just not that into me", or just NOT the ones for me? :look:

I look back and realize that most of the guys I've dated were friends of friends. I've never seriously dated a guy who I just met out and about. I think I'd have more success meeting a variety of men if I expanded my circle of friends. The friends I have now, well the guys that hang in that circle aren't my type. I'm staring to think it isn't realistic to expect a guy to approach you out of the blue. Usually someone needs to introduce the two of you.
^^ OMG @ your signature gif... I have the full 'rap battle' saved somewhere. That battle it was a brutal ... and he knew he was wrong!!! :blush:

On topic... I met my SO last year at a new years party.. it was COLD!!! and I didnt really want to go out but I talked myself into it - Anyway if I recall correctly he asked me to dance and I refused and kept it pushing...

Fastforward to June this year... we met again at a lounge (I was there with a large group of friends) He walked right up to me and chatted.. this time we exchanged info...

I did not remember him from New Years until he brought it up on our first date :look:. Anyway, we've been dating since then
My fiance is my sister's bf's "cousin." My sister's older and I wanted to hang out with her and her friends, so we were going to go bowling one night. Earlier that day they had to pick up some dog food for their furbaby and I went along for the ride. I was sprung from the moment I saw him. As soon as we got to the pet store, I called my bff and told her that I met a guy who looks better that Jay (the cutest guy in our hs) and that I was in love :rolleyes:
Anyway, we get back to the house and we're playing with the dog and I tell him that he should buy me a puppy, just talking to keep both of us from being bored....Later that evening, we're flirting back and forth and he asks for my number. I say no (I had a boyfriend at the time :look:), so he goes behind my back and gets it from my sister! :rolleyes:
To this day, he'll swear that I was the one who started this relationship because I asked him to buy me a dog :lachen:
Wow, so he just came up to you and gave you champagne and chocolates? Did you know of him before then? That's so sweet.
Yeah. He just came up to me. I didn't know who he was. He said that he had been watching me all night and thought I was beautiful. I still have the same outfit that I wore that night.
i met him at the lightrail after a spoken word event. we talked a bit & i did not see him again until we took a class together. We talked in class & had good discussions; he missed a few classes so I asked for his number. He told me the other day that I asked in some super awkward way like "Give me your number so I can bug you" :look: i know on my life I am not THAT awkward so I'm pretty sure he's delusional.

I never called him until one day I was super bored and asked him to study. We started talking about Spike Lee and he suggested we watch one of his movies sometime. I was like when (lol, i was trying very hard to expand my social circle at that point..2 years in college & I rolled with the same 2 main girls) & he said now if you want. So it kind of took off from there.

One night we were watching a Spike Lee movie (it became a tradition at that point) he was like "You really like me." & I was like "...."

We were "friends" for maybe 2-3 weeks before we became more.

He eventually told me later that night that he liked me too, but he had said that just to see how I would react.

(semi-c&p'd from past threads. haha)
i met him at the lightrail after a spoken word event. we talked a bit & i did not see him again until we took a class together. We talked in class & had good discussions; he missed a few classes so I asked for his number. He told me the other day that I asked in some super awkward way like "Give me your number so I can bug you" :look: i know on my life I am not THAT awkward so I'm pretty sure he's delusional.

I never called him until one day I was super bored and asked him to study. We started talking about Spike Lee and he suggested we watch one of his movies sometime. I was like when (lol, i was trying very hard to expand my social circle at that point..2 years in college & I rolled with the same 2 main girls) & he said now if you want. So it kind of took off from there.

One night we were watching a Spike Lee movie (it became a tradition at that point) he was like "You really like me." & I was like "...."

We were "friends" for maybe 2-3 weeks before we became more.

He eventually told me later that night that he liked me too, but he had said that just to see how I would react.

(semi-c&p'd from past threads. haha)

Ah, this story is so cute :yep::yep:
We were in high school, he was a year ahead of me. Tiny school, so everyone knew everyone, and while we weren't friends, his friends and my friends would get together after school, find an empty classroom and play spades. I was the only girl there since girls really didn't play spades, and I'm an amazing player, so I wasn't shooed away by upperclassmen, If anything, they would get into heated discussions about who would get to be my partner :D

On the few occasions that I'd sit out a game to let someone younger play (and I'd sit to the side to coach them through it), I'd have my walkman playing, and one day, this popular older guy sits next to me and asks me what I was listening to. I was listening to the Rolling Stones' "Paint it black", and I was like, "You wouldn't know it", I mean I was used to everyone listening to everything but oldies, but he said "Let me hear anyway?", so I handed over my earphones and he said "Isn't this played during the closing credits of Full Metal Jacket?" So, we started talking about old music, I continued to kick his *** at spades for a few weeks, but then one day he called me up and asked me to go to a movie with him. After that, we fooled around for a bit, I didn't want anyone to know about it so we were sneaking around, but we weren't technically together. By the time we came out to our friends about us , everyone was completely shocked about us, since I was the foulmouthed, spades playing, dark room chick, and he was the laid back popular dude.

We've been together ever since.
We were friends. We met during orientation... he's another medical student. Not too many black people in our class, so we hung around the same people, went to the same events, and stuff. When we met, he was dating someone else, and so was I.

Things didn't work out with the other people I was dating so by winter break, I was single with no real prospects, and so was he I guess. Either way, we started hanging out more, and it was really platonic at first, but our friends were making jokes the entire time, so they kinda planted the thought in there, I guess.

After awhile, we were just more than friends, and then we were a couple. *shrugs*
I met DH at my brother in law's apartment when they had poker night. He flirted with me a little bit and told my older sister that he'd like to take me out. The next week she decided to use me as a distraction to take him out of the game early, and he was the 1st one to get out. He came up to me while I was on the couch, with my BIL's work glasses that look like coke bottles and said " I don't need these glasses to see you got a badonkadonk". We finally saw each other again after 7 months at another poker game and have been together for four years now.
LOL, My S.O. is shy and just asked me to PM our meeting story instead of posting it. I'll PM it to you if you want, OP! :)
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We were in college….we met at a block party….I definitely noticed him, but didn’t give it a second thought because I thought he was too old for me and wouldn’t be interested anyway (turns out he was five years older than me). I saw him again the next night at another party. We chatted for a few minutes and that was that. A mutual friend says that when he walked away I said, “That is the man I’m going to marry.” I vaguely remember saying that. The next night he called me….he got my number from another mutual friend. We dated off and on for several years and eventually got married.
Same here.. We initially met in high school. B/c he asked a mutual friend who I was. At the time it didn't wrk. He was a popular but shy/quiet jock. I was a loner, not popular at all. A lot of girls liked him, and I didn't want the drama. But for some reason was drawn to him..I looked for him at every dance (he was never at any of them). And then we met up again freshman year of college. (at that time I was pregnant). It didn't go anywhere then.. Even though he wld give me a hug everytime he saw me (same as he did in high school). He asked for a my # and I had his, but we didn't even talk to each other until after me and bd broke up for good. Then I just started calling him, and ended up really liking him. We started going on dates, and before long (I know this is childish so don't criticize me) but I started just telling ppl I was his gf. But we weren't even together!! lol.. He had female friends, and sometimes I would answer his phone and tell them I was his gf.. and even tho he wld kinda get mad.. I think he secretely liked it.. (he likes my feistyness--if thats a word). One girl, said yaw gonna end up getting married. And sure enough we are engaged to be married in FEBRUARY...
Cute thread! :yep:

I met my SO at a get-together for one of my cousins. Her and my SO are friends and went to undergrad together. I remember that he came late to the party with his friend and also left early. :lol: My cousin introduced them to the room but I wasn't really paying them any attention. :lol: I was in the process of breaking up with my ex-boyfriend and didn't even want to THINK about men or dating. In fact, before I met my now SO I had decided that I was going to just be single for a while. I remember he was very quiet. Throughout the night he would make little funny comments to me and I would keep having to ask him to repeat himself. :lachen:

The next day my cousin called me and asked if I remembered him. She said that he wanted my number so we could go out sometime. I laughed because I didn't remember him really showing that he was very interested in me. I can be clueless when it comes to guys, though... :giggle: But I eventually told her to go ahead and give him my number. He didn't waste any time calling me and inviting me on our first date (California Pizza Kitchen) on that Sunday afternoon (yes he moved FAST! :lol:).

Now we have been together for almost 7 months and overall it has been great! The time has just flown by!
I was walking with my ex-friend when I met my SO. He was staring at me from his house and he waved at me. So knowing me and my friend we freaked out alittle bit and kept walking.

Then at the last mintue before we pasted his block I said "Hey jozzy he looks kind of cute lets go check him out".

So we get to the block, and hes no where to be found. when we wanted to turn back around he was helping his mom with grocery bags, and he gave me this look like ":spinning: OMG she came back". So we continued to walk, and occasionally turn around with him on the front porch staring at us from afar. T
Then he yelled something out, and dissappeared. Next thing I know he pulled up beside me and ask where i was going, can he take me to where ever me and my friend was going, and can he get my number. I was starting to say NO because he creeped me out with those offers/questions:ohwell:, BUT I had to give in to that heavy south american accent of his. He won me over and we be together for a 1 1/2 now.:yep:
A year ago I was just getting in from a business trip in Boston. The last thing I wanted to do was go to a networking event, but I was tired of sitting on the couch on a Friday night. I drove to the venue straight from work and barely touched up my make-up because it was a Toys for Tots event and the last networking party this group threw attracted about 50 women and 5 guys. :rolleyes:

As I'm walking into the party, I see nothing but fine, Black men. :look: I then realize that the alumni chapter of a fraternity was co-hosting the event. You should have seen me trying to find my Sephora lipgloss in a hurry. I actually took off my sweater (cute blouse underneath) too and it was about 30 degrees outside. I mean you never know. LOL.

About an hour into the event I was having a good time and decided to get a drink. I walked up to the long line at the bar and then realized I only had my credit card on me and no cash. So trying not to panic, I tapped the guy in front of me on the shoulder (he was so cute) and asked him 'Are the drinks still free?' He looks me up and down and had a smirk on his face when he said 'You KNOW the drinks ain't still free!' (but I DIDN't I swear!) So I just laughed and waited my turn to get to the bar. To be honest, I had had about 3 drinks purchased by other nice men :lachen: so I didn't know when happy hour became paid.

So he pays for my drink when we get up there and we started chatting at the bar. After about an hour of talking, we took it outside and talked more. He asked for my number right then and asked to walk me to my car but I declined (he couldn't have been a really attractive ax murderer) lol.... It's been a great year...

ETA: OMG, sorry for the novel.
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I met him at my sister's engagement party. He is my (now) bro-in-law's best friend and best man. We didnt hit it off and I pretty much ignored him. LMAO! The next time, we saw each other was at my sister's secret wedding (because my dad was dying and she was him to give her away). We talked about during dinner that evening. I still wasnt attracted to him. Then I saw him a couple weeks before the real wedding at a club. It was my sis's bridal/bacholarette party and my bro-in-law party too. For whatever reason, we were drawn to each other that night and he looked so good to me. Then the wedding came. It was in Mexico. I believe he came there with intention to talk to me. Him and I were walking down the aisl together so we were around each other alot. The night of the wedding, after the reception, we dance at a club on the resort, went outside to talk, and we told me he wants to see here this could go. He lives long distance but we are almost inseparable. We talk everyday, several times a day, and see each other most weekends, and family events.