When did your SO tell you he loved you?

For those that said second, third date...did you feel the same way? You weren't taken aback?

I was taken aback that he said it but not that he felt it. I knew within days of meeting my SO that he was going to fall very hard and very fast. And he did. I didn't think he would say it so soon though!:blush:

I didn't feel the same way until months later.
Within the first two weeks of us dating. Funny because I almost told him first, but he ended up telling me the following day. And we have been saying it to each other every since. I agree that the older you get, you are more sure of yourself and what you want. I am glad I am at that point in my life. I know what I want, and so does he, which is each other.

True love is a beautiful thing :giveheart: