
Well-Known Member
I only come here to whine about my relationship(s) LOL!

It always helps me to get other perspectives.

BF and I have been together for over a year and were discussing moving in together. I'm not sure if he's made his mother aware of it, but she's making it very difficult for us to take this step.

Brief history: Sadly, my BF's father was murdered when he was 4 years old. Since then, his mother DOTED on him. She did everything she could to take care of him and reared a wonderful, sweet and loving man. He is now in his mid thirties and he has shared with me that he can't recall there ever being another man in her life since then… I can … HIM!!!!

For the most part, she is a lovely person. She's a bit dramatic and worries about EVERYTHING (quite understandable considering her history), but we get along.

HOWEVER, she recently gave my BF a sob story about needing to move out of her apartment because the rent was too high. FACT: She RETIRED three years ago because she was 55. She had NO retirement provisions or savings, but she receives a small pension from the telephone company from which she retired. She played up her story by informing us that she had found a quadraplex near a college campus to move into. You know the kind where 4 people share a living room and bathroom and each person has their own bedroom and bathroom (NO!!! That would be a dorm)? Knowing that her son would not go for that, SHE suggested that he move in with her. I'm sorry, but a grown man living at home is kinda pathetic to me.

I would even be open to him giving her some money every month to help out with her expenses, but living together? NO!!

I KNEW she had him wrapped around her finger when he asked if I would consider looking at places with more square footage so we could move his mother in with us? WHAT?!?!

In a diplomatic effort, I made some connections and found Mommy an ENTIRE list of affordable housing options in our city in NICE areas. She pushed back with some BS story about not wanting the employer who pays her under the table to get into trouble. In fact, every time I offered a solution, she would find a reason why it wouldn't work (even going as far as providing a list of stipulations of where she WON'T live... must be in a metropolitan area near shopping, etc., can't be in "the hood", no stairs, no noise... for $500 a month or less...TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE!!!!)

So I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. BF told me that if his mom isn't comfortable with the affordable housing option and we can't move her in with us, he will move in with her for a while.

This makes me angry for a couple of reasons: First, what MOTHER would even put her son in a position like that except a manipulative one? Second, if he moves in with her, is he going to be lying around my place when we want to spend time together? Should we sneak and make out on the couch with hopes that Mommy doesn't walk in on us?

I don't want to make him choose, nor do I think I can. I'm going to lose this battle because it's his MOTHER! but I don't find the idea of dating someone who lives with his mother appealing AT ALL.

Of course he would defend his motherat all costs.. What should I do?
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I'm not telling you to dump your boyfriend but I would probably not have gotten serious with him seeing this mama's boy/son as the man of the house issue early on.

There can only be one queen in the house. I can only see this being a further issue causing tons of frustration.

So neither of them were open to him just providing a stipend towards rent monthly?
She played up her story by informing us that she had found a quadraplex near a college campus to move into. You know the kind where 4 people share a living room and bathroom and each person has their own bedroom and bathroom (NO!!! That would be a dorm)?
LOL! Where I go to school, they do have actual off-campus apartments set up like this but yeah, they are for students so I would think you'd need to show proof you're a student b/c that's how they do their roommate matches. Honestly OP, this sounds tough. The best thing I think would be him giving her a small stipend each month.
Since she retired with no retirement savings she is clearly expecting to live with him for good. Just throwing that out there so it's clear.
Do you care more about having a warm bed or having piece of mind.

Are you planning on getting married or just living together?

Are you willing to live with her?

I'd give him some very clear simple options and prepare to sever ties.
If I were you I would prepare to exit. It is not your place to help her resolve this situation. I know you are trying to help but you are kinda playing the mommy role to him, trying to help him and her figure this out. She is a grown woman and he is a grown man. They are both quite capable of resolving this matter if they want to. In other words, this is not your problem to solve or your burden to carry. I would just fall back and listen. Once he seemed set on living with her, I would tell him that I wish him well and understand that his mother is his number one priority. I would then break up with him, cut my losses, and move on.

Even if you could fix this particular issue, which you can't and shouldn't, there would always be another issue and another issue until he broke his inappropriate bond with her. It is not your job to psychoanalyze him or help his mother problem solve her finances or living situation. It is your job to take good care of you and find a loving, available man. And you cannot help him see the problem. He must come to this on his own.

Maybe losing you will open his eyes, maybe not. I'm really sorry this happened. You've invested a year in this relationship and I know you are really disappointed. Consider it a lesson learned. Just be glad you found out before moving in together, getting engaged, getting married, or having children,
Imagine this woman when or if you ever have children... She's going to find 1000 reasons to be up in your business 24/7!

Just make it clear to your man that he is choosing to move in with his mother instead of with you and that he is free to make that choice if that's how he wants to live. Just so he knows that he has made that choice and can't blame you for anything.

Then I would follow the above advice and start dating other guys...either your man will get his stuff together or he will not.
This is a lose-lose situation. Your man still refuses to see his mom for who she really is. She's obviously competing with you for his attention and affection. Unless he puts his foot down and sets some clear boundaries with her it's not gonna work between you too. If he does draw those boundaries and sticks with them then you'll become the evil ***** who stole her son away by brainwashing him. :rolleyes: I mean he wasn't like that before you came along. Mama bear will do everything in her power to badmouth you and sabotage your relationship. I know this cuz my brother and his wife went thru the same thing with my mom when they got together. Good luck.
Thanks for all the responses. You all are not telling me anything I didn't already know.

He just informed me that he is moving his stuff into storage this coming weekend and moving in with Mommy dearest. He SWEARS this situation is only temporary but I know better.

The sad thing is, he threw the situation I had with my father in my face. My day is 84 with lung disease and dimentia. I had to move him into my place for a month while we found him senior living but got him out as SOON as I could find him a place. This is SOOO not the same thing. His mother is able bodied (although morbidly obese). She just doesn't want to let her baby go.

Sigh... It took me 16 months to train him (haha). Added to the 8 months he relentlessly pursued me... Now I gotta start over?
It's only been a year get out while you can, his mother is not going to change. Or find her a man of her own.

She hasn't dated in over 25 years. She doesn't want a man. Her baby her man. Besides, she's morbidly obese... I think partially because she wants to have an excuse not to date, TRUST me, she's got a beautiful face. She could easily find a man that would accept every curve she has. She doesn't WANT to. It's infuriating
I'm not telling you to dump your boyfriend but I would probably not have gotten serious with him seeing this mama's boy/son as the man of the house issue early on.

There can only be one queen in the house. I can only see this being a further issue causing tons of frustration.

So neither of them were open to him just providing a stipend towards rent monthly?

I presented that option to him, but he started pushing back. She's got him right where she wants him and she's gpnna get her wish... to get me out of the way so she can have her man back to herself.
Thanks for all the responses. You all are not telling me anything I didn't already know.

He just informed me that he is moving his stuff into storage this coming weekend and moving in with Mommy dearest. He SWEARS this situation is only temporary but I know better.

The sad thing is, he threw the situation I had with my father in my face. My day is 84 with lung disease and dimentia. I had to move him into my place for a month while we found him senior living but got him out as SOON as I could find him a place. This is SOOO not the same thing. His mother is able bodied (although morbidly obese). She just doesn't want to let her baby go.

Sigh... It took me 16 months to train him (haha). Added to the 8 months he relentlessly pursued me... Now I gotta start over?

16 months is but a blip when you think of a lifetime of competing with mother.
Thanks for all the responses. You all are not telling me anything I didn't already know.

He just informed me that he is moving his stuff into storage this coming weekend and moving in with Mommy dearest. He SWEARS this situation is only temporary but I know better.

The sad thing is, he threw the situation I had with my father in my face. My day is 84 with lung disease and dimentia. I had to move him into my place for a month while we found him senior living but got him out as SOON as I could find him a place. This is SOOO not the same thing. His mother is able bodied (although morbidly obese). She just doesn't want to let her baby go.

Sigh... It took me 16 months to train him (haha). Added to the 8 months he relentlessly pursued me... Now I gotta start over?

Having a seriously ill parent is an entirely different matter. I have no issue with taking care of an ill parent until they leave this earth, especially if you can spread the load amongst a fair number of family membes and/or afford good in-home help.

Someone that just wants to live with you as a crutch, nah.
A man who cannot stand up to his mom or even worse...does not even recognize an issue is a nightmare.

Add a manipulative, enmeshed mom with no life? No thanks!

You will have 3 people in your marriage whether she moves in or not. He will resent you and you will resent him.

Best wishes.