What's your goal length?? and why?

Goal Length

  • Shoulder

    Votes: 45 3.7%
  • APL

    Votes: 120 9.9%
  • BSL

    Votes: 329 27.1%
  • Midback

    Votes: 365 30.1%
  • Waist

    Votes: 255 21.0%
  • Tailbone

    Votes: 75 6.2%
  • Classic

    Votes: 11 0.9%
  • Longer than Classic

    Votes: 12 1.0%

  • Total voters
I"m going for BSL/MBL because I have a short torso and very long legs, they are both in the same. I've never had hair near APL. I'ts always been a little past my shoulders and then it would break off and be all thing and wispy. I HATED that! But I"m also a closet short hair lover, and so I think maybe I'm always pining to cut my hair anyways. Since coming on this forum I have come to know truth, and truth, as it is written, will set you free. So black women have been filled with a bunch of stinkin thinkin about our hair, and I've never truly felt my terminal length was any longer than a little past my shoulder, and I had a hair stylist tell me that's how long my hair will ever grow. Well, now I believe my hair will grow down to my waist if I want to, and I have the expectation that it will. From the end of June to the end of August my hair grew almost 3 inches because of proper care, i'm gonna keep that going and I know I will reach my goals for thick, even MBL/BSL hair. Other than that, I dont worry about negative attention, this and that, who's going to think this and that. My appearance and beauty are all about what I think is beautiful and what I want for myself. Forget err body else! Be blessed!
My goal length is APL unstretched. In a nostalgic way, it's the longest my hair was before I got that first perm. I know it's possible for me to get back there. I don't need to be any longer than that. I am confortable with this length. I tried to photoshop myself with longer hair, and it just didn't look right. APL is enough for me. It's getting there that will suck...
My goal is full APL.

Why? Because my hair has never been that long :) After that I will just let it grow and see how long it gets, but APL is good enough for me.
Ok, it say I already voted on this poll but I can't remember what I select but I think it was BSL. Now that I have reached that I want MBL or WL.
...Because I think that long healthy hair is classic and beautiful and because it's nice to disprove ignorant people's hypothesis that our hair won't/can't grow.[/QUOTE]

:clap::clap: I couldn't agree with you more, many feel that our hair doesn't grow and will even repeat that ignorant foolishness to your face oblivious
to the insult they just paid you. :huh: :fishslap: ask me how I know.
I am aiming for WL. honestly before this year gaining lenght never really phased me, i was always concerned about the overall health of my hair instead. i was always used to cutting my hair the longer it got, but now i just cut when necessary.:yep:
My ultimate hair goal is arm pit length since I have never had hair that length since I was natural a few years back. Although right now im trucking for shoulder length (relaxed) and im almost there. I think it's a realistic role for now.
My goal length is either WL or TBL, but I chose TBL because my ultimate fantasy is to reach TBL and cut my hair back up to WL so that my hair is equal thickness from roots to ends :D. My mom asks me "why do you want hair that long?" Because it gives me something to play with! I'll have endless hours of fun contriving new ways to bun it up, twist it, braid it out, etc...And I'll have fun cutting it to certain lengths and watching it grow out again. I don't want cut it shorter than BSL, though.

P.S. It'll also be fun to see the shocked expressions on people's faces and have them ask "Is all that your hair?" lol.
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I"m going for BSL/MBL because I have a short torso and very long legs, they are both in the same. I've never had hair near APL. I'ts always been a little past my shoulders and then it would break off and be all thing and wispy. I HATED that! But I"m also a closet short hair lover, and so I think maybe I'm always pining to cut my hair anyways. Since coming on this forum I have come to know truth, and truth, as it is written, will set you free. So black women have been filled with a bunch of stinkin thinkin about our hair, and I've never truly felt my terminal length was any longer than a little past my shoulder, and I had a hair stylist tell me that's how long my hair will ever grow. Well, now I believe my hair will grow down to my waist if I want to, and I have the expectation that it will. From the end of June to the end of August my hair grew almost 3 inches because of proper care, i'm gonna keep that going and I know I will reach my goals for thick, even MBL/BSL hair. Other than that, I dont worry about negative attention, this and that, who's going to think this and that. My appearance and beauty are all about what I think is beautiful and what I want for myself. Forget err body else! Be blessed!

ITA>> As I am becoming more assured in what I like, I am certain that I love short hair styles.:lick: I have always been aware that black women's hair can grow, considering that my mother has WL plus hair, and so do other members in my family. So it isn't about proving that we can have long hair:look:. As I have gotten older I have wanted longer hair or even just longer bangs:yep:. I want SL because I think it is more flattering on me. I always choose flattering over length. If longer hair were flattering on me, I would pick it too.
I couldn't vote b/c I think hip length would be idea for me, but I'm not 100 % certain.
Why? b/c I love long healthy hair.
My goal is midback length/a couple of inches above waistlength. I think this length would look very cute on me and that I could manage it pretty well. If I can get to waistlength that would be even better but I'd be happy with midback.
My long term goal is BSL. I have many smaller goals on the way though! I want that length just because I love long hair. I've never had that length hair, but I think it would be awesome. However, if I eventually get there and it doesn't suit me I would be happy with APL.
I put my goal as APL I just want a pretty HEALTHY ponytail.. I am a dancer and I would like to have a pretty bun on top of my head!
Waist length all the way....I never had hair this long!! I would look hot with WL!!. I want to see if this is possible!! I want my mother and my sister to ki.ss my a.ss. Yes i said it!! Everytime wash my hair or something my mom is always talking s.h.i.t. She's like why you wash your hair so much, i don't see it going anywhere.....i want her to eat her words. My sister is another hater!! I want them to beg me to do their hair once i get to like apl natural hair.
Waist. Because anything more would be too long for me in my opinion. I want waist length because why not me? I know that's not a reason other's will understand, but I'm not doing it for them. It's just a length that I'd like to see my hair. I think it's a fun length w/o being too overwhelming.
My goal is Mid-back. I've acheived SL+ doing all the wrong things to my hair. I only had the look of BSL or MBL when I had extensions and had to force stylist to cut it there so it wouldnt be so unbeweavable.
I feel I will be able to maintain the health and acheive the styles I desire at that length.
When I first joined the board, I was shoulder length and set myself a short term goal of reaching APL.
I managed to do this in less than 5/6 months and now I've set myself a goal to reach BSL.
I think I will be happy at BSL, however, when I get there I may want to go for a longer length :look:.

Longer hair frames my face a lot better than shorter styles and I will be able to style my hair in so many different ways with longer hair.
I want MBL bc i've had APL for almost all my life.....BSL when i was a kid....ahnd i wouldnt know how to deal with short hair.....plus i love to flip my hair in the wind. lol
I think I am between BSL and mid-back. I had BSL before and I like it but I needed a change and cut it off...so now I am growing it back and I think I might surpass BSL this time...If it does get to midback I will add some layers to it to keep it sassy and bouncy. I can't do straight and one length.
I want BSL I cut my hair off this summer I wanted to have a change. But now I want my hair back. I'll never do that again.