When I was 17... *Hair Edition*


Well-Known Member
You know the TV show with the stars talking about what they did when they were 17. Well I thought it would be cool especially for some of the younger members or newbies to see what we did or didn't do to our hair around that age. Hope this isn't already a thread.

When I was 17 I moved to Atlanta which is a place I look at as the natural hair capital. I had a major case of SD (dandruffy type scalp condition), I traded my long term relationship with pink oil for shea butter and started my transition and still didn't know jack about hair lol.

I hope some of you have more interesting stories :)
When I was 17, I got my first relaxer and LOVED IT! Loved the ability to play sports without having to worry about my hair reverting. Loved the ease of washing my hair. Loves the silkiness, the ability to flaunt my length. Just everything lol
When I was 17, my hair was in a bob, relaxed, and colored honey blond...then i put a candy apple red rinse over that:-/ Now that I think of it...my HS must have been lax about dress code...b/c @ the school that I teach at now I would be stopped at the door for that HAM. My hair was actually pretty healthy, though...I had a job and got it done in a roller-wrap/flat iron every 2 weeks...
when i was 17, my hair was my natural brown/black color, barely scraping CBL and painfully thin and greasy. I used indian hemp because i truly believed that it would grow hair despite all evidence to the contrary.
When I was 17, I was relaxed and didn't care about hair AT ALL. i did everything on the "no to do" list like sleeping without a scarf/bonnet, trimming my hair every 3-4 weeks, failing to moisturize with a leave-in or seal with oils. i used to go to the salon every week where I'd get a Dominican blow-out and if my mom didn't have money, i wouldn't DC. luckily, my hair never suffered (though i think it lost some bounce during the year that i decided to transition).
When I was 17, I was a recent high school graduate with relaxed APL hair that was also my NATURAL COLOR! Once I hit college that fall, I dyed it dark burgundy and never looked back!
When I was 17 I was a runner and a dancer. I practiced for almost 25 hours on the track and probably 20 at the dance studio every week.
Can you imagine the sweat? I was not washing my hair :blush: not to mention:

-My hair was ALWAYS out during practices, never in any protective style.
-I would wait until my next saloon visit which would be every 2.5 weeks if I was lucky.
-I owned not one hair product.
-Relaxed bone straight, and it was getting progressively shorter.

:cry: ew
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when i was 17 i started weaving to death! :lol: glue ins, sew ins and all (also lots of micros)! I looked good and that's all that mattered at first. My bangs were long to me (@ the time i thought they were) they came to my chin and they covered and blended with the very textured weave i bought (some people thought it was my hair :giggle:)
When I was 17, I was a heat-trained natural with big hair, and a steady supply of Aquanet hairspray (it was the 80's, after all).


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When I was 17, I have BSL relaxed hair that I'd put in a french roll with some pin curls on the side. As a cheerleader, I'd put it in a high ponytail and flick it around the shorter-haired girls (yeah I was that chick!).
When I was 17 I had my first relaxer went the intent to go to the Fresno relays. But I was a runner myself and didn't qualify so it was done with lots of regret. I tried to wash it out with Tide for a whole week with no avail. Luckily it didn't break or fall alll out. Just alot of shedding. I only did rollersets which I didn't know preserved my hair. After going away to college and not being a self relaxer I BC'd. Since my hair is thick and I didn't know how to use a pressing comb and took a plunged and self relaxed after a yr. Loving how I could self relax I overprocessed my hair and it all broke off. I BC'd again. Another yr passed and I relaxed. I Stayed relaxed for many many yrs and now wonder how I had long relaxed hair all these yrs with all this new knowledge. I have BC'd twice in the last 5 yrs and never really worrying about it growing back until now.
I was 17 just last year :look:. I'd started my hair journey and was just constantly browsing LHCF and other sites for tips and advice. I'd also had my last relaxer and decided to transition. I've still go quite some way to go, but hopefully I'll get there :yep:
When I was 17 my hair was at its shortest point :( I've always had BSL. I experimented with braids and color, which left me with SL or nape length :(
When I was 17 I was relaxed, SL, knew absolutley nothing about proper hair care at all and always was in a bun. I never trimmed my edges and only washed when I relaxed - Again I Knew Nothing About PROPER Hair Care - I was under the delusion that washing my hair would wash out my relaxer......:wallbash:

Every now and then I'd wear my hair down (via curling iron) or I'd bust out my microwave ponytail LOL!!!! I thought I was doin' somethin' with all that Pink Oil in my hair :lachen: - Lord thank you for LCHF.....
When i was 17 i had about 2 inches of shredded overprocessed (i always redid the ENTIRE length of my hair) texlaxed hair with honey blonde tips due to the sun and the curl activator i was using...which was my one and only hair product :(...ohhh how the years have been good to me kml :)
When I was 17......

I got a super duper haircut similar to the one seen in my avi (but shorter). I pretty much used heat everyday but I washed and DCed frequently. Actually...my hair was pretty healthy that year despite the constant heat usage. Now....18, that's when my hair started on its downward spiral.
When I was 17 black gel was my friend. I only washed when i relaxed and maybe once a month. I loved wearing my swoop and fan alternating it with a bun. my hair stayed at shoulder length though. i still remembering spraying hairspray on my bangs and curling with the highest setting. I though hearing the sizzling was a plus. i even relaxed my hair twice in one week. im surprised i had any hair at all.
When I was 17, I was just above APL natural and pressed...when I was 17.5 I was just above APL relaxed...much to my father's disappointment.

I thought I had to trim my hair every 3 weeks...lol. Do you know how long my hair would be?! There was an article in Sophisticate's Black Hair w/ Halle Berry saying she had to trim every 3 weeks. It never clicked that she was maintaining a short hair cut.
When I was 17, I had a love affair with HEAT. My electirc curling irons and I were inseparable; I used them almost daily. As a result, my natural hair was thin, with see-through ends that grazed my shoulder. :nono:
When I was 17..I rocked crunch and/or finger waves with french rolls in the back..Kept a steady supply of fantasia spritz and sprayed my hair with rainbow glitter..lmao..the 90s were a fun yet damaging time for hair
When I was 17, I had relaxed hair. All I used was relaxer, shampoo, grease, blowdryer, and curling irons. I wore my hair down or in a ponytail. That's pretty much it.
When I was 17, I was natural again ("transitioned" - didn't know the term then - for 1.5 years) and I wore my hair in a huge puff on the top of my head every day for my senior year. I was about APL. My hair grew a ton, but the ends weren't protected so I had to chop to between SL-APL before going to college.
When I was 17, I was graduating from high school with relaxed SL hair. I wanted color but my mom was against it, so I secretly used peroxide to provide little dashes of color. My peers actually considered my hair long...It was pretty healthy but I definitely was not into healthy hair practices...
I'm 17 now :grin:

And so far, it's been good. I've surivived the first three months of having all-natural hair and I am LOVIN' IT!

This week, I revealed my fro to the world (aka my school) and everyone is going crazy (good crazy) over it =D I'm so rockin' this on a regular basis!
When I was 17, color was my best friend. That and the flat iron. My hair grew a lot despite it all and now that I think about it, I used to stretch my relaxers too..

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