Satisfied for at last!

Op. You have gorgeous hair. It is so thick.
I am satisfied with the health, and happy with the length. I still want my hair to be longer, but it is not a BURNING desire like it was before. Mainly a slight curiosity about how my hair would look longer.
Op. You have gorgeous hair. It is so thick.
I am satisfied with the health, and happy with the length. I still want my hair to be longer, but it is not a BURNING desire like it was before. Mainly a slight curiosity about how my hair would look longer.

oh thankyou! yours is beautiful! yep that in red is how i feel;-)
So, come on girls 2 questions for ya... are you satisfied yet??? what do you love about your hair right now??

Not yet. I am glad that I know how to take care of my hair and gone are the days when all I wanted to do was cover it up, but length has been a dream of mine since I was a little girl. So... hopefully, I will join the satisfied ranks soon.
I am sooo happy for you. :pulpdance: I'm not even going to lie, I am NOT satisfied with my length at all. When I had long hair, before I abused it and it broke the hell off, I felt so good about myself. I feel I look my best with long hair. I can't wait to be in your position, hopefully sometime next year.