When I was 17, my hair was relaxed, about apl. I had jacked my hair up in middle school (curling iron on hair sprayed hair - can you say frying your hair to death) and by high school I mostly wore low ponytails, so it started to grow out. But I used to get up so early in the morning (5:30 to catch two buses), there was no way I was going to do all that everyday in the morning. So I guess I just lucked out on that front. I also would go months in tetween relaxing, but not b/c i thought it was good for my hair, I just hated the process and was lazy (My mom stopped doing them for me). Every now and again I would do my own french roll, but fave was the half up french roll and the bottom half down. If was trying to be fancy, I'd put candy curls bangs to the side with the half up french roll. But mostly the ponytail.
ETA- How could I forget, I also cut my hair that year, which started my rollercoaster ride of cut and grow, cut and grow. I wanted a cute cut like the other girls in school so I had my hair cut to a chin length bob, with the back shaved. But then I didn't like curling it (lazy), so when I discovered my relaxed hair will curl with water and grease that is how I wore it for a while, until it could fit in a ponytail again.