When will the "hate" of youtube hair gurus stop? SMH


Well-Known Member
Well, Leobodyc5 did what i suspected she eventually would have to do. She has disabled comments on her vids and no longer accepts friend requests. (she starts talking about it 50 sec into the video) :sad:

I know that we talk about some youtube hair folks (those threads more often than not get :padlock2: Still, i don't get why folks personally attack people by sending nasty messages directly to these women. :nono:

*side note: leobodyc5 mentioned that she has Google alert (you can see when your name is mentioned instantly on the web) and found things said about her on some hair forums to be unkind. I've seen positive stuff about her on this forum but now i wonder if other youtube gurus also have Google alert. It must be hurtful to see folks dog you out. *

Do you think it comes with the territory of being a youtube "celeb"?

I know that I be more careful especially after she mentioned Google Alert. Thinking about how some comments on youtube magically disappear within an hour of some threads being posted makes me think that Leobody isn't the only one concerned about what people say about her.
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hmm, I'm about to look into this google alert business. I never heard of that before. But um, yeah thats sad or what not about your friend...
why are they hating on her?

based on stuff she's mentioned in other vids a lot of the people seem to be trolls. nasty for not rhyme or reason. others think she's fronting about being african american and claim that she's biracial but won't own up to it.

then there are those who think she's a man posing as a woman:rolleyes:
why are they hating on her?

she's a gorgeous black woman with real long hair, what seems like a ridiculously rewarding career, nice cars, looks like a bond girl, and is being positive about life and helping others...

you know that goes against all laws of life. and haters gonna hate.
and I have ALWAYS loved her I hate the fact that she had to do a video clearing up the fact that she is a woman, that is so ridiculous. it's sad...but it's what comes with being on YT.

there is an entire board that trashes youtube gurus.
She said that she was getting messages saying she's a man and all sorts of homophobic stuff...now that's wrong.
I like Leobody but when you post videos this is part of the risk. I am more worried about her getting alerts from Google everytime her name pops up, to me, that is just playing into a self fulfilling prophecy. People are going to talk regardless and you can't change people's minds or opinions and I think she should decide to either ignore it and keep it moving and provide videos for people who wants her imput. I am in no way diminishing any hurt or harm but she can only have control of herself and her own behavior and she can choose to ignore the others and continue believing in herself. This is for her and for other ytube celebs.
Her video made me sad. I always think people who put themselves out there out on the internet are brave. The likelihood of me doing going on youtube is slim to none.
She is BEAUTIFUL and seems humble. Misery loves company for some. I have experienced this too and that is why I dont open up to many people. Everyone has struggles and no one ever truly "has it all together". People are so judgemental. Its immature and absurd. Kudos to her for helping other woman succeed and I wish she wouldnt let others get her down. I hope things work out in her favor :)
Doesnt she know the first rule to being a celeb? (or even semi popular) You NEVER, EVER google yourself. Its a big no-no. :nono:
I think that there is a big difference between criticism and "hating." I am not familiar with her channel, but calling her a man and stuff just seems to be hateful and rude. At the same time, just because you don't like a YTuber (for a legit reason) and express that doesn't make you a hater. This is actually the first example I've seen of actual "hating" on this site, which is why I like LHCF. The ladies on here will call someone out in a second, but people don't start getting out of pocket and talking about people's mamas and all that mess.

I don't know why she would have a Google Alert out on herself though. That's just asking to get your feelings hurt, IMHO.
I love her hair videos, but I think she tends to feed the trolls way too much. I understand trolls are annoying but she makes videos telling them off and that's what they want, which is to get her all riled up for nothing.

I hope she puts comments back up. She's one of my hair idols.

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I love Leobody! She seems like an all around fabulous person. I wouldn't have done google alert either though...I'm too sensitive to be reading about people talking smack about me.
These YTer attacks are a real shame - ladies are taking the time to record and post step-by-step instructions to help others achieve healthier hair and they get harrassment in return. I love Leobody's at-peace, classy demeanor and really felt for her when I saw her videos addressing negativity. She did make me LOL for real though with her Uh-Huh video: "...this is my channel, I can say whatever I want, do whatever I want...if I wanted to do a video in a 2-piece bikini with old school 2 Live Crew playing in the background, I can do that...." ROFL! - because it was such a departure in attitude, and she proved yet again her musical diversity LOLOL - yet she still had this calm and class about her while telling folks off. At the same time, as I said, it's angering because someone who wants to help others overcome the same issues she did is being cursed when she's trying to bless - not just about hair but life issues like being an introvert in an extrovert's world, eating/fitness issues and so on. She's the kind of person whose company I could really appreciate.

2nd Thessalonians 1:6 - "...it is a righteous thing with God to repay with tribulation those who trouble you...."
Naw, it won't stop-it comes with the territory.
Youtube-ing is not for the thin-skinned.
and ppl love to act a fool behind a screen name.
I don't think anyone,celebrity or not, deserves to be attacked. Everyone has feelings.

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I agree.

I like Leobody but when you post videos this is part of the risk. I am more worried about her getting alerts from Google everytime her name pops up, to me, that is just playing into a self fulfilling prophecy. People are going to talk regardless and you can't change people's minds or opinions and I think she should decide to either ignore it and keep it moving and provide videos for people who wants her imput. I am in no way diminishing any hurt or harm but she can only have control of herself and her own behavior and she can choose to ignore the others and continue believing in herself. This is for her and for other ytube celebs.

I don't know who leobody is - never looked at her channel but unfortunately being talked about by the small time haters on gossip guru goes with the territory of having a beauty channel on youtube these days. I haven't been watching the indie beauty channels on youtube for that long, maybe about 9 months, but there has been an evolution in the past year. In 2009 people were still showing their little shopping hauls just for the fun of it. Now everyone has migrated to hair or makeup tutorials coz that's where the endorsements and freebies are and that makes some people jealous. Some people are just plain ignorant and should be ignored - so I don't blame anyone who disables comments. It's easier than having to watch for the nutjob comments.
Do these Youtubers - celebs, as someone else states, make a lot of money by being on Youtube? I have no idea and I do not have an account. If lots of money is involved, then all the nastiness and hate comes with the territory and so they need to develop thicker skin. If no money is involved, why take the abuse?

Money or no money, I would never go on Youtube and subject myself to that much hate. Honestly, so much hate and envy from other people would make me literally sick and miserable.
I like Leobody's channel. Her hair is ridiculous and she has a very simple regimen. I like the way she presents her information on her channel and she doesn't come off like a kindergarten teacher. I don't even really consider her a "hair guru", I just think she's cool.

However, there are other YT channels that I don't particularly care for. Therefore I don't subscribe and I don't feel the need to make nasty comments on them. I really don't have the time for that and it's not that serious to me.

It's been said over and over, once you start getting famous, people are gonna talk about you. I wouldn't give a rip about what some YT viewer had to say about me, but some people are more sensitive than others.
I'm a subscriber.

Basically, it is internet bullying caused by jealousy, envy, hatred, prejudice, etc. The internet has allowed people to be able to express their true feelings without their identities being exposed.
Only a very VERY small amount of people make a great amount of money from being youtube partner...hardly any are black. I don't even think leobody is partner...so she really is doing it for free.
Thanks KiKi. That's a lot of s*it and headache to take for free. How do you become partner? Is it like a journey where you endure the abuse for a while but if you have a lot of subscribers eg., 100K+ then you are invited to become a partner? Just curious as to why people would take this level of abuse for nothing financially rewarding.

Only a very VERY small amount of people make a great amount of money from being youtube partner...hardly any are black. I don't even think leobody is partner...so she really is doing it for free.
Only a very VERY small amount of people make a great amount of money from being youtube partner...hardly any are black. I don't even think leobody is partner...so she really is doing it for free.

That's right. She actually stated in one of her videos that she is not a partner, and therefore she didn't care who un-subscribes from her channel.
I like Leobody's channel. Her hair is ridiculous and she has a very simple regimen. I like the way she presents her information on her channel and she doesn't come off like a kindergarten teacher. I don't even really consider her a "hair guru", I just think she's cool.

Same here! I Leobody her for the reasons you stated above. It's sad that some people say mean things about her? What did she do to them, other than defy their excuses?

I also subscribe to Brittanynic16(?) and I watch lobghairdontcare (the username, not the products or whatever).
she's a gorgeous black woman with real long hair, what seems like a ridiculously rewarding career, nice cars, looks like a bond girl, and is being positive about life and helping others...

you know that goes against all laws of life. and haters gonna hate.

Its sad but its the truth....it is a shame she is being harassed to this degree.
hmm, I'm about to look into this google alert business. I never heard of that before. But um, yeah thats sad or what not about your friend...

I use google alert. You just choose a word for the alert, sign up, and they'll inbox you lists of where those words were used. She might have set it to her username.
Somewhere in time people stopped teaching their children that if they didn't have something nice to say then they shouldn't say anything at all!

I'm a subscriber to her channel and I've never witnessed her say or do anything that was offensive so why are people attacking her? I guess it's the same old reasons...putting other people down make those pathetic souls feel better about themselves. The jealousy and bashing energy should be redirected toward building their self esteem.
I'm a longtime subscriber and I like her channel. She is informative and has a fun personality. I cannot understand why people keep sending her such mean comments and apparently mean private messages.

Youtube is a community where hateful people can hideout behind a computer screen.