When did your SO tell you he loved you?


Active Member
Hi ladies,

I'm kind of excited/happy...I told myself I was going to take this relationship slower and not be the first to say the L word. So, he said it first :)

When did your SO first tell you he loved you?
Whenever I'd call him, he'd say, "Hello, the love of my life." I'd blush like crazy, LOL. A few weeks after we got serious, he told me he loved me.
Within our first month. We were talking about the future and what we wanted out of life regarding relationships and marriage. He said he waited all his life for a woman like me and never thought he'd fall in love again. After that, he tells me almost every day, in some way or another whether by text, phone or face to face. My favorite, " Did I tell you how much I love you today?" Sappy but it gets me every time...
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Days shy of This New Years Eve. We went to a hotel party. We had started seeing each other since october.

Two weeks prior He started asking me "what would you say if some one said they love you, besides ' thanks'?"

He's 33 im 24

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Took about 2.5 years. We barely saw each other in those years because he moved but one day he just said it after he got jealous about seeing guys names in my phone after visiting me lol. I think he just wanted to make sure that I understood that we were exclusive because he wasn't dating other people and well... I was.
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Sept 3, 2001. We dated for 7 months. We were in the car and he said 'ive got to tell you something that ive been wanting to tell you for a long time. I just didnt know how to say it.' At this poiny I was scared. He said 'im in love with you and have been in love with you for a long time..'

Yes...i have a good memory about some things.

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First 3 months of dating. Just got off the phone with him and he tells me six times in a row I love you.. I am so gushing right now......
Awww...thanks ladies this made me smile. Seems like most men know rather quickly how they feel about a woman.
Awww...thanks ladies this made me smile. Seems like most men know rather quickly how they feel about a woman.

I think its cute (and pretty consistent) to hear men say things like "As soon as I saw her" or "I went home and told my friends I finally found her" etc when asked about when they knew they had found someone they wanted to marry.
Within a month and a half of dating. Shoot... he had me meeting the grandparents and parents inside of the first two weeks. :lol:

We've been telling each other every day, multiple times a day, ever since. :love:
About 8 weeks into our relationship he took me out and introduced me to Hurricanes. When he thought I was drunk he told me he loved me. I popped up and said "I knew it!" LOL. We laugh about it now.
aww, y'all are making me feel all warm and mushy inside. this thread gives me hope when i am ready for that special someone to be in my life for the long haul:yep::love4:
2 months. He actually told his friends first and of course it got back to me. Then he came to me like, "I know you already know." :smirk:
Probably a couple months after we were official...it got to the point where he knew I wanted to say it and he said he had been feeling it for a while too and just said it :) I cried. After that we bragged to each other that we were telling all our friends, spray painting it on walls around town and leaving fliers on people's car professing our love to each other :look:
For those that said second, third date...did you feel the same way? You weren't taken aback?
Probably a couple months after we were official...it got to the point where he knew I wanted to say it and he said he had been feeling it for a while too and just said it :) I cried. After that we bragged to each other that we were telling all our friends, spray painting it on walls around town and leaving fliers on people's car professing our love to each other :look:

Isnt that funny how they do that? I remember meeting family and friends for the first time and hearing stuff like "So THIS is the love of your life. Let me tell you this man is CRAZY about you." I would find out this took place before he told me he loved me.

I was doing the same thing :love3:
For those that said second, third date...did you feel the same way? You weren't taken aback?
I was surprised but I felt the same way except I didnt say it back. He was like
"I'm falling in love with you"
*dead silence*
Him: I know it's way too soon to say it
Me: *nods*
Him: It's okay you don't have to say it back
Me: Okay

I was surprised but I felt the same way except I didnt say it back. He was like
"I'm falling in love with you"
*dead silence*
Him: I know it's way too soon to say it
Me: *nods*
Him: It's okay you don't have to say it back
Me: Okay



I don't know...maybe I'm just pessimistic...I'd just think a dude was running game if he told me he loved me after one date.

This thread makes me have hope though!

I don't know...maybe I'm just pessimistic...I'd just think a dude was running game if he told me he loved me after one date.

This thread makes me have hope though!

As I've gotten older, I realize that when you meet the person you want to marry, you know very very quickly.
Isnt that funny how they do that? I remember meeting family and friends for the first time and hearing stuff like "So THIS is the love of your life. Let me tell you this man is CRAZY about you." I would find out this took place before he told me he loved me.

I was doing the same thing :love3:

The first time I met his dad, we sat at the bar watching Sportscenter and talking about Lebron then when he introduced me to SO's sister, he was like "___, I'd like you to meet -PYT, your brother's future wife"

I was like :look: lol your post reminded me of that moment